The Economy Is A Mess UnlessYour Rich As Trump Breaks Another Promise!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Deplorables keep pointing to the stock market as some kind of sign that the economy is doing well, that’s wrong. Only 50% of the population is invested into the market and those are typically persons in better jobs already doing well. The other 50% are still stuck in low paying part time jobs with no benefits and no retirement plans. These are the people Trump was supposed to help, remember the promises he made to miners? The facts are the Economy is worse off because of Trump as he has created more debt and zero help for those actually in need.

At some point Trumps Tax Scam giveaway to the wealthy is going to create a recession and possible depression when this short term unnecessary stimulus tax package Adrenalin starts to wear off and the looming debt effects the economy negatively dragging it down.

Thank god that President Obama handed Trump a thriving economy that has not yet buckled under the weight of Trumps failed policies but it can only take so much pressure, Trump and republicans must go away!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You are an idiot. For a person that claims to be educated and a professor, you are dumber than a brick bat.

Unemployment among black people falls to historic lows as a result of the Trump administration.

Get a clue, dumbass.
Deplorables keep pointing to the stock market as some kind of sign that the economy is doing well, that’s wrong. Only 50% of the population is invested into the market and those are typically persons in better jobs already doing well. The other 50% are still stuck in low paying part time jobs with no benefits and no retirement plans. These are the people Trump was supposed to help, remember the promises he made to miners? The facts are the Economy is worse off because of Trump as he has created more debt and zero help for those actually in need.

At some point Trumps Tax Scam giveaway to the wealthy is going to create a recession and possible depression when this short term unnecessary stimulus tax package Adrenalin starts to wear off and the looming debt effects the economy negatively dragging it down.

Thank god that President Obama handed Trump a thriving economy that has not yet buckled under the weight of Trumps failed policies but it can only take so much pressure, Trump and republicans must go away! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
It's not what you make but what you can save and how you invest and manage your money. It's been said many times that a rich man can give all his money to a poor person and within a ten year period the once wealthy man will gain all his wealth back and the once poor man will be poor again. Being wealthy is a skill set which most of us have never mastered. Being poor is the lack there of. Economies good or bad don't rest exclusively on the shoulders of a President.

Hey StandinInShit, the economy was an even bigger fucked up mess under Osama, and you know it was, but of course you'll never bring yourself to admit that ..... you Libturds need to learn when to pick your battles, for example, do you really think people are going to be upset with Trump's tax plan when they realize they, and not the government, are keeping more of their money? ..... you're so traumatized over it benefiting the rich to understand that there's cuts in it for the middle class, too ..... and you still want to give Osama the credit when it took putting a businessman in the White House to kick start the stockmarket into the stratosphere? .....
LexusLover's Avatar
Dow Jones Industrial Average

INDEXDJX: .DJI - Jan 5, 3:53 PM EST

25,287.32 ............. 212.19 (0.85%)
Thanks Obaminable for helping to defeat HillariousNomore!
LexusLover's Avatar
Hey StandinInShit, the economy was an even bigger fucked up mess under Osama, .... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
The can't hear you when his head is up his ass!

Budman's Avatar
I thought you claimed this was Obama's economy.
flghtr65's Avatar
give Osama the credit when it took putting a businessman in the White House to kick start the stockmarket into the stratosphere? ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
The DJIA went from 7,000 points to 19,000 points under Obama, a gain of 12,000 points. If the DJIA hits 30,000 under Trump the gain will be about the same. When Bush43 left office the DJIA was down and falling fast!
The DJIA went from 7,000 points to 19,000 points under Obama, a gain of 12,000 points. If the DJIA hits 30,000 under Trump the gain will be about the same. When Bush43 left office the DJIA was down and falling fast! Originally Posted by flghtr65
So what did Obama specifically do to make that gain?

flghtr65's Avatar
So what did Obama specifically do to make that gain?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
1. Bailed Out Wall Street, The Banks, and the Auto Industry.

2. Got the Unemployment rate down to 5% from 10%.

3. Added millions of jobs.

4. Reduced the Federal Budget deficit from 1.5T to 560 Billion which put the USA in a better position for a tax cut.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
1. Bailed Out Wall Street, The Banks, and the Auto Industry.

Bush began that initiative, Obama continued it. so who really owned it? bitch.

2. Got the Unemployment rate down to 5% from 10%.

3. Added millions of jobs.

so is that two points trying to make one? you don't even make either claim. idiot

4. Reduced the Federal Budget deficit from 1.5T to 560 Billion which put the USA in a better position for a tax cut. Originally Posted by flghtr65

oh WOW! really???? prove that idiot. the deficit under Barry has doubled in his two terms over all modern presidents combined!

explain that. dufus.
flghtr65's Avatar
oh WOW! really???? prove that idiot. the deficit under Barry has doubled in his two terms over all modern presidents combined!

explain that. dufus. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Hillbilly, the Federal Budget deficit and the rolling debt are two different things. Your hero Bush43 left Obama with a Federal Budget deficit of 1.5 Trillion dollars in 2009. Obama shaved off 1 Trillion and left Trump with about a Federal Budget deficit of 560 billion in 2017. See the graph below. The accounting period for the Federal Budget goes from June to June. At the end of the period the Federal Budget Deficit or Surplus gets added to the rolling debt. The rolling debt is not shown here.

LexusLover's Avatar
Obaminable took office in 2009, right?

But I'm glad you mentioned Bush ....

LexusLover's Avatar
1. Bailed Out Wall Street, The Banks, and the Auto Industry.
Originally Posted by flghtr65
Obaminable took office in 2009, right?

But I'm glad you mentioned Bush ....

Originally Posted by LexusLover
And just what were they discussing after the election of 2008?

What's Obaminable done to assist Trump's TRANSITION?

Bush was CLASS .... Obaminable has been TRASH!

On another note, since you are the resident "expert" on the "wonderful" ACA (as you apparently believe) being terminated from a 40+ hour a week job with benefits (health care for the family) and put on a contract basis, a 30-hour work week, and/or a 20-hour part-time job requiring obtaining a 2nd job to make ends meet ....


Neither is borrowing money and hiring more federal employees!

Or giving money to "agenda industries" to keep them afloat for photo-ops is NOT CREATING JOBS!

(Look who's smiling!)

The reality during the years from 2009 to 2017 is that the horrendous debt was generated, wages fell, employment hours fell, and YOUR MAN Obaminable pissed off a bunch of taxpayer money to SHORE UP his agenda and give the appearance that he was doing a great job. You drank his snake oil he sold for 10 years.

I know a lot of folks who would take your little bar graphs, roll them up, and shove them up your ass! That's why they voted for Trump, and that's why Trump won. Even those who originally drank the "snake oil" to which you got addicted.

Many ended up working shorter hours or two part-time jobs and their health insurance premiums went from around $200 a month for their family to $1,200 to $1,500 for the family. I know families in which the wife went back to work just to pay the health insurance premiums ... for the family.

They don't "qualify" for a subsidy to pay their increased costs or they were too proud to ask for the GOVERNMENT TIT! But you and Obaminable count two part-time jobs as TWO JOBS and brag about how many people got enrolled in "Obamacare" WITH GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES!

Now about that "Auto Industry" YOUR MAN "BAILED OUT"!


"Detroit becomes largest U.S. city to enter bankruptcy"

Keep tossing bullshit and those worthless bar graphs.

Hang on to them. You'll need them in about 7 years!

For one: When Bush was elected in 2000 the country was in a recession and had been for a good 6-8 months, so your candidates buddy, HillariousNoMore, was getting her "education" in preparation for her run for the White House by learning how to drive the country into a recession, which may be why folks didn't vote for her ass either ....

For two: Borrowing money and pissing it off is not good economics! See Solyndra.
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