Have Back Up Copy Of Website - HELP!!

I have the back up copy of my website on a thumb drive. I reactivated my hosting account on Arvixe. However I have no idea what to do next! I can't afford to pay the guy who helped me before and he isn't into barter. I'm stuck. Can anyone help? Maybe walk me through what I'm looking at on the thumb drive, how to get it onto the hosting site, something, anything? I had taken my website down thinking I was going to retire, however here I am back at it again.

I'd appreciate any help/advice please!!!!

chetmanly's Avatar
If you cant afford to hire someone, have you tried calling Arvixe Support?
DangedDragon's Avatar
Sent you an email....
pradoproductions's Avatar
You should go to control panel on hosting account.
Go to File Manager click on public_html and upload all website files
Gotyour6's Avatar
Two years and two posts.