Maturity & an Open Mind

Picked up on this from another thread. Growing older...having more itme to experiment while having sex...also seems to expand one's mind or (perhaps) de-sensitize our sensibilities when it comes to trying something new. If a man in his teens or early 20's was confronted with a women holding his ucm in her mouth he'd likely cringe and run if she tried to kiss him. If a young(er) woman was requested by a man her age to "feed him back his cum" she'd likely respond " gay?" rather than see it as a chance to try something new.

I relish having grown old enough to appreciate variety and any opportunity to expand my realm of experiences. It's made life much more interesting!
Life grows shorter and we wonder what we haven't tried.
Who would have thought maturity could foster one to be less conservative in certain aspects of our life?
Ms. Athena's Avatar
I try to live by the motto "Lifes to short not to have fun"......
Butt I agree as a young person I had a conditioned mind of what sex was all about, it has taken me time to become true to myself so that I can open my mind and enjoy life without worrying about what others think and do..........Im here for the pleasure and of course sucking some sweet Slurp~~
OBringer's Avatar
I think this is going to be a great thread. As I have gotten older, I've definitely become less conservative sexually. I was in a bad marriage for years and the sex was terrible! So, enter my divorce and ensuing mid-life crisis...and my foray into the hobby. I was making up for so much lost time, that initially I would try just about anything my partner would suggest. Then I progressed and became less reactive and more proactive, trying things that I would think about myself. Somewhere along the way, I realized I had lost any inhibitions that formerly haunted me. Losing the inhibitions made me able to cross a few things off the fucket list, and I have discovered even more things that I must try. Sometimes, if I do something that a provider isn't expecting, I get that look of pleasant surprise, as if to say, "It's so great that you do/like that!" And that only turns me on further...something that only started to happen as I explored my boundaries. Bottom line is, if it feels good and is (relatively) safe, I am game!
Monica13's Avatar
When i was younger I was actually prudish. Now that I'm older I'm game for just about anything that feels good. I woke up one day and decided to actually live.
CajunGent's Avatar
I think this brief video portrays a young man learning something new...<smile>
Gotyour6's Avatar
I am seeing a 19 year old girl and she told me I was opening her mind to a whole new world. I told her to tell her next boyfriend he is welcome and smiled.
Looking back, I was such a hypocrite. I had no tolerance for "switching" or Prostidomme's. Even though I was a provider!! For some odd reason, I felt I had to stick to these rigid rules for Domming and sex. Now, I just don't give a shit! If I want to be submissive, be vanilla, switch or wear a damn clown suit while I get it on...I don't care!! I am good with it
jbravo_123's Avatar
I'm not certain mental openness is a factor of age as much as a factor of experience. Think about all those older people who still have hang ups about homosexuals or even interracial couples. How about all those older people who still staunchly believe that anything other than missionary position is wrong?

The very fact that we are here on this board already skews the demographic here towards people who are more sexually liberal. I think being surrounded by your peers who also tend to think the same way may skew our perceptions some?
Excellent point. Self improvement and personal growth doesn't necessarily come with age. It's painfully apparent to me everyday. Tolerance is another thing I personally working on, lol! I tend to isolate, because I just don't relate to the socially "normal" people whatever that means!
stickitinyou's Avatar
I'm not certain mental openness is a factor of age as much as a factor of experience. Think about all those older people who still have hang ups about homosexuals or even interracial couples. How about all those older people who still staunchly believe that anything other than missionary position is wrong?

The very fact that we are here on this board already skews the demographic here towards people who are more sexually liberal. I think being surrounded by your peers who also tend to think the same way may skew our perceptions some? Originally Posted by jbravo_123
I think you are on to something JB. I think this site and specifcally the Another Realm group has really opened my mind. I am now thinking about things I never did before I 1. found this site 2. even more so when I found the AR thread.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Imo, it's really your environment that will expand your horizons. As many have shown, look at how your outlook on sexuality has changed since entering the hobby (both as a hobbyist or as a provider). Reading on the board about people's exploits and what turns some on / off, what people like to do, etc. and the constant exposure to it can really change one's thoughts on what was previously taboo and unthinkable to them.

You actually see a very similar effect when people go to college, for example. At many universities (I won't say all), as a student, you're forced to interact with people from varying different social, financial, and racial backgrounds from what you grew up with. Being constantly exposed to that expands your mind and makes you more open and better at dealing with people from all walks of life in the future.

So you can think of ECCIE as a kind of free form sex college!