yeah, about cell phones...

This is more for the ladies, but...

It's legal: cops seize cell phone, impersonate owner

"In November 2009, police officers in the state of Washington seized an iPhone belonging to suspected Prohibited Subject. While the phone was in police custody, a man named Prohibited sent a text message to the device, reading, "Hey whats up dogg can you call me i need to talk to you." Suspecting that Prohibited was looking to buy Prohibited from Prohibited Topic, Detective Prohibited replied to the message, posing as Prohibited. With a series of text messages, he arranged to meet Prohibited in the parking lot of a local grocery store—where Prohibited was arrested and charged with attempted possession of Prohibited subject."

The full legal opinion the above article is based on can be read here:,5&as_ylo=2012
if you spend time texting with your regulars, you will instictly know their personalities and someone trying to pretend to be them is pretty easy to pick up on,

you can always tell when its the pimp /SO or actually her
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
This is one of the reasons I don't use a cell for business. I also do not save contact info, texts, emails, ect... I delete everything immediately.
This is one of the reasons I don't use a cell for business. I also do not save contact info, texts, emails, ect... I delete everything immediately. Originally Posted by AlbanyBlonde
That doesn't matter.
Believe one of the Homeland Security 'anti-terrorist' regs now requires all cell phone companies to save logs of all calls made on their phones. If LE confiscates your cell with everything deleted they can go to the company and see all calls made and received if they desire. Big Brother is here!
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
The same could be said for monitoring sites like this one or BP. If they want to they can trace a User's IP Address in an instant. I like to think that unless someone is raising Red Flags, it is not worth the time or trouble.
Don't they still need to obtain a Search Warrant to go through electronic records?
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
Call records don't prove anything anyway, except that a call was made/received. The contents of the conversation are anyone's guess, unless they are tapping your phone.
Call records don't prove anything anyway.... Originally Posted by AlbanyBlonde
They prove a connection existed, which some would rather not be known, between 2 people when there are dozens of calls on record.
The same could be said for monitoring sites like this one or BP. If they want to they can trace a User's IP Address in an instant. I like to think that unless someone is raising Red Flags, it is not worth the time or trouble.
Don't they still need to obtain a Search Warrant to go through electronic records? Originally Posted by AlbanyBlonde
That's how LE infiltrated, then shut down the Big Doggie (sp) site a few years ago.
Search warrants are not difficult for LE to get nowadays.
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
That seems like a lot of effort to prove someone is seeing an Escort, unless that person happens to be misusing tax dollars, and is the Governor of some state, lol!
cowboy8055's Avatar
If LE is focused on someone they will get any info they want. There is no hiding. I think Offshore's signature line says it well "We are all nuts to be here" LOL