“The Hood Is Waking Up!” – Blacks Cheer Trump After Arrest – Trump Support from Black Community Climbs to 20% in Latest Poll

HoHound's Avatar

The Trump indictments/persecutions have only made him more relatable to African Americans. The democrats can't win if Trump really has 20% AA support. Also, more AA support means tougher scrutiny poll watching at the major city hubs. Will be harder for Democrats to cheat if AA Trump voters are in major city poll counting hubs monitoring.

African Americans are also posting videos supporting Trump on social media. Here are a couple examples:



AA citizens were also standing on streets cheering the Trump motorcade as it approached the jail. Here's the video.


Are Democrats concerned about losing a large percentage of AA vote?
VitaMan's Avatar
Interesting you just joined August 13. Would you happen to work in the oil industry ?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Or does the OP have a vulva?

Anyway, I don't know why black people would ever support Trump. Racist idiots love his fat ass. But whatever, just more trolling by the OP... same shit, different handle

Do you believe all black people live in the "hood" as you call it? Racist much?
... WHY do you lads comment IF you don't fancy the
thread title or the contents? ... You call it a
baiting post and then piss on it... Why bother??

... Though I'm happy to see black people
supporting Trump... ALL of the people should
support Trump - from the Hood to the citys and
all across the country! ...

#### Salty
Or does the OP have a vulva?

Anyway, I don't know why black people would ever support Trump. Racist idiots love his fat ass. But whatever, just more trolling by the OP... same shit, different handle

Do you believe all black people live in the "hood" as you call it? Racist much? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Why would they support Trump? Because they love an underdog. There's no future in supporting a no count piece of shit Democrat.
ICU 812's Avatar
If President Trump is the Republican nominee, I will vote for him.

But what is really important to me is not the MAN or any cult of personality. What I supported during the Trump administration was, and is, the policies he espoused and their implementation.

So lets talk about immigration, border security, economic policy (do you really want a crypto dollar?), EV mandates (and for masks, vaccines etc) and social experimentation through medical mutilation of minors against the will of their parents. Lets talk about abortion of viable infants versus the life of the mother. Lets all discuss what is in the best interest of Americans here at home and how we can encourage India and China to reduce carbon emissions to the betterment of everyone. . . .or the free and open navigating of the Worl's oceans.

Let us all exchange our views on policy ides, goals and how to best achieve them . . . rather than engage in grade school playground aunts on who's dog is smarter.
Tiffany@Taylor's Avatar
When you call AAthe blacks it sounds as if we’re still segregated lol. And have you looked at the world lately. Pretty sure the whites are committing a lot of crimes as well for gods sake they stormed the capitol. Lol. But In all honesty Trump was cool, I love his big mouth and his confidence , I love that he’s not a puppet. but let’s be realistic …. With what 13 felony charges pending (more or less it’s a lot) we should probably discuss the other candidates because a felon can’t run for president . Black or white.
VitaMan's Avatar
... WHY do you lads comment IF you don't fancy the
thread title or the contents? ... You call it a
baiting post and then piss on it... Why bother??

... Though I'm happy to see black people
supporting Trump... ALL of the people should
support Trump - from the Hood to the citys and
all across the country! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

because it looks suspiciously like a member that just recently got banned Again (your running mate) is quickly back Again with yet another different handle
ICU 812's Avatar
So, what actually is the topic of this thread?
  • Tiny
  • 08-27-2023, 10:56 AM
When you call AAthe blacks it sounds as if we’re still segregated lol. And have you looked at the world lately. Pretty sure the whites are committing a lot of crimes as well for gods sake they stormed the capitol. Lol. But In all honesty Trump was cool, I love his big mouth and his confidence , I love that he’s not a puppet. but let’s be realistic …. With what 13 felony charges pending (more or less it’s a lot) we should probably discuss the other candidates because a felon can’t run for president . Black or white. Originally Posted by Tiffany@Taylor
Thanks for stopping by the political forum Tiffany.

From what I've read, a felony conviction and even incarceration would not prevent a candidate from running or serving. The fourteenth amendment, which was passed to prevent confederate politicians and soldiers from holding office, does bar former officials if they "engaged in insurrection or rebellion" against the United States. And then you've got to get 2/3rds of both houses of Congress to agree, which would never happen for Trump.

The idea that Trump engaged in insurrection is a stretch anyway IMHO. If Trump actually had marched down Pennsylvania Avenue with the crowd to the Capitol on January 6 as he wanted to, there might be a case.

It's possible (although very unlikely) that Trump may take the oath of office in 2025 from a jail cell!

As to the OP, here's something recent from Reuters, that's consistent with HoHound's Fox News Poll.

Republican Donald Trump's 12% share of the Black vote in 2020 was four percentage points higher than it was in 2016, according to exit polls by Edison Research.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted July 11-17 found 18% of Black Americans would pick Trump over Biden in a hypothetical matchup, compared to 46% who favored Biden, including about one in four Black men, compared to about one in seven Black women.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The idea that Trump engaged in insurrection is a stretch anyway IMHO. If Trump actually had marched down Pennsylvania Avenue with the crowd to the Capitol on January 6 as he wanted to, there might be a case... Originally Posted by Tiny
Just think for one hairy second. Who was the President, on January 6th, that he would be insurrecting against? Himself?

In the Banana Republic of FJoeBiden and his legal scholars - Trump is in violation of Sec 3 of the 14th Amendment because - wait for it, wait for it - because they say so. That's it. No charges. No pleas. No lawyers. No trial. No court. No Judges. Just because - they say so. That's it. He's canceled. Off to the gulag. Go on, git!

I guess they are proposing getting rid of all courts, judges and lawyers and just going with what they say instead, probably under the guise of cost reduction or do we have to house all the political prisoners in the Arctic now?
ALL smart people cheered the orange clown and his whiney little biotches arrest. That's no longer news since it's a common occurrence
ALL smart people cheered the orange clown and his whiney little biotches arrest. That's no longer news since it's a common occurrence
Just because the orange turd didn't march down with them, secret service wouldn't let him anyway, doesn't mean he wasn't part of the planning. You think all those dumbasses just showed up with no planning? Most of them, probably close to all of them, didn't even know what was happening on Jan 6. It is a mere formality in congress, not a decision making time.

Thanks for stopping by the political forum Tiffany.

From what I've read, a felony conviction and even incarceration would not prevent a candidate from running or serving. The fourteenth amendment, which was passed to prevent confederate politicians and soldiers from holding office, does bar former officials if they "engaged in insurrection or rebellion" against the United States. And then you've got to get 2/3rds of both houses of Congress to agree, which would never happen for Trump.

The idea that Trump engaged in insurrection is a stretch anyway IMHO. If Trump actually had marched down Pennsylvania Avenue with the crowd to the Capitol on January 6 as he wanted to, there might be a case.

It's possible (although very unlikely) that Trump may take the oath of office in 2025 from a jail cell!

As to the OP, here's something recent from Reuters, that's consistent with HoHound's Fox News Poll.

Republican Donald Trump's 12% share of the Black vote in 2020 was four percentage points higher than it was in 2016, according to exit polls by Edison Research.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted July 11-17 found 18% of Black Americans would pick Trump over Biden in a hypothetical matchup, compared to 46% who favored Biden, including about one in four Black men, compared to about one in seven Black women.

https://www.reuters.com/world/us/som...24-2023-08-01/ Originally Posted by Tiny
... Trumps's "part of the planning" for 6th January
was asking for the National Guard to be deployed,
for traffic and pedestrian concerns at the Capitol.

Nancy Pelosi said NO - she didn't want them there.
Apparently old Nancy didn't want the fences up, either.

No matter - Ray Epps and his mates surely removed most
of the fencing BEFORE the protest started.

... See? ... Things like this are WHY the black voters
ALSO support Trump... They see the government over-reach
and corruption... The open borders and lawless crime.
The high prices for groceries and petrol gas.

And the black voters - as well as EVERYONE else
also understand that ALL THIS surely GOES AWAY
when Trump is voted back on! ...

#### Salty