100, 000 Gentleman and 1 A**hole

  • RoxyG
  • 11-04-2012, 05:02 PM
Just wanted to let the A**hole that booked an outcall with me and had me come to a vacant apt in Sugarland know that you did nothing but waste 30 minutes of my time and maybe 2 dollars in gas since I was down the road anyways. Is that how you get your rocks off?

Ive met alot of great guys on here and I finally ran across the rotten apple. Knew I would find it one day.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Show some taint. It'll make me feel better at least.

Seriously. If they're on here out their ass.
Sorry that happened to you, but it always looks better on your end if you post his handle and provide his number to ladies who might need the heads-up, without being rude or unprofessional about it.

It happens to a lot of us, especially when we start out, in the hobby- girls get NCNS'd or sent out to nonexistent residences, and most guys I know have run into a sour apple provider or two after not doing his research.

Chalk it up as a loss, hun! Just be smart about screening and you should do fine from now on
  • RoxyG
  • 11-04-2012, 05:24 PM
Ive already posted that info in the ladies section previous to this post. Im just venting in here. Not really pissed, just had to say something about it.
  • RoxyG
  • 11-04-2012, 05:29 PM
And I wasnt being rude at all. Individuals perceive things differently, I was actually being nice about it.
Angel832's Avatar
And I wasnt being rude at all. Individuals perceive things differently, I was actually being nice about it. Originally Posted by Roxy Malone
so u never talked to him?
  • RoxyG
  • 11-05-2012, 07:24 AM
Nope, sure didnt. Ive booked a lot of appts by PM and email. Hearing someones voice does not guarantee anything.
Maybe you should consider requiring a confirm call or text before you head out for an appointment. Same for if a guy comes to see you. I know I would feel totally uncomfortable if I was just waiting around to see if a guy is gonna show up or not without knowing for sure. 2 call systems have always worked well for me; Confirm an hour ahead and call again when you're close by.. I don't usually allow an appointment to be booked just using e-mail and PM's without hearing a voice first.. But to each her own
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Nope, sure didnt. Ive booked a lot of appts by PM and email. Hearing someones voice does not guarantee anything. Originally Posted by Roxy Malone
It may not guarantee anything but at least you can tell by talking to him on the phone that it's not some 15 year old kid playing games with you. Also, without a phone number you are missing a vital part of screening information. Without one you can't even check the alert sites for the guy which may be the very reason he won't make contact by phone.
thats no good sorry that happened to you girl!
sorry that happen doll but iv had it all day...smh alot latley...its horrible
  • RoxyG
  • 11-06-2012, 09:38 PM
Im pretty good at weeding them out, but that one slipped on by.
Mojojo's Avatar
you should seriously take the advice of the more seasoned girls. Girls like Amber Brooks, Ashley Anders, 1thickblond and Caramel Mila have been around for a while they know most ins and out of the game.
Wakeup's Avatar
I came here because I read the title and thought this was a thread about me...

Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Admit it WU. It was you.
You have a secret fetish for the fatties.