... Shattered Country -- Shattered Shattered.

... Money to Ukraine - as CRIME rages on!
Higher Prices everywhere - Americans put-upon.

... What does it matter? ... Shattered Shattered!

... Groomers pushing Trans-shit - everybody's Blue.
They do it in the schoolhouses - and with Disney too!

... Me brain's been battered - Shattered Shattered!

.... Democrats surely silent - about the Biden crew.
... People suffering the crime waves - maybe even YOU!

... Don't they know the crime rate's goin' up - uP -UP -AH-UP!

... This country's in tatters - Shattered Shattered!

... Rats on the West side - Homeless downtowne...
Let's find a Pub... Bud Light? - No way!
They can't give it away on 7th Avenue... Shattered!

.... Whole country in tatters - Joe's got to go!
What say? ... sha-oobie - Shattered! ... Shattered!

Uh-huh... Sha-oobie ... Shattered Shattered!

America in decline? ... Oh yeah... Sha-oobie...
Shattered - Shattered!...

... Ya see, lads... I can leave.
But WHERE can you go? ... You're stuck here... Shattered.

... Shattered.

#### Salty
I think I'm going to sell my house and all my s--t and move to Thailand.
Al Gorithm's Avatar
I think I'm going to sell my house and all my s--t and move to Thailand. Originally Posted by onthemovie
And live like a KING!

Reminds me. I need to book a trip there.
... Thanks, lads...


President Biden on and shattering the American Dream
of prosperity... And shattering peoples' trust and
faith in the government.

Sha-oobie... Shattered. Shattered!

#### Salty
... And as the Shattered country goes on,
Here comes President Kamala soon - as Joe gets sent off.

Can Kamala run the country?? ... She's most likely
a Honky-Tonk Woman...

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
Salty: Thanks for the poettic approach to commenting
on our current, truly dystopian, situation.

My father came here as a teenager `in the mid 1930s from Eastern Europe to escape the Nazi threat evolving in his homeland of Hungary. Half the family that stayed behind (by defiant choice and denial mind you) did not survive the war. Those that did endured Soviet occupation and its oppressive subjugation.

Today, I am seeing the USA circling the drain on the way down to totalitarian control of what used to be called "The American Way Of Life". Believe me, in the end there is no difference between totalitarian Fascism and totalitarian Socialism.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Lotta chicken little's on this forum. OH NO the skies falling! Everybody needs to calm down just a little.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
When the Skyfalls, let's agree to not to bother sifting through the rubble.
... "Shattered Country"?? ... It's GONE!

... THIS is what you got today, people.
Your so-called "constitutional republic" is GONE!

... Here's just a few reasons WHY:

Biological men compete in Womens sports. ... And shatter records.

Saying there are onley 2 genders can get you FIRED off your job.

2.3 Million illegals pour into the country every year. ... No borders.

BLM and Antifa destroyed neighbourhoods and townes for 120 days.
Setting Capitol buildings, police houses and churches a-fire
and taking over city blocks for days at a time.
Doing 2 Billion in damages... Mostly gone unpunished.

Zero-cash bail and defunding the police has led to constant CRIME
and chaos on a daily basis. ... Shoppes looted with no end in sight.

The FBI, DOJ and national news media framed Donald Trump as
a Russian agent to rig the 2016 election.

The FBI/DOJ hid Hunter's laptop - which contained evidence of
FARA violations, money laundering, and foreign bribes to
rig the 2020 election to help Joe Biden win the presidency.

The FBI/DOJ also pushed Twitter, Facebook, and the news media
to censure discussion and content relating to the Hunter laptop.

The Political Establishment indicted a former President and
their chief political rival for document disagreements with
the NARA, a non-disclosure agreement with Stormy Daniels,
and for asking Georgia Officials about election fraud.

... NO Borders... And the abrupt end to your First Amendment rights.
No more Free Speech... And no more choices for you.
... Gas-powered cars - GONE! ... Gas stoves - GONE! ... Just a start!

... Your FREEDOMS - Your VALUES - Your COUNTRY --- GONE!

##### Salty
Can Kamala run the country?? Originally Posted by Salty Again
And the current buffoon does ?
ICU 812's Avatar
A falling sky? N o, it is more like Germany in the early 1930s.

Think back a few months ago to the riots of 2020. The disputed choking death of George Floyd at the hands of LE is said to have inspired violent mobs in several masjor cities to run rampant on consecutive nights for weeks. It was widly reported thst public officials let it happen . /The officials themselves aknowledged that and announced theat the rioters would be allowed to burn loot and otherwise terriorize their respective down town centers.

On top of the supposed George Floyd riots came the pandemic of Covid19. It is my view that we, the general public, were never given a clear picture of what we as a nation were facing. The published or snnounced statistics were skewed from the early beginning. "They" frightened and bullied the public into shutting down the entire economy for weeks at a time. We were threatned with job termination if we did not comply with masking about everywhere and forced to get shots we didn't want to get.

It seemed that every provision of the First Amendment was egregiously violated by local cvivil authorities, . . . .and for some reason, the high vcourts backed them up.

Now, "they" are trying to get everyone scared about Covid again so "they" can reimpose all those controls on society.

Think it over . . .it has already been done to us beforwe and the case law precedents have been established.

In 1942, "they" came for my grandparents because a neighbor told the Nazi SS that there was a forbidden radio hidden in their stove. This fall, someone may inform on their neighbor about violations of some "pandemic" related regulation . . .lock them up and put their children in foster care (after filling them full of "vsccines".)