Vent Exchange

So I was celibate for nearly 11 months and decided to break that recently. I saw a few providers, hit a few amps, acquired a SB-lite, and even picked up a few old walker acquaintances. So after about 5 weeks back on the scene I have to scream from the mountain top that I am dismayed and offended. We use the term provider for the ladies but gentlemen we are just as much if not more. A lady will see several donars in one day and most of us will see one recipient a week depending on funding. Most of us, men and women alike can get a partner for companionship with little financial exposure, however a lot of us that choose this life, at least on the Male side is because of the convenience and in the female side the financial gain. The only professions that charge $200+/hr are advanced degrees at the PhD level and sex work. Here's the kicker, you aren't being paid for your expertise, you're being paid more like an amusement park, it's about the experience and the ride. Most men in the community probably make $20/hr or less and still have family obligations and yet they work 10+ hours just to spend one hour with you to pretend that you actually like fucking them and being around them. A female that does 10 hours in appointments at $200 each would have $2000 (2 dates a day for 5 days and 2 days off) and the average male would work 10 hours to make $200 to see a female for an hour. These are supposed to be mutually beneficial arrangements so for the love of all things hoeish quit acting like you're doing someone a fuckin favor because you're one of the few million people in the metroplex that is willing to pay her and for ladies to quit acting like you're doing guys a favor when there are tens of thousands that would gladly do what you do for free. This is a market not a charity. Get over yourselves and find common ground. I like to spend money and fuck, you like to get money and fuck. Ok let's figure this out!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Dude, nobody has ever died from not paying for pussy. What is your beef about? If you don't want to pay for pussy, then don't pay for it (I have to admit I didn't read all of your post because of the lack of paragraphs.)

I always laugh when guys try to calculate hooker economics. I am not sure how a lady prices their body to have sex with someone they probably are not even remotely attracted to. Until a dude can objectively price how much it would take to constantly fuck the disgusting Roseanne Barrs in the world on a daily basis for income, there is not much to say IMO about hooker rates.

It just seems to me that the people who bitch about these ladies' rates should find a real hobby to do that they can actually afford on a regular basis. Paying for pussy is not a hobby. It's a luxury. Luxuries in life cost more than a real hobby.

Anyway folks, happy 4th you fucking perverts
I was drunk and irritated with some ladies and their funky ass attitudes. The point was supposed be less about economics and more about attitudes and perspective. I just think some ladies should be a lot more appreciative of the fact that a lot of us have to work multiple hours just to spend one hour with them, so who's the real provider in that sense? Anyways consider this to be shut down to avoid being a buzzkill. Ps thanks for the honesty of not reading the whole post before making a comment.👌
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Got to love the ones who DRUNK Post
And where do YOU have the right / Or anyone should tell us how much we are worth .

I don't like paying $4 a Gallon for gas in Ca. but guess if I want to drive I have too.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
double post
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 07-04-2019, 09:52 AM
maybe the old saying "nothing good happens after 2 am" is right, which would include drunk posting
I dont recall mentioning anything about anyone's worth. If you equate a paycheck or a profession into worth, then that's your own issue to sort through.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I have to say that there are not just a few, but many many providers who think and give off the impression that they are doing hobbyists a favor by taking their money and seeing them for what amounts to be a go through the motions session. It is obvious that those ladies have an apparent disdain for guys that pay for a service and servicing them.
This started as a drunk post but it wasnt random. I was sitting down to write reviews for June and as I started going back over the experiences the attitude was the common theme I noticed. I got catfished (older pics) but felt obligated to stay, 4 amp visits 2 out of 4 were good and the bad ones were from the really pretty girls with fucked up attitudes, sugar baby was fun the first couple of meetings and then she lost her mind asking for shit like to borrow my car to go out of state with another guy (no home training), and even my old friend the walker looking offended when I insisted on cbj (they know they live life in the express lane). That's why i made the distinction between paying for an orgasm versus paying for an experience. From $40-$1000 your price is your business and what I'm willing to pay is mine, like I said the dollars exchanged isn't the real issue, it's the attitude after the exchange. Did we both feel respected and appreciated for the transaction of doing business together or did someone feel owed something from the other or feel a sense of superiority. That's what the venting was for. In my own personal experience for the month of June out of the 13 encounters that I had, only 5 of them were truly enjoyable.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I think if you research, you'll find that a lot of ladies are not that way at all. I'm always appreciative that someone has chosen me, out of all the other ladies in the area, to spend their time with and I truly believe this is the very definition of a "friends with benefits" situation.

However, respect goes both ways. If a gent is not wanting to go through my screening process, is beating around the bush about scheduling or acting like a time waster in other ways, haggles, wants to engage in an exorbitant amount of texting prior to meeting, is asking for pics and so on and so friendly and appreciative demeanor goes away.
Original post and his subsequent posts are spot on.
TinMan's Avatar
If you only found 5 of 13 encounters enjoyable, that is almost always a sign it’s time to take a break.
In spite of not having paragraphs, I took the OP as intended...NOT a rant about rates, rather a rant about service and perspective.

Point: For a lot of gents, $200 represents a significant investment, and one that can only be indulged every so often. That makes a gents expectations very high for an enjoyable experience.

Point: To some ladies, a gent is a cash machine and there is no realization of how hard he has to work to indulge in paid pleasures of the flesh every so often.

Point: Research, hygiene and managing expectations are always a gentleman's best friends. That said, reviews are embellished and written from an individuals perspective. WALDT Most of us have experienced meeting a glowingly reviewed lady, only to walk away from a lackluster experience thinking "Was that the same woman that I've read all of those amazing reviews about?"

Reality: Research pays dividends but there are still a lot of variables. Mutual respect and appreciation go a long way. Personalities and chemistry matter. Ladies should always keep in mind that many of us work hard to earn the $$ to play. Equally as important, gents should remember that this is a tough line of work for the ladies, that they have to "kiss a lot of toads" to eke out a living and pay their bills. It's not always the glamour and boatloads of cash on their end some of us imagine it to be.

Just my two cents...
mtabsw's Avatar
We all have different perspectives - I'd say to both sides of our business - if it's not fun, stop. I know some women are in a position that they really can't immediately turn, but they need to get a plan.

I'd also like to add we all need to keep an eye on the fact that we are all human, and deserve fair treatment.
I switched to GEICO