Submitting reviews

  • DDNE
  • 04-13-2012, 12:47 PM
I have a few questions on submitting reviews. I suspect there is some guidance, and these questions are answered somewhere, but so far I have not come across them. My apologies if I have missed them.

1. Do I need to become a premium member to prime the pump, so to speak, or can I gain premium status by submitting an acceptable review?

2. I see there is a format for the reviews. Is that format and some general guidance conveniently available on site?

I'm looking forward to becoming a positive contributing member.

Osolomio's Avatar

Go to the main page; From whence you gained access here, and scroll down to Independent Provider Reviews (or Agency Reviews) click to open. Up top you will see two buttons on the left. One is New Thread and the other New Review. Click on New Review and follow the form. Once the Moderator Okays it you are in.

Good Luck.