Comedy forum for Shreveport?

Just wondering where are we supposed to posted entertaining prose? Why don't we have a 'Comedy' forum like the big boys?
Reckon you could check into that ole Muffin?😄
Now, that said and out for discussion allow me to quip out such an inquiry.
Imagine this dialogue in the voice of one 'Rod Man' from Last Comic Standing. (Or, if you truly are lacking in imagination, just 'Google' Rod Man doing his bit about a cop pulling him over for using the car pool lane when he is the only one in the car.
For those in MY age bracket you can substitute the voice of Redd Fox, Eddie Murphy or Richard Pryor would suffice.
Anyway, Rod Man tells about getting pulled over by a motorcycle cop for using the car pool lane while he is alone in the car. To which Rod Man responds by pointing out that 'Well uh, I notice that you are riding alone on your motorcycle, so why don't you park your motorcycle and ride with me the. We will BOTH be ok?'
Now, MY question relates to the 'Old Thread' rule on ECCIE.
You see, I understand the rule ... But. When one of US bump an old thread (sometimes not noticing how old the original IS, I have been quilty of such and just slink away hiding my hands from school marm Muffin so as not to get the preverbial knuckle whack of enforcement)
But, when Muffin da man, scolds US to 'do not bump old threads' isn't HE bumping an 'old thread'?
Hey, I'm just saying. I know my alligator mouth has overloaded my mockingbird ass more than once and I sure hope ole Muff possesses a tad bit sense of humor with my ramblings. If not, well. Guess I'll be forced to sign up for P411 after all. Sure hope some ECCIE folks will give me the OK over there.
No, wait, I wonder if Muff is da MAN on P411 too?
Anyway, I hope you mongers and loose ladies ( I do so enjoy loose ladies, especially dem wit big tits!) have enjoyed my foolishness and hope even ole Muff gains a grin as he peruses my ponderings.
Yall have a good night. Imma slipping off ta lala land. Where Muffy and Fluffy will cushion my head whilest I dream of all da big ole titties I've yet to sample. And hope to live long enough to sample a few more.
Good night.
MuffinMan's Avatar
Cowboy....I know you're just funin' and kinda'yankin my chain, but I think I'll take this opportunity to answer your questions.

Q...Will we here in the Shreveport/Bossier City get our own Comedy section?
A...Ahhhhh, NO

Q...Why is it a big deal on bumping old threads?
A...The big deal usually only applies to Reviews and Alerts.

Let me explain Alerts first. Most alert threats have a very limited shelf life. If you bump an old alert, then you'd better have new content to add and not just a "yeah, me too!" comment. If the alert thread about a sting is older than week, I guarantee you that sting is done and over and a new sting is underway.

Now, on to Reviews. I've seen new guys that come on the board and bump a 2 year stale review to add a useless "I want to see her, too" comment. Really? After that amount of time is she even still active? Why eat up bandwidth with unneeded posts.

Ok, cowboy...on to your other question. Are a mod's comments not to bump or to close an old thread actually bumping an old thread. No more than your comment yesterday to the poster that did the bumping. She bumped an inactive added to the problem, but did not "cause" it. No points for you! It's all about just streamlining the board and keeping it current and rellivant.

Finally, yes cowboy, I can take a joke! BTW... I am on p411, just like you and most likely most all mods here, but I serve no purpose there. The lovely Miss Gina is the ultimate authority there and she does an outstanding job for all of us in the community!