Provider question: Are O's and passion always an illusion?.

Bobalouie's Avatar
Lately I've seen quite a few reviews stating that the provider may have had an orgasm or two during the session. Like everyone I've have been with ladies that go through the motions and even mention that they O'd, but I have alway's believed that faking it was just part of the service, even though some should win an Oscar for their performance. Anyway the question is: What is the reason for faking it? Is it ever for real?
Uh, yes, it happens for real...

(I can only speak for myself)
I'm what you call an easy cummer!
Usually I only fake it if it seems like the client will not be satisfied until I do. Sometimes, it IS hard for me to get off (mostly through penetration, I can O pretty easily through oral), ESPECIALLY if I feel pressure from the client to do so. And the more pressure I feel, the harder it is. It's not his fault, he doesn't know that about me. If it makes his experience better to think I O'd, then I am willing to give that to him.

However, if I don't feel pressure from the client, then I don't feel obligated to fake it, and I won't. The odd thing is, that's when I usually DO O.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Holey moley Tracy. You're hot! Sorry for the ape in me coming out.
Now I cum constantly but an O is a whole other ballpark
Bobalouie's Avatar
ASPD used have a section "required reading for newbies" that stated that providers rarely if ever reached orgasm with a client and most disliked DATY, but would tolerate it because it was a good time waister. I for one accepted this as fact and have leaned a little more toward PSE because it is what it is. Even though a GFE with real passion and response would be my preference. The last thing I would ever want is to be in there giving it my all and the lady saying to herself "this idiot thinks he's really doing something for me".

Historically reviews never mentioned provider O's, but recently it's become very common. I was wondering if the consensus was that clients wanted more of the illusion and providers were just doing what they do best. Providing it.
I for one don't fake it...if I did have to fake it, then it wouldn't be enjoyable and I need to move on down the road. In all honesty though, I didn't have real orgasms until I bought my first toy, my rabbit. With the revolving head, revolving ball bearings inside, and the little rabbit that sits on top of the shaft and vibrates my clit like hell...I learned real fast what that sucker can do, and I liked it! So I named him my lil' monster. Since then, I can have orgasms real easy. It's like a switch was flipped on.
Bobalouie's Avatar
Daaamn Tiffany...If they made Lil Monsters for men I could save the money I spend in the Hobby and send my kid to college. You could develop it and I could be the quality assurance testing guy. It could have options like talking dirty, etc..
rakuguy's Avatar
A little fake moaning is okay. Nothing too over the top to make it obviously fake. It's not required but I do appreciate the thought.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Yes. Often it's VERY real. I've only known one lady while being in this business that didn't just love sex on some level.

I'm not overly fond of oral, and I know that I'm in the minority, so that can take a long time for me but with intercourse, I can orgasm in about 30 seconds ... it's not faking.

Have I faked it? Sure. Not all that much, though. I don't have to.

But men fake it as well. Never understood THAT!

Finally, it has always bothered me that men think that what we do is all a show. I remember one client who just ... wow, he was just wonderful. His touch just made me melt. I was so aroused and he was just ... wonderful.

I was enjoying him completely and he stopped thrusting and said, "Just wait a few more minutes before faking it". I looked at him and completely lost every single good feeling in my body at that time. I asked him why he said that and he told me that surely I couldn't be enjoying his company that much. Then? Yeah. I waited a couple of minutes and I faked it.

Goes both ways.

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Bobalouie's Avatar
Well it kinda sucks to find out that after all this time I may have been looking at it all wrong...Guess I just took too much stock in bad information...What really sucks is when I think back on all the awesome ladies I've seen, and just assumed that they were going through the motions, that I probably missed out on a lot of the really good stuff...Damn
I remember one client who just ... wow, he was just wonderful. His touch just made me melt. I was so aroused and he was just ... wonderful.

I was enjoying him completely and he stopped thrusting and said, "Just wait a few more minutes before faking it". I looked at him and completely lost every single good feeling in my body at that time. I asked him why he said that and he told me that surely I couldn't be enjoying his company that much. Then? Yeah. I waited a couple of minutes and I faked it.


I had this happen to me! Well...almost...same concept...
The guy kept telling me 'relax...just relax...' I always tense up when I orgasm...he was getting really annoyed because I wouldn't just he could do without my 'big act'...and so I relaxed...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Well it kinda sucks to find out that after all this time I may have been looking at it all wrong...Guess I just took too much stock in bad information...What really sucks is when I think back on all the awesome ladies I've seen, and just assumed that they were going through the motions, that I probably missed out on a lot of the really good stuff...Damn Originally Posted by Bobalouie
I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but were you paying attention? There are signs of orgasm that you really cannot miss and cannot be faked. With men, it's ejaculation but not always even that.

With women, nipples get hard ... sometimes there's a flush of the face that goes down the chest and contractions of the legs and body. I can only speak for myself and the few friends that I've discussed this with but women often have a twitching in their bodies before orgasm and after orgasm, sometimes a woman "keeps coming" after you have stopped thrusting or having oral sex. It's an involuntary movement and cannot be helped. I would guess that would be almost impossible to fake. It's really something that you should be able to see (or feel) if you're looking or know what to look for.

I speak to guys all of the time who have preconceived ideas of "how" a prostitute is. I believe that so often these ideas are wrong. It's disheartening to get a young guy in your room and he doesn't want to kiss and he's all freaked out. You spend half your time trying to help him relax and then the other half just trying to give him some pleasure. Don't even have to fake anything at that time (much less have any joy yourself) because he just isn't paying attention because he's too nervous.

A hundred plus scenarios of this type of thing. And it's so understandable that a man would read a "how to" or some sort of post and/or manual and feel that it's the gospel truth only to find out that it's one person's opinion.

Such as this one is mine. So don't be too hard on yourself. We all have done similar things.
