Repost from the Classic Archive, how to get good at Extras!

phantom11's Avatar
I saved this repost from back in the day. Knowledge is important, how the Spaniards burned thousands of Aztec books on Medicine and Astronomy in their conquest they retarded the world hundreds of years in advancement in science. The same here, we are bringing back the knowledge.
Those anyone know if the full archives will be back, if not can somebody sticky this, this is important. I have more repost of the classic archive.

I don't think the links are working.

I'm often asked via PM "Please help me learn how to become good at getting extras?" First off, if you're new to ECCIE it may be difficult, for a variety of reasons, to find a veteran SC hobbyist that will take you by the hand and teach you how to become good at getting extras. So lets set those thoughts aside. To acquire the knowledge and skills to become good, so you get high mileage from dancers, try to find and read everything worthwhile on this site about getting extras, and keep looking for and reading more, even after you think you've found it all.

Here are some threads to start with and in a couple of them you'll find additional links you should click-on and read....

After you're done with that continue reading, specifically....

Popular threads, the ones that lots of people read. If you look at the main page of each forum, and look at the first thread posted, then to the very right edge of the page you'll see a column titled "views". Click on "views" and you can then sort by the most viewed threads in a forum. Start from the top down, reading those with the largest number of views. Do that in this forum and in the SC forums of other cities. Sometimes the most popular threads can provide great information.

Next, if you don't have Premium Access I strongly suggest you consider acquiring it (by writing reviews or paying), and here's why. You get to read the hidden ROS section in each review, which is something that Registered Members can't see. That ROS section will sometimes give you the play-by-play of what went down and how it happened, which is priceless from an educational standpoint. Sometimes you'll get the word-by-word dialogue between a hobbyist and dancer, that got her to say yes to extras. That in and of itself is gold, if you want to learn how to be great at SC hobbying. Not everyone writes their reviews that way, some hobbyists have and so have I. PA also allows you to see Private Tag comments, something you can't read or see as a Registered Member, and is hidden in lots of threads/posts, and that too will sometimes give you lots of good info. So once you get PA....

Then read every review done by popular or experienced SC hobbyists, specifically the ROS sections. Do that in this city and in others!

If you've done all that, and read everything you can find in all ECCIE SC forums, you're trying what you've learned at different clubs and you're still not having luck, then you're either picking the wrong clubs, the wrong dancers, going at the wrong time, saying or doing something wrong, or maybe it's something about you. Last hint, go where the fish are biting (clubs that are frequently reviewed), try the things you've learned here, and for most of you good things should happen. Good luck.

I've been around and I know what you meant, you don't wanna fuck me, you wanna fuck some dead president's - Kid Rock, "Fuck You Blind"

Example of a Strip Club Review ROS section
Below is a Strip Club Review ROS example that paints a complete and thorough picture of an experience with a dancer. It gives a generous amount of detail, it doesn't look like it was just slapped together with a couple of sentences, or someone was rushing to get it done in 1-2 minutes, hoping their lackluster effort would easily get them 6 weeks (and $30+ worth) of Premium Access.

Please remember that PA credit and review approval is awarded based on meeting review guidelines, and that your review provides enough information that it offers value to other members in the community. Something thrown together and rushed, especially an extremely short ROS that provides little details or information, or is just a couple of sentences, usually doesn't offer a lot of value. The ROS example below clearly shows some time was spent on it, and most important, it discusses the specific activities/extras received and the quality of them.

Here's it is...

I saw A*** dancing on the stage. She caught my attention so I went up to tip her, and while doing so said something that I hoped would pique her curiosity and make her want to come by my table. Sure enough, after she was done dancing she came by and asked "if I wanted some company". I told her "have a seat".

We had the typical small talk for awhile and eventually she asked "do you want a dance?" I responded "I don't buy dances but I do pay for fun". She replied "what kind of fun are you looking for?" I said "the kind where we do naughty things you're not supposed too".

A*** said "well it will be 200 for that". I chuckled and said "I'm not naive to all this and that seems a bit high, plus I only have 100 on me". She responded by saying "I can work with that. Do you like having your dick sucked?" I laughed and said "what guy doesn't?"

So we headed to a corner, she built a fort, and before she started dancing I said "We have to start doing everything as soon as the first song starts and you gotta make me nut". She said "don't worry you'll have an explosion you'll never forget".

The first song started, she told me to unzip, and I pulled it out. She looked around to make sure no one was looking, then slid to the floor and started slowly licking up and down the sides of my shaft. Then she worked her way to the top and did slow tongue swirls on the head, while looking at me and smiling, making sure I saw her tongue working me over. She did that for a good minute or so to really get me going. Then she slowly engulfed the head, and looked at me while doing so as if to say "you were aching to have it inside my mouth, weren't you?"

She started slowly and gently sucking the head of my cock while using tongue action all over the head, the rim of it, and the sensitive underneath part. Eventually she changed things up and started slowly using her hand to stroke me while smiling and sucking on it. It was a great slow and non-rushed BJ, the kind you wish every girl would do. All that continued until the end of the first song.

Into the second song she surprised me by looking at me and smiling, as she slowly slid my cock all the way down, deep throating it all the way to base. That lasted for 30 seconds or so. Afterwards she went back to how it all started, but kept alternating between doing things slow, then a little faster, then she'd slow down again when she felt I was getting close. It was as if she wanted to toy with me, to get me close to cumming, then she'd back off until that boiling nut feeling would pass, then she'd go right back to getting me close again.

During all of this she kept both hands busy, one was on the shaft, the other gently working the boys, and it never seemed as if she wanted to rush things, nor did she ever do any of the start-stop stuff so many dancers do. She kept her mouth on my cock the whole time. It literally seemed like this girl loved sucking dick, and it became obvious it wasn't just because she was being paid too.

Towards the end of the 2nd song I just couldn't take it any longer and gave her the customary and polite warning by saying "I'm about to cum". She just kept looking at me and smiling, and from then on maintained great eye contact until I started blowing my load in her mouth.

When I started cumming she added some occasional deep throat action, as if to say she wanted all my cock in her mouth as that was happening. As turned on as that was making me, I kept unloading stream after stream of my liquid love into her mouth. She kept moaning "Ummm" in a naughty and sincere sort of way, each time a new powerful stream of my protein went off in her mouth. I kept wondering when she was going to spit out my load...

But she just kept at it, sucking me slowly and gently for another minute or two, while I started to slowly go soft. It was as if she wanted every last drop of my cum, and wasn't going to stop until she was sure she got it all. The whole experience was very GFE like, with a great IOP, and was definitely more special than the average blowjob you pay for.

Once she thought she'd drained me of the last few drops, she smiled, opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue to show me she had swallowed it all, then she proceeded to zip me, button my fly, and buckle my belt. It was one heck of a great experience.

I paid her 100 for our time together, she seemed pleased with that, we hugged and kissed, then I headed back to my table. I recommend her and definitely plan on seeing her again.

*** Your SC ROS doesn't have to be as lengthy or detailed as the example above to earn PA credit, but notice how the example above isn't just a couple of sentences, nor does it look rushed.

I've been around and I know what you meant, you don't wanna fuck me, you wanna fuck some dead president's - Kid Rock, "Fuck You Blind"

This has been discussed many times. I would summarize as follows:
1. Be observant. See (discreetly) if anyone else is getting any mileage with a girl
2. Find a 40 something experienced waitress, overtip her, chat her up and then tell her what you want. She'll bring you the girl that fits. If it works out, tip the waitress $20 or more. After that, the waitress will be your scout everytime you go in the place.
3. Talk to the girl upfront. Tell her in a friendly way what you want. She'll either go for it or not.
4. Be a regular at a club. Become known as a friendly guy who will pay for play. Girls talk to each other, and you'll start being approached by the right kind of girl.

There are variations of course and some of these don't fit my personal style, but they all work. At least you will have much better odds than just walking in and blindly picking a girl.

That's the way it often is unless...

1. You're visiting a club where there are lots of easy sure things
2. You're visiting a club where extras rarely happen
3. You're not giving off the right vibe to dancers

Originally Posted by ghost901
I have been to SC once, few lap dances but nothing more. I asked if anything was extra she told me "no" so I left it at that.
You've only been once and you expect to bat 1000 on getting extras? Out of 40-50 SC's in DFW there's only 2 clubs I can think of where beginners can go just once, and probably get extras almost every time.

As for asking if there is anything "extra" and her saying "no", we don't have enough info to understand why that may have happened? First off, not every dancer gives extras. Did you pick the prettiest girl in the club? Was the girl known for giving extras or were you winging it and trying to find out on your own? What club did this happen at?

A few things you need to know about getting extras...confidence is very important, how you say and ask for things can make a huge difference, and getting a cautious dancer comfortable with you quickly (in under 3 minutes) to discuss extras is an art all in itself IMO. But what I personally consider the higher forms of the art are...quickly getting cautious dancers to reveal to you they will do bad things (without having to ask them...through manipulation, mind games, setting up and steering the conversation), and the second...getting dancers to do those bad things for less than they usually charge. For some, it's not an overnight process of getting good at all of this.

Originally Posted by ghost901
I am a day shift guy and not looking forward to going to a SC dropping $100+ and getting nothing but lap dances. I'm assuming you kinda stick with one girl and work your way through a couple of songs, but is there any kinda signal or do you just wait for them to offer?
Whoa, let's back up. Yes some guys buy a dance or two hoping that some how magically makes a dancer want to give them extras. Personally that's not my style, because I'm a believer that if most guys try that, with unknown girls, and there's been no discussion with her about extras yet, and guys do that in clubs where every girl isn't giving extras, many will spend more money in the club than they wanted too. My thoughts are why do that and risk spending more than $100+ (which is an amount you stated earlier)?

If you want to spend 100, or less, and be sure to get something for it, my advice, get them to tell you what they will do at the table, not in the corner (where she can get you worked up and con you into a couple of lame dances), and not after the dances already started. Do all your talking about extras at the table and you will find more sure things for less than most guys who won't follow that, and you won't be wasting lots of time or money. Why go through girl after girl, buying a dance or two, losing money to find out she doesn't give extras? To me that's a very low mileage and expensive way of looking for extras.

As for sticking with one girl, I wouldn't recommend it. Finding extras is often a numbers game, and you might have to burn through 3-10 girls in some clubs, before you'll find a naughty one.

Talk with lots of girls, as many as you can, in fact get them to want to come by your table. If you have too, get up and stage tip the ones you're interested in 1-2 dollars. While tipping them ask them to come to your table when they're done with their stage rotation. Once at the table, spend a minute or two talking to them about general bullshit, then slowly shift the conversation to something naughty (slightly sexual). Go down that path a minute or two, then hint about the naughty thing you wish her and you could do. Think of creative and manipulative ways of getting her to reveal she's the bad girl you're looking for.

If you do that extremely well with a playful one there's a good chance she will reveal herself, if she says she's not that type tell her "that's a shame, I was hoping to spend some money on you", or something else that lets her know you're not interested, eventually she will get the hint and go away. Another big tip, if she's not the bad girl you want, don't hesitate saying "How would you like to make a little money for helping me out. I will make it worth your while if you find me someone whose naughty." A lot of times the good girls will say "I don't know anyone like that", which is bullshit. Then ask them "how long have you been dancing here?" A dancer that's been in a club more than a couple of months knows who the bad girls are!!! Tell her that and then say "Tell you what, here's a few bux just in case a fun girl should mysteriously or coincidentally say stop by my table, lets theoretically say in the next 5-10 minutes. And should that happen, there may be a few more bux for you." You can't always get good girls to bring over bad girls, but I've pulled it off dozens of times!

The whole process with each dancer from "hi" to "I want the kind of dances that require I suit-up" (or when she asks "do you want a dance" say "only if jimmy can join us" to which she'll ask "who's jimmy?" and then show her one, lol) or some other subtle naughty way of getting her to reveal she's that type, should take no more than 10-15 minutes IMO. Most of the time I can have it done in 3-5 minutes, or less. Make it a goal to become great at coming up with subtle, creative, cute yet naughty, ways of saying sexual things. Go through as many dancers as you can per hour like that, and in 1-2 hrs you should find one that plays. After you've done this a while you'll get better, then it may only take you an hr, later on maybe only 30 mins, and then one day maybe under 15 mins!!! Remember one thing though, the best looking dancers aren't always the ones that give extras, due to their looks, many times the prettiest dancers don't have to give extras to make good money.

Now if the process above is something you're not comfortable with yet, just forgo it for now and make friends with a waitress (or a dancer) that will point out, bring over, or send over, naughty girls to you. You will likely have to tip them well to do that, but it is one of the easiest ways to find extras (other than targeting reviewed dancers). Like going through dancers, you may have to go through many waitresses until you find one that will help you find naughty girls. Just like dancers know who the bad girls are, waitresses do too. Both either hear rumors about things, or have walked up on it and seen it.

Originally Posted by ghost901
Also I do not drink, and it seems that if I go in and look around and not drinking I'm ignored ( rightfully so, that how they make money ) anyone got a good place that is a little laid back and newbie friendly?
Are you just sitting at an empty table when you go in and not buying anything? Please tell me you're not. If you're not drinking dancers sometimes have all sorts of crazy thoughts going through their heads, like...he's cheap and probably won't spend money on me so he's not worth talking too, or he's too straight laced for extras if he doesn't drink, or maybe he's a weirdo and I should stay away from him, or maybe he's an undercover cop trying to bust girls for giving extras.

At least buy water, soda or juice. I have a friend who doesn't drink, gets extras, but he spends money on water, sodas, and juices, and will occasionally buy drinks for dancers and waitresses. I've actually seen some guys buy or bring (in BYOB clubs) beer, and not even drink them. I knew one guy that would buy a new beer every hour, not even drink any of them, and just let a few stack up on his table until he left.

As for finding a "newbie friendly" club, most clubs I've visited are newbie friendly. What clubs have you visited so far?

I've been around and I know what you meant, you don't wanna fuck me, you wanna fuck some dead president's - Kid Rock, "Fuck You Blind"

Club Speak
I have learned from years of trial and error that there is a very unique language spoken in the clubs. As part of any 101 class, a would be crawler needs to learn the basics.

Everyone knows “Would you like some company?” and all other introductory remarks mean will you spend money on me.

Poppy is a Spanish word, normally a masculine term of endearment. In the clubs it means “I want…” or ‘give me ….”, as in “Poppy, I’m thirsty” or “Poppy, I want a gigarette” or even ‘Poppy I’m Horny (see below)”.

“I’m horny” in dancer lingo translates to I’m broke.

“Loan” really means gift.

“Only you baby, I only do this with you”, means you have been identified as a sucker.
“Solamente tu” is the Spanish equivalent to the above.

“I have to go to restroom, be right back” means goodbye you cheap f**k, can’t get any dances here. The key is in the phrase, “be right back”. It can follow any number of statements such as go see DJ, or go to front, or visit a friend. The results are the same, the girl is history as far as you are concerned.

“I’m bored” usually means her supplier has the day off. Occasionally it is an invitation to DATY, Greek, or perhaps raucous FS. The chances of the latter are improved if she is constantly rubbing her crotch.

“I’m tired” means that your extras today are limited to the self service variety. More literally it means will you pay me to sit and watch you jack off. This condition arises when her worthless gang banging boyfriend/husband has deemed to drop by the night before. It could also be a result of more than 1 of her dancer friends coming by the night before.

“You are so sweet” means you paid too much for whatever extras you got.

“You really have a nice dick” is not a commentary on the size of your organ. More often than not it is an observation about the make up of the crowd in the club, ie no bros or too many asian guys.

“I have to get to know you better” is actually the opening line in the famous “some day, one day” gambit. It means no extras until you spend a bundle and maybe not even then.

“I don’t do that in the club, can we meet outside?” means the girl has made enough money off you and is ready to move on. “Can we meet” is a throw away so you won’t hassle her for whatever it is that you want.

“I don’t do that” means the amount you have offered is too low.

“I promise” doesn’t mean anything.

“Work schedule” is very similar to I promise or to “give me your number and I’ll call you”. Most often the phrase “lets go in the back and have some fun” has a similar meaning.

“I really like you” or for big spenders “I love you” refers to affection for your wallet and not you.

“The managers are watching real close today, come back next week.” This means no extras today and that she expects to be on her period next week.

“Let me give you my number” means her cell phone service has been shut off.

“Can another girl join us?” means various things. First and foremost, the price of your bell is double. Sometimes it means your dancer knows a dumbass that will perform all the extras and split the money with her. Often it means the bitch is a dyke and will only put up with you if she can have some fun of her own.

Club speak is an evolving language, feel free to contribute any additional info you might have.

Mama always said, "strip clubs are like a box of chocolates".

Why buy a cow when the milk is free.

Prices in strip clubs...
Ok guys, after reading a lot of posts and getting many questions about prices in strip clubs - I decided to start this to give my thoughts on prices in strip clubs. First, please remember a few things: These are meant to be GUIDELINES ONLY and also ways to negotiate what you want. It is always YMMV and what YOU feel a particular lady or service is worth. It depends on the mood, how hot she is and so many other factors. I have to say honestly that I deviate from them occasionally ( right Bull) but try to stay in this general framework.

First, my general goal is to stay within $100 to $150 for everything: DFK, DATY, CFS & BBBJ. The reason is that you can go to other places like spas for this amount for a relaxed environment and get 30 minutes to an hour. I try to stay around $100.
This may sound pretty low to most people but it can be me. Most of the girls don't make as much money as some guys think they do. It is very erratic. Some days they don't make ANY money.

I feel you should NORMALLY try to negotiate price up front before going back if you can. This eliminates you both wasting your time. If you can't..... go back with her but don't waste too much time. If you can't get the price you want - be nice - thank her and just get one dance and leave. That way she got something at least and she won't dog you out too much to the other dancers.

As far as the Champagne Room depends on the club, lady and situation and what you want. Generally for a short session and limited services But if you get a cool lady and you will be long and it's the right club...a $95 bottle will do you a lot of good with the lady & the club( they keep track of who buys Champagne) and you can have fun.

These are some general guidelines on negotiating price. I always's like buying a car... you hate to do it - but you have to:
1. Tell her what you want to pay - & you can also do it in "dances". Just state your price and tell her that's all you have. Period. You can also say a # of dances - it sounds better - Ex. I will pay you for 6 dances ( $120).
2. If she states a high amount ( most will to test you), you can bluff her and say "that's too much or more than I have today, so I'll just catch you next time & get someone else..but thanks". 9 times out of 10 for me - they will reconsider and say "Ok, that's fine". They know they will have to go find someone else and start over again - plus whatever you offer is better than her sitting around making $0. ( and playing video games)
3. To negotiate you can also use the "long term" strategy. Tell her that she should not try to be greedy now cause you will see her more over time and she will make money on you many times instead of just once. It is better to make $100 several times than to make only $200 one time. You can also tell her you can get her referrals if she wants you to. ( Keep in mind- you don't have to do ANY of this - but just tell her you will). "So go ahead and take ___ but I will continue to take care of you".
4. If you tip and take care of the waitresses and managers - they will bring you nice ladies periodically that need to make money bad - so they will be more flexible with you.
5. Don't be afraid to ask OTHER DANCERS who the "hoes" are and give them $20 to point them out. I do that all the time.

Keep in mind price will depend on a lot of factors. Some dancers only work when they need money for something and go to work with a certain dollar figure in mind they have to make. Being attractive and nice to them goes a long way. If you smell good and dress nice - that can make your negotiating MUCH easier. I am told all the time - "I'll f*** you free so don't worry about it" or "Whatever you want to give me - it's cool... you look really nice". I'm sure others hear the same thing.
This "game" can be fun if you do and say what YOU feel comfortable with. If you don't will show. All the guys I run with ( Bull, WBR, C4,P1, C-note) all have different styles and ways to get what they want. In the end - we normally all end up
happy. Welcome to the Jungle....

Success in Clubs
I get a lot of PM’s asking questions about being successful in getting extras in the clubs. The following are my thoughts on the subject.

I am not Satin- don’t have his looks, age or stamina. Like WBR or C4 or 99er and others, Satin and I have a good line of BS. We are cocky and confident and girls seem to like this quality. How can you not be, there are at least 15 good clubs and some 1500 dancers from which to chose, plus several thousand more options in Houston. There are always back ups if you happen to strike out in a club. Remember- some will, some won’t, so what, next!

Being a club regular is probably the single most important ingredient in my success. Challino said the other day that it is different going into a club with me versus going in by his self. The girls, waitresses, and the mgrs know me. They know I tip, buy drinks and often spend money on a girl in the back. It is the oldest behavior modification method in the books- irregular or variable reinforcement. The girls talk among themselves and it helps when one tells another that you are fun in VIP. Amazing how they can get upset or jealous if they get left out.

I try to make going in the clubs fun not only for me but for those with which I come in contact both players and non-players. Those guys that have been in clubs with me know I have my own schtick. I tease, joke, play and laugh with the girls. Their job gets a little tedious at times. I try to lighten it. And I love the corruptor role, getting non-players to play. This usually takes time, patience and persistence. I know every club regular has his own routines.

I am straight with the girls telling them what I want that day, or don’t want, and how much I am willing to pay. This is also a common thread between all the guys I know that play in clubs. If I’m not playing I tell them up front so they don’t waste time on me. If I spend time with a girl by my choice I’ll often tip them for just sitting and visiting and I buy a few drinks.

I have often helped girls in trouble, legal, financial, or whatever. That word gets around too. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the Salvation Army for Tittie Bars and don’t listen to every sob story that comes down the pipe. If I like a girl, and vice versa then I can be a friend when truly needed. I know others do the same.

It’s not very different in a new club. Be more observant, watch which girls are doing what. What do they do when getting tipped on stage and who’s tipping them? Befriend a waitress, one that seems to know what’s going, typically one that’s a little older. Ask her advice. Tip and talked to a lot of the girls not just your first choice, they’ll let you know if they play. In 3 afternoons in 3 new clubs in Austin I played with two different girls and identified 4 other players. Houston is a snap compared to Austin.

You can’t walk in and expect any and every girl to beg you to let them “whatever”. There is that fantastic chase. Learn to be a hunter and the clubs are a blast.

Mama always said, "strip clubs are like a box of chocolates".

Prices in strip clubs...
Ok guys, after reading a lot of posts and getting many questions about prices in strip clubs - I decided to start this to give my thoughts on prices in strip clubs. First, please remember a few things: These are meant to be GUIDELINES ONLY and also ways to negotiate what you want. It is always YMMV and what YOU feel a particular lady or service is worth. It depends on the mood, how hot she is and so many other factors. I have to say honestly that I deviate from them occasionally ( right Bull) but try to stay in this general framework.

First, my general goal is to stay within $100 to $150 for everything: DFK, DATY, CFS & BBBJ. The reason is that you can go to other places like spas for this amount for a relaxed environment and get 30 minutes to an hour. I try to stay around $100.
This may sound pretty low to most people but it can be me. Most of the girls don't make as much money as some guys think they do. It is very erratic. Some days they don't make ANY money.

I feel you should NORMALLY try to negotiate price up front before going back if you can. This eliminates you both wasting your time. If you can't..... go back with her but don't waste too much time. If you can't get the price you want - be nice - thank her and just get one dance and leave. That way she got something at least and she won't dog you out too much to the other dancers.

As far as the Champagne Room depends on the club, lady and situation and what you want. Generally for a short session and limited services But if you get a cool lady and you will be long and it's the right club...a $95 bottle will do you a lot of good with the lady & the club( they keep track of who buys Champagne) and you can have fun.

These are some general guidelines on negotiating price. I always's like buying a car... you hate to do it - but you have to:
1. Tell her what you want to pay - & you can also do it in "dances". Just state your price and tell her that's all you have. Period. You can also say a # of dances - it sounds better - Ex. I will pay you for 6 dances ( $120).
2. If she states a high amount ( most will to test you), you can bluff her and say "that's too much or more than I have today, so I'll just catch you next time & get someone else..but thanks". 9 times out of 10 for me - they will reconsider and say "Ok, that's fine". They know they will have to go find someone else and start over again - plus whatever you offer is better than her sitting around making $0. ( and playing video games)
3. To negotiate you can also use the "long term" strategy. Tell her that she should not try to be greedy now cause you will see her more over time and she will make money on you many times instead of just once. It is better to make $100 several times than to make only $200 one time. You can also tell her you can get her referrals if she wants you to. ( Keep in mind- you don't have to do ANY of this - but just tell her you will). "So go ahead and take ___ but I will continue to take care of you".
4. If you tip and take care of the waitresses and managers - they will bring you nice ladies periodically that need to make money bad - so they will be more flexible with you.
5. Don't be afraid to ask OTHER DANCERS who the "hoes" are and give them $20 to point them out. I do that all the time.

Keep in mind price will depend on a lot of factors. Some dancers only work when they need money for something and go to work with a certain dollar figure in mind they have to make. Being attractive and nice to them goes a long way. If you smell good and dress nice - that can make your negotiating MUCH easier. I am told all the time - "I'll f*** you free so don't worry about it" or "Whatever you want to give me - it's cool... you look really nice". I'm sure others hear the same thing.
This "game" can be fun if you do and say what YOU feel comfortable with. If you don't will show. All the guys I run with ( Bull, WBR, C4,P1, C-note) all have different styles and ways to get what they want. In the end - we normally all end up
happy. Welcome to the Jungle....

" I love you with all my heart. I wish you would not see other girls. I'll do anything to make you happy. Please don't play with my feelings."

Club Speak ll
Club speak ll addresses the meaning of customer remarks to dancers (most of which are ignored).

“Hi, how are you?” is not an inquiry as to her health. He wants to know if you are horny, ie broke.

“That’s a nice outfit.” Means I’d like to fuck your brains out. “You look very nice today.” means the same thing. In fact, any compliment is an attempt to get in your g-string.

“I AM REALLY TIRED TODAY!” means the previous dancer had been on X and wasted him.

“I’m horny” provides no new information.

As with dancers, “I promise” does not mean anything. Sort of like “I’ll take care of you.”

“I really would like to get together with you, I’ll be back later.” Means you are on his things to do list but not number 1 through 5. “I’ll be back later” can mean anywhere from 2 hours to two months.

“I really like you” says the extras you provide are in his price range.

“Would you like a drink?” is part of an old ploy to get a dancer drunk and get a $50 blow job.

“Can we meet outside the club?” does not mean dinner at Tony’s.

“What do you like to do?” does not refer to your hobbies but rather do you give hj, bj, and fs.

“Should we adjust the chairs?” is a pitiful plea for extras.

“How’s your day been?” is an attempt to find out how desparate you are and what extras might cost today.

“Haven’t seen you in a while” usually lets you know he has been hanging in other clubs, typically those that have secluded dance areas other than VIP.,

“I’m a little short today” does not refer to his teinie weinie. It is the start of negotiations for extras.

“How come I haven’t met you before?” is easy to translate, simply change the “met” to “fucked”.

“Hi, are you busy?” is an invitation to discuss what extras you provide.

“Where have you been? I’ve looked all over for you.” Means he found a cheap ho that will provide more or lower priced extras and you caught him before he could get out of the club.

If he asks you to do anything besides go to a dark corner it means he’s broke.

“Do you have any kids?” is a subtle attempt to determine snugness of fit before spending any money.

I'm sure many of you have your favorite BS lines, let's get them out for everyone to use.

Mama always said, "strip clubs are like a box of chocolates".

Why buy a cow when the milk is free.
This is a very detailed article Phantom !! Nice documentation !!
Awesome stuff here, thank you. I need to get PA
If I might be so bold as to add to all this, to help my friends out.

1. It helps tremendously if the girl is not pretty and broke.

2. Only rich guys get the prettiest girls - we all know that.

Don't waste your time with ugly strippers, spend your time getting rich.