A trillion here a trillion there

And all of a sudden we're talkin real money

A Selfish Case for a Trillion-Dollar Coin

Honestly, other coins and bills should be rooting for the trillion-dollar coin. It’d be a big day for cash, which gets a bad rap these days. Stores are going cashless. People buy coffee with their phones. I know this, because I stand behind them as they try to buy coffee with their phones.
“I’m convinced we’re going to get it done,” Mr. Biden said during a speech at Capitol Child Development Center in Hartford, Conn., on Friday. “We’re not going to get $3.5 trillion. We’ll get less than that, but we’re going to get it. And we’re going to come back and get the rest.”

You are are you?
"Everything sucks because Biden is so awesome!"
And don't even thinck that paring this economy killer in half is actually going to cut anything at all.....

The $2 Trillion Is Phony Too

Biden is bowing to the left again by keeping new entitlements and disguising their cost.

Democrats say they’re working hard to pare back their $3.5 trillion tax and spending bill to $2 trillion to please House and Senate dissenters, but don’t believe it. What they’re really doing is working hard to pack $4 trillion in new programs into a $2 trillion disguise that sounds less radical than it is.

So much for the good news. The bad is that Democrats want to retain every other big-ticket entitlement in fiscal drag. The biggest trick is a false sunset. News reports say the child allowance of $3,000 or $3,600 will last for only one year instead of five as in the House bill. This will cost $120 billion instead of $556 billion.

But the sunset is a ruse, since Democrats plan to renew the child allowance ad infinitum. Its real cost over 10 years is $1 trillion and another trillion the decade after that. This is a huge addition to the structural deficit—an entitlement for the middle-class without a work requirement—that will eventually be financed by higher taxes.
As the talks and leaks continue, my advice is to follow the programs more than the top-line budget number that is sure to be phony. What matter are the new entitlements that will grow future spending and corrode the incentive to work, and the taxes that will reduce economic growth. Most of the rest is spin.
From Nancy Pelosi... fahkin priceless.....

Polls this month show many voters don’t know much about what Democrats are proposing in the bill and don’t believe the legislation will help them personally. A CBS poll found just 10% of voters said they knew many of the specifics of what was in the legislation. A CNN poll found that only a quarter of voters said they would be better off if Democrats passed the legislation alongside a separate infrastructure bill. That compares with 32% who said they would be worse off and 43% saying they would be about the same.

Asked about the CBS poll, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (S., Calif.) said voters would come around. “Whether they know it or not, they overwhelmingly support it,” she said earlier this month.
