Goodbye Harold, I thought you were funny.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Harold Ramis (Ghost Busters, Stripes, and Second City) is dead at 69 years of age. Known as an actor by the public he was more known as a writer by the entertainment industry. His works included Ghostbusters, Groundhog's Day, Stripes, Animal House and Caddy Shack.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
The man was a genius.

Caddy Shack and Groundhog Day were brilliant masterpieces.
He achieved total consciousness. Thanks Harold.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't call IBH. He'll shit in your mess kit!

RIP Dr. Spengler.
this is a strange forum to post an obit to a great funny man....
you realize not every post you do has to be in the political forum....
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Not everything in this forum is political either.

Thanks JD, there are a lot of people in this forum that admired the guy.