visiting next week

TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
Hi all! I need to get a room next Monday and Tuesday. A two room suite would be ideal as I am bringing a girl friend too. Any ideas? Maybe a happy hour drink with a nice guy or two as well?
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I can choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution.

I'm canceling my trip due to lack of interest. There is no way for me to screen interested gentlemen last minute. I'm just not going allow myself to stoop to that kind of practice as it teaches gentlemen to expect that from visiting girls.
srvfin's Avatar
Honey...... I had read your post and just generalized that you were not coming to my area even though you didn't bother to say which city you were planning on visiting. North and East now has 4 sub-categories that include: North of Dallas, Texarkana, Tyler/Longview, and my neck of the woods Beaumont/Port Arthur. As you can see that covers a lot of real estate. In the future it would probably be best if you would post an ad in one of those sections, then come back to Coed and let everyone know that you did and that you are looking forward to the visit.

So if you ever make it to my part of the state, I'm always good for happy hour with a pretty lady or two....