Remove some of the guesswork...

...from travel or even locally.

If you're doing well, stop reading. If you could use a little help or are just curious, keep reading.

In a nutshell, I want to help you predict success. If you hate going to a city and losing money and/or wasting time, I might be able to help. Feel free to keep using intuition and other tools you already have. I would supplement those tools, not replace them. I will analyze data that you provide and provide you with a formula and how to use it. If the data do not provide a useful formula (it happens), I won't charge you. If you have enough data, I can provide a general formula, and I can provide separate formulas by city.

In terms of what I will charge, I'll do a few free ones for early adopters. You can help me in terms of getting the word out and/or helping me set a good price range.

In terms of discretion, I'll send more detail about sending data, but I DON'T need to know how you define success (don't tell me), and the predictors you choose do NOT need meaningful labels (P1, P2, P3, etc.). I understand discretion is important.

Who TF am I? Yeah, I know, joined in 2009, no posts until now. I've been on vacation from the hobby. I still am (so, good news: I won't be asking for freebies or service exchange). But I need extra cash, and I gots skillz (well data analysis skills). Some of the Corpus folks can tell you who I am. Some of you may remember me from other boards.

So, PM me if you want to give it a try.

Here's a sample (I just made up the numbers) for those who might be confuserated...


Again, I don't need or want to know how you define success. As long as a 0-100 scale is used, I'm good. I also don't need to know what the predictors are, and I don't need to know what the cities are.

Anyway, with the data above, you get a good formula for each city and overall. City 1 data produces the best formula (less error); City 2 data produced the formula with the most error, but again, the data produced three good formulas. NOTE, P2 is not part of any of the formulas -- not a useful predictor.

Overall formula: S = 8.6*P1 + 54.34
City 1 formula: S = 9.5*P1 + 51.5
City 2 formula: S = 7*P1 + 60

How do you use the formula?
For the city one formula and P1 = 5, plug this into google... (9.5*5)+51.5
For the city one formula and P1 = 4, plug this into google... (9.5*4)+51.5
And so on.

So, whatever P1 is, the forumla predicts: the lower P1 gets, the worse you will do in terms of Success. If you are making a decision, and you're not sure, the formula can help you decide.

For those who are still awake, I can provide more detail if you are curious.

Soonerman12's Avatar
Interesting.. This isn't too be harsh, but this is inaccurate. I applaud what you are trying to do, however. In fact, I kind of like it. Going through introductory statistics many years ago, I was deeply impressed with the multiple regression formula also.

Here is what you need to correct:

1st. You've given out the standard regression formula
2nd. Choosing the right predictors is important. I would never leave this to a client and just plug the formula into google analytics. Two things that are often not taught in introductory statistics are the concepts of multicollinearity and Matrix ill-conditioning.
3rd. You've made an assumption that there will be sufficient data recorded and enough of it to actually meet the prerequisites of having a good data set. In the real world, this is often not the case. The formula doesn't work with a set of data that does not meet requirements.

I'm going to leave the rest of this alone, but I would suggest using an Excel What-IF analysis..

Also, understand that it is very unlikely that the predictions will be accurate with the amount of data that each provider has.

I still applaud you, however, for trying to bring a statistical slant to this business model. I'm not saying this is good or bad; it is just that the possibility of error is very high.
Oakfo's Avatar
  • Oakfo
  • 06-02-2012, 12:05 PM
Wow good point
Interesting.. This isn't too be harsh, but this is inaccurate. I applaud what you are trying to do, however. In fact, I kind of like it. Going through introductory statistics many years ago, I was deeply impressed with the multiple regression formula also.

Here is what you need to correct:

1st. You've given out the standard regression formula
2nd. Choosing the right predictors is important. I would never leave this to a client and just plug the formula into google analytics. Two things that are often not taught in introductory statistics are the concepts of multicollinearity and Matrix ill-conditioning.
3rd. You've made an assumption that there will be sufficient data recorded and enough of it to actually meet the prerequisites of having a good data set. In the real world, this is often not the case. The formula doesn't work with a set of data that does not meet requirements.

I'm going to leave the rest of this alone, but I would suggest using an Excel What-IF analysis..

Also, understand that it is very unlikely that the predictions will be accurate with the amount of data that each provider has.

I still applaud you, however, for trying to bring a statistical slant to this business model. I'm not saying this is good or bad; it is just that the possibility of error is very high. Originally Posted by Soonerman12
I understand the assumptions of multiple regression. The example was meant to be simple, and a discussion of statistical assumptions may have detracted from the simplicity.

Starting with the provider's opinion, I'd like to let the data determine which predictors are good or bad. I also understand the data may not yield useful results. I hinted at this in my initial post. However, we won't know unless we try.

Although Excel is not my favorite, I'll take a look (thanks). Sharing the results discreetly and securely, is a concern of mine.