
Gryphon's Avatar
Last month there was an ad posted by a Texas agency called Luckys for a provider visiting KC in late March The agency is listed as a verified provider and there were a few reviews of their girls posted in various places--some good, some so-so. The website is a mite confusing, with some of the ladies being listed only in a blog and an opaque and seemingly ever-changing pricing scheme. Still, the girl looks hot and I can't find any really negative information about them, so I filled out the screening form and asked to prebook an appointment. I figured I could always cancel if it smelled wrong. I got an email back promptly that was rather gushy (the screener calling me "Baby" when we've never met or even spoken is a turnoff) but said I had an appointment. There was also some English-as-a-second-language usage that worried me: "she is excited of her meet and greets", etc. There was no further contact from them; this week I checked back on their website and the girl in question is now listed as being in Washington, DC on that date. Attempts to contact them by email and phone have gotten no response.

At this point I assume the appointment (if there ever really was one) is cancelled. No harm, no foul except I'm very much regretting giving them my screening information.

This is purely an FYI in case this agency advertises in KC again. Next time I'll listen to the big head.