shifty Trump

VitaMan's Avatar
Donald Trump reportedly sold his signature Mar-a-Lago luxury residence in Florida, according to a Zillow listing which said the resort was purchased on August 4—weeks before the former president voluntarily turned himself in at Fulton County jail in Georgia, where he was booked on 13 felony counts.

A later report by The Express mentions that the former president might have not really "sold" the property, but simply transferred its ownership to an organization owned by his son Donald Trump Jr.

This is what he does. This is who he is.
Yeah he keeps it in the family.
VitaMan's Avatar
The #1 crime family, by orders of magnitude.

No telling how much money son in law Jared obtained from the Arabs in return for Dad supporting their regimes during Congress hearings.

And Jared and Ivanka scooped up how much money from Chinese investors during their road shows ?

Donald Trump Jr. telling supporters to send in their donations by midnight, or they will burn in hell.
Question is....why?
Donald Trump reportedly sold his signature Mar-a-Lago luxury residence in Florida, according to a Zillow listing which said the resort was purchased on August 4—weeks before the former president voluntarily turned himself in at Fulton County jail in Georgia, where he was booked on 13 felony counts.

A later report by The Express mentions that the former president might have not really "sold" the property, but simply transferred its ownership to an organization owned by his son Donald Trump Jr.

This is what he does. This is who he is. Originally Posted by VitaMan

... Nope... Just another Phony story by the lying news media
- Newsweek ran the same piece - and now the news outlet
is tryin' to "correct" their lie.
Will colluding with Russia" be next??

Hmmmm... Surely surprised the NY Times hasn't reported
that Trump just sold Mar-a-Lago to the Russians.

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
So then, true or not . . .

I do not understand the indignation or see where this is unethical or illegal.

What is the issue?
ManSlut's Avatar
The Palm Beach Daily News is reporting that Zillow admits it was a listing error…Wtf
ICU 812's Avatar
Again: What is the Kerfuffel?
VitaMan's Avatar
If you can't trust Zillow as a source, which ones can you trust ?
The gateway pundit ? Bitchute ?

Next thing you know your house will be listed as sold, and you will have to move out.
If you can't trust Zillow as a source, which ones can you trust ?
The gateway pundit ? Bitchute ?

Next thing you know your house will be listed as sold, and you will have to move out. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Just apologise for yer error of posting yet-another
lying story concerning Trump there, mate.

No worrys - all will be forgiven.

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
Ok, oh KAY!

I am sure that at one time or another, we have asll been taken in by some sensational story on the internet that is just not true. In the pre-intyernet days, the National Enquirer regulrly printed storys about Space Aliens on Mt Everest or maybe a csve painting showing miniture humans riding on the backs of birds . . .really, they printed pictures too.

But my question was and still is: Regardless of whether the story reported in the OP is true or false, why is it worthy of righteous indignation? How is the transfer of real-estate, through sale or gift, unethical or illegal?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Next thing you know your house will be listed as sold, and you will have to move out. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Actually, that is a real thing. Keep an eye open for it via your local Appraisal District. It's a standard Bill of Fair in Identity Theft and is very real - unlike the entirely false claim that you fell for - Hook, Line and Sinker - in the OP.
VitaMan's Avatar
... Just apologise for yer error of posting yet-another
lying story concerning Trump there, mate.

No worrys - all will be forgiven.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yes, a bad look for me. At least I admit it, not like Mr. Trump, who won't admit anything. At least some of his family admitted
he lost the 2020 election.

Don't think I was scammed, though. Just mislead.
The real scammers are those phone callers from India that spoof legitimate bank numbers and try to get your money. They haven't gotten a dime out of me.

Note: if you can't trust Zillow, watch out for sites like gateway pundit, bitchute, and rumble.
Precious_b's Avatar
Another person who can admit they made a mistake.

Seems when the righty right does such, they just can't do that.
Would love to see a list of post where donny lovers admit their mistakes.