DHS: Missinformation and Disinformation Board

ICU 812's Avatar
Back in 2020; Did you vote for that?

My childhood memories of the Democratic party and liberals in general are thgat they were champions of Free Speech and the First Amendment.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Where has that advocacy gone?

In 2020, did you vote for a plan to subvert or repeal the First Amendment?

Oh I understand that Google, Facebook and so on are private companies and the Bill of Rights is not enforcable for their internal poicies. . . . but the Misinformation Board is an arm of the most powerful Federal Agency with internal law enforcement powers; The Department of Homeland Security.

This has got to be repealed and thrown out.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
What, you figured that the fascists now in Washington were gonna let a free thinker take over one of their biggest propaganda mills and not fight back?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hunker Down, boys!

They're comin' to gitcha!
bambino's Avatar
Hunker Down, boys!

They're comin' to gitcha! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It’s the other way around. You’re too stupid to figure it out.
ICU 812's Avatar
Interesting that there is not a lot of lefties who are clammering to tell me just how wrong I am about this.

Where are all those folks who counted up the "lies" of President Trump?

I m ust be some kind of "Truth-tard!"
The left is so possessed with their hatred for anything “Trump” that they are willing to sacrifice one of the more important aspects of the American Dream in order to promote their agenda.

The flippant remark by YR is typical, him not realizing that the his head is on the chopping block as well.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Sign sign everwere a sign ,,, the progressive socialist are outa control ,, the American dream is dying ( and fast ) to all the special interest groups
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The States and therefore their people were NOT going to ratify the US Constitution because they saw a centralized government as the worst evil on the Earth. The Bill of Rights was created to assure the States that their rights (and rights of their people) were unalienable and supreme and did come from man and therefor cannot be removed by same.

I guess some call it stupidity mixed with a serious case of narcissism, but I would call it forgetting history or not knowing it at all. At the very least, not understanding it. There was an impactful film, basically about the Pilgrims and especially their first winter called: Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasure (2012)

Ultimately in 1889 a monument to them was finished:
National Monument to the Forefathers (Built 1889)

...On the main pedestal stands the heroic figure of "Faith" with her right hand pointing toward heaven[5] and her left hand clutching the Bible. Upon the four buttresses also are seated figures emblematic of the principles upon which the Pilgrims founded their Commonwealth; counter-clockwise from the east are Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty...

In a nutshell: It was their blueprint to creating a better path of life.

The movie is a stark portrayal of what the "Pilgrims", actually called Saints or Separatists, endured to even get here (about 10 years), how they managed to barely survive the first winter (over 50% died) and how they enshrined their core beliefs to ultimately create a new, free way of living. Free meaning - free of a central government that controls everything. They spent years fleeing exactly that while risking their very lives to do so.

My point is thus: We forgot how steadfast and willing we were to risk everything while suffering immeasurable hardships in pursuit of our ideals, as Separatists, in pursuit of a better way of living and have instead set upon destroying and de-legitimizing the 5 core principles (underlined above) and become self-absorbed pussies that survive on hand outs and relegating commitment and self reliance to the very types of tyrants from which we fled in the first danged place. Those exact 5 principles have been under assault for a long time now. It is not by accident.

The exact number of fvcks to be given to these pussies? ZERO.
HedonistForever's Avatar
And they pick an "expert" at DISSEMINATING ( they call it "recognizing" ) disinformation! The Queen of disinformation if you will. Their brassiness is astounding. But just like OSHA and CDC, the courts will say the government has no such authority and may not put in place any mechanism to thwart free speech.

What an amazing turn around for the Democrat party that use to be all about free speech, the working man and woman and now is the party of the Leftist elites who want to censor free speech. Amazing.
... Sleepy Joe's sad polling numbers surely tell the tale.

The Dems are in trouble - and they know it. ... Pelosi and Schumer
and their ilk will be heading for the retirement doors soon.

And there's NOBODY to replace them.

### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Sleepy Joe's sad polling numbers surely tell the tale.

The Dems are in trouble - and they know it. ... Pelosi and Schumer
and their ilk will be heading for the retirement doors soon... Originally Posted by Salty Again
Stop, Drop and Roll! Or as Yogi Berra said: it's like Deja Vu all over again. What happened the last time the Demonicrats were in similar position between Christmas 2019 and January 15th, 2020? And they frankly were not even quite as desperate then as they are now...

How much worse will they be this time around? Thermo-nuclear? There is presently a war heating up that could put us there. It is in a country that launders their monies too...

Might be prudent to place all Demonicrats under house arrest with no phone or internet access until after the mid-terms, which they are now gravely concerned about.
bambino's Avatar
Correct Quote is:
"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, so why would we let them have ideas?"
-- Joseph Stalin

More From Stalin:

“If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.”

“Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”

“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.”
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Oh I understand that Google, Facebook and so on are private companies and the Bill of Rights is not enforcable for their internal poicies. . . Originally Posted by ICU 812
But they are publicly traded companies that can be bought out and even taken private, as they just recently learned with the Twitter, which also ended droughts world-wide from the flow of their tears. While a bit salty, the are delicious or as Pierre Delecto might say delicios-o.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” Originally Posted by bambino
Was a healthy body. The Demonicrats have been going after the 5 pillars that made us unassailable. Well.. plus the Bill of Rights. I did a little ditty over here: Square one thinking -- Suffering the Evil Pussies
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sign sign everwere a sign ,,, the progressive socialist are outa control ,, the American dream is dying ( and fast ) to all the special interest groups Originally Posted by rexdutchman
It’s “socialistS”, dummy. I strongly suggest getting your language skills fixed before they come to gitcha.