Top FBI Russian expert dismissed by Mueller, amongst other issues!

bambino's Avatar
This guy is a real peach. How corrupt was the FBI under Obama, Lynch and Comey? They shouldn’t be indicting anyone but themselves.
StandinStraight's Avatar
This guy is a real peach. How corrupt was the FBI under Obama, Lynch and Comey? They shouldn’t be indicting anyone but themselves. Originally Posted by bambino
Most of the FBI people are career employees, they could care less about political pressures. Comey is a Republican but he was honest enough to call out Trump as a clear and present danger. Only a bias fool deplorable would accuse the FBI of being corrupt.
bambino's Avatar
^^IDIOT ^^
lustylad's Avatar
Most of the FBI people are career employees, they could care less about political pressures... Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You mean they "couldn't" care less, dontcha? If they COULD care less, it means they currently DO care. And you claim to teach college students?


Newsflash for SStupid - the FBI reports to the DOJ. Comey wasn't very happy when his boss Loretta Lynch instructed him to refer to the hildebeest email probe as a "matter" rather than an investigation. Odumbo corrupted and thoroughly politicized the DOJ. Evidently that corruption has filtered down and infected the FBI as well.
This guy is a real peach. How corrupt was the FBI under Obama, Lynch and Comey? They shouldn’t be indicting anyone but themselves. Originally Posted by bambino
Yes, from the CNN website:
Electronic records show Peter Strzok, who led the investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server as the No. 2 official in the counterintelligence division, changed Comey's earlier draft language describing Clinton's actions as "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless," the source said.
So this means he changed the wording to something that could have easily been construed as "criminal" to "weasel words." Also if this guy was heading the investigation, then all bets are off. It demands to be re-opened. He was obviously in the Hillary camp and his judgement is biased. He likely was the person who took the Crowdstrike turnover of server logs as gospel.

CNN has also learned that Strzok was the FBI official who signed the document officially opening an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, according to sources familiar with the matter. As the No. 2 official in counterintelligence, Strzok was considered to be one of the bureau's top experts on Russia.
So the Trump hater is the person responsible for granting approval for a bullshit investigation into "Russian meddling." How much you wanna bet his testimoney/documentation was also used for justification into unmasking names? Does anybody care why no one has even been convicted under the Logan Act?
This guy is a real peach. How corrupt was the FBI under Obama, Lynch and Comey? They shouldn’t be indicting anyone but themselves. Originally Posted by bambino
BTW, luvin Mike Dice
This guy is a real peach. How corrupt was the FBI under Obama, Lynch and Comey? They shouldn’t be indicting anyone but themselves. Originally Posted by bambino
And if it's a crime for us to lie to the FBI, WHY THE HELL is it not the same for the FBI TO LIE TO US the people??
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yes, from the CNN website:

So this means he changed the wording to something that could have easily been construed as "criminal" to "weasel words." Also if this guy was heading the investigation, then all bets are off. It demands to be re-opened. He was obviously in the Hillary camp and his judgement is biased. He likely was the person who took the Crowdstrike turnover of server logs as gospel.


So the Trump hater is the person responsible for granting approval for a bullshit investigation into "Russian meddling." How much you wanna bet his testimoney/documentation was also used for justification into unmasking names? Does anybody care why no one has even been convicted under the Logan Act? Originally Posted by gnadfly
the logan act was passed during the 1799 under the adams administration. its likely the law was used as a "dirty tricks" tool to cause problems. it never got past the 2 indictments and no one was ever convicted. the law itself has some constitutional problems.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And if it's a crime for us to lie to the FBI, WHY THE HELL is it not the same for the FBI TO LIE TO US the people?? Originally Posted by garhkal
that was a bad law; prohibiting lying to the fbi agents.

its essentially a technical perjury outside the court room where no oath is sworn.
Additionally, laws seem to be written where cops/feds can LIE ALL THEY WANT to 'suspects'.. So maybe they feel we the public are also suspect..
Bingo. My understanding is that the FBI questioned him without a lawyer present and the FBI knew this was a "gotcha" scenario. True, he wasn't under arrest but Hillary and others had the opportunity to consult legal council.