private connection

I just wanted to say i have been around for a LONG time. Some of you know me, others do not. At any rate, I miss private connection. It was so easy to use that service. It is such a hassle to book with people now adays, in hindsight that agency was so easy to use. I would just pick up the phone and say "who is available in an hour?" Krista would tell me and an hour later I would be walking in to the room of a beautiful provider.

There are times that I just want to see someone spur of the moment. Like right now. Im sorry that they left, I know that things ran its course, but man i miss that place!

P411 is your friend in times of need.
dude, P411 is indeed my friend, but privateconnection was a much easier friend to know. LOL
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
p411 has a real time ad section now so that cam kinda give you an idea about who is online and available
Piper Posh is still available. She has a showcase here and P411 account. Beautiful, intelligent woman.
real time ad section?
real time ad section? Originally Posted by cage196
Yeah, it has some cool new features.

1)When you look at ladies in a particualr city it lists all the ones that are online at that point in time first, ahead of the girls that are offline, and I think there is a little icon that says, "online now."

2)We have the daily ads boards where providers can post an ad every day. This is great because if we wake up in the morning and we decide we are available from Xtime to Xtime we just hop on there and post an ad. This is brand new, like a few months old, and I totally wish more guys would make use of it!
TexasFlip's Avatar
All that's needed now, is real-time chat and p411 is set (for the guys that get on looking for the right now set-up)
Yes but what i have found is some ladies just stay logged on at all times.
Yes but what i have found is some ladies just stay logged on at all times. Originally Posted by cage196
No, Gina has made it to where it is impossible to stay logged in if you are not actually at the computer or actively using the site from your smartfone. This is something new that she has implemented in the past six months or so.

It's a slight pain because even if I am at the computer I have to keep logging in if I forget to go back to the site often enough, but I don't mind because it is a failsafe that keeps ladies that are not really at the computer from abusing the "online-now" feature.

It really was a stroke of genius on her part, for just the reason that you mentioned! No more online-now status if I am out running errends, so I cannot cheat the system. I can log into P411 on my smartfone while I am out and about, but then I really AM online and getting my PMs instantly so it's really not cheating.
roadfun's Avatar
I'm liking the new ad board feature at p411. I've had a few issues with it but we've now established a zen relationship where it is working. Just wish more of the gals made use of it.
wow. bad ass..... Thank you for the tip.
roadfun's Avatar
One feature of that ad board I like - the gals can list prices.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
yup I love the new p411 ad board, I just wish more guys knew about them
roadfun's Avatar
Hey Jules - I think all the guys should check out what you're doing w/that purple thang over on that ad board :-D