Governors - Obamacare is here to stay

flghtr65's Avatar
Looks like the governors who were against Obamacare are changing their mind.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Whatever happened to "Prohibition" and "Slavery"?
Whatever happened to "Prohibition" and "Slavery"? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You can tell that IB and JD Idiot are identical twins. If they don't like the topic, they immediately hijack the thread and try to shift the conversation to something totally unrelated.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You can tell that IB and JD Idiot are identical twins. If they don't like the topic immediately hijack the thread and try to shift the conversation to something totally unrelated. Originally Posted by bigtex
You can tell BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat is a lib-retarded jackass, because he starts flame threads and then gets upset and screams "hijack" when he is rebutted and has his ignorant, lame-ass handed to him for being a lying hypocrite.
BigLouie's Avatar
Whatever happened to "Prohibition" and "Slavery"? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I am sure you are sorry to see them go
You can tell BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat is a lib-retarded jackass, because he starts flame threads and then gets upset when his ignorant ass is exposed as being a hypocrite.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I suppose both of the Idiot Twins are now comfortably on board. As if that is a surprise! In any event they both feel that "prohibition" and/or "slavery" is well within the topic of discussion for the ACA.

No wonder they are both Idiot's!
I B Hankering's Avatar
I suppose both of the Idiot Twins are now comfortably on board. As if that is a surprise! In any event they both feel that "prohibition" and/or "slavery" is well within the topic of discussion for the ACA.

No wonder they are both Idiot's! Originally Posted by bigtex
The world would be a better place if you just employed your "suppositions" as anal "suppositories", BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat; hence, they would be gracefully hidden from sight while controlling your embarrassing leakage while in public.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
You can tell that IB and JD Idiot are identical twins. If they don't like the topic, they immediately hijack the thread and try to shift the conversation to something totally unrelated. Originally Posted by bigtex
Oh, the BigTex/Yssup theorem.
Oh, the BigTex/Yssup theorem. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Dismissed! You may return now to your "Janitorial Staff" duties.

Take IB and JD with ya! Ya hear? I heard that IB is quite good at licking the bowl clean.
BigLouie's Avatar
Republicans are slowly starting to realize that the so called Obamacare is here to stay. It is no longer possible to remove it. So many people have signed up that to try to remove it would result in the extension of the Republican party. The removal would mean that millions of Americans would suddenly be without health insurance and those with serious existing conditions would also suddenly not be covered but would also be unable to get coverage. Plus insurance companies would rush to raise premiums with the laws regulating them gone. The result for the Republican party would be catastrophic. They would basically cease to exist. Oh if you're rich and healthy you would be fine but for everyone else it would not be.
Sorry biglouie but its not "so many have signed up" its basically a wash at this point with the unhealthy predominately those that have enrolled. BTW, signed up is the same as "paid up."

But keep spouting the party line. Like Hitler said, keep repeating the same lie often enough and everyone will accept it as truth.
I don't think they are changing their minds in such a manor as to say they were wrong about their initial inclination that Obamacare was bad legislation. I think their change of heart is based primarily on the fact that Obamacare is Law and it just makes more sense to go along to get along. It's much easier to implement something into law than it is to reverse the process.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You can tell that IB and JD Idiot are identical twins. If they don't like the topic, they immediately hijack the thread and try to shift the conversation to something totally unrelated. Originally Posted by bigtex

Hey Shitwad, you can't be that stupid that you can't understand the question. You don't want to answer because you know that when, and if you do, you lose the argument and make the OP look stupid. Grow some balls and answer the question.

Hell, even Biden has admitted that they are not going to make it...unless they do a Soviet style numbers change.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hysterical. Yeah, healthcare, slavery and prohibition. Three things for which the Idiot Twins yearn with their singular being.
Mainstream Republicans - McConnell, McCain, Christi, Cornyn, et al, had NO intention of getting rid of Obamacare......they love the empowerment it gives central government planners......

Conservatives on the other hand wanted it defanged and shot dead.

Republicans are slowly starting to realize that the so called Obamacare is here to stay.... Originally Posted by BigLouie