New a&E show 8 minutes

  • cr76
  • 03-31-2015, 08:19 PM

New A & E show about a pastor and former Cop Kevin Brown who tries to resuce girls from the sex industry.

This promo mentioned Houston as being the epicenter of sex trafficking.

I wonder if this new show was shot here?
Sexy Katrina's Avatar
It sounds like a crappy show to me.

How did he decide that 8 minutes was all the time he needed to convince these women to go with him and keep himself "safe".
^^^^^ it's opposite that. He said he gets only 8 minutes before things start going wrong and becoming dangerous a pimp showing up i guess.

That's what i understood from some other info.
Sexy Katrina's Avatar
^ Yeah that's what I got from the part about "keeping everyone safe" but 8 minutes seems like a very random number to me.
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
  • cr76
  • 03-31-2015, 10:10 PM
My bad