Dallas is back on the front page of CNN ...

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Well, I was up early this morning and the first thing that I noticed was the bombs found at the Dallas police headquarters and now, there is a standoff in Hutchins?

Garland last month. McKinney last week. This, today.

We are having a real issue, overall in the US, between the police and well, others. Not sure what the solution could be.

Have no idea who is involved with this latest situation. Guess we will find out soon enough.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I couldn't sleep, and had the radio on and heard about the initial shooting around 2:30 am? then later the standoff.. got up thinking I would see live coverage at 5:00, and all I saw was paid advertisement shows.. guess we have to wait for network news at 5:30 pm for a full accounting.

interesting.. with the Garland ISIS deal, Mckinney, and this, we've suddenly become good national police blotter material..
Chung Tran's Avatar
suspect shot dead.. motive for DPD Headquarters bombing stemmed from incident 2 years ago, when he gathered explosives for a planned attack on others.. lost his job and son after the charges..

I suppose he wanted to reinforce the charges that branded him a Terrorist..
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Yeah. I was up off and on all night as well. Couldn't sleep. Finally just got up around 6 AM and was doing my regular internet news search and it was on the front page of wfaa.com

Fox didn't have much about it. And CNN had it on their front page.

I was out of pocket all morning and just getting back online. Guess we'll all learn what happened.

Thanks for the update, Chung Tran.
The asshole came in locked and loaded for mass mayhem.


I'm surprised this nut could buy a gun-ported, armored assault vehicle on eBay. Crazy!
it crazy out here now, you have to be on point all the time and no matter where you at now.. mall, movies, Wal-Mart.. the list goes on and on.. it just crazy

Mr. Rogers's Avatar
CNN reporter, Fredricka Whitfield, called the shooter brave and courageous. Why anyone trusts any of these "news" agencies is beyond me.
I was actually in that area last night - I had no clue what was going on, except that the DPD had barricaded a couple a blocks.

Nonetheless, I'm looking into buying one of those armored vans. Might need one for a zombie apocalypse.

The things you can get on EBay . . .
Whoops - Double post!!
jdkees's Avatar
Nonetheless, I'm looking into buying one of those armored vans. Might need one for a zombie apocalypse. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
/me scribbles down Adrienne in his list of "people to find during zombie apocalypse".

(yes, I really have a list. stop laughing)
shooter6.5's Avatar
It is truly turning into a crazy world.

I could reflect back on stories in this hobby and many other real world experiences. Elizabeth knows my background so she and a few others will relate. It is not getting better and will not for a long time. And it is not law enforcement that is responsible to take care of you. Each person is responsible for themselves, and their family.

That shooter yesterday wanted to commit suicide by cop. That is not all that uncommon. He was successful. A lot was going on in his life and from what I see, none of it was good.

Dallas has always been a dangerous place in certain areas, just not covered by the news media as much.

A lot of folks on this board need to be a lot more


after all you are playing in a dangerous and not so nice profession at times. And from the # of stupid posts I read many are existing in a fantasy world
This is some crazy situations that's going on. Some people need serious help.