Ass or Titties?

Before the eternal debate of Ford or Chevy. Beatles or Elvis. Pac or Biggie. Jordan or LeBron. Ass or Titties! A question as old as hookerdom.

I say there is only one answer and that answer is Ass!

Back when we still walked on all fours, killing sabretooth tigers and shit, we always had in front of us… the ASS. Then from the time mankind started walking on two legs we stopped having asses stuck in our faces all the time, and in their place, what appeared in front of our faces… were titties! Women grew larger breasts to take the place of the ASS. The original source of life is the ASS!… TITTIES ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A PALE IMITATION OF THE ASS! IF ASKED WHAT YOU’D RATHER HAVE, A COPY OR AN ORIGINAL, NATURALLY, YOU WOULD CHOOSE THE ORIGINAL!

Ass is the originator!
Ass is all encompassing!
chicagoboy's Avatar
Do I have to choose; can't I enjoy both?
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I have Tit's 38FF/ ass 49in
so you get the best of both worlds !
65wolf's Avatar
If the question is, "Ass or titties."
The answer is, "Yes."
canihitit's Avatar
Ass I don’t orgasm from tittle fuckers🤪💋☺️
Captain.Classic's Avatar
Titties for me. I can deal with a little ass and a lotta boobs, but all ass and no titties? I can't do it dawg. Not even doggystyle can save it.
DallasRain's Avatar
ASS of course...oh AND
scsholar's Avatar
As much as I like Greek, I love me some huge tits.
LudoK's Avatar
  • LudoK
  • 01-31-2018, 01:03 AM
Ass AND Titties
  • pxmcc
  • 01-31-2018, 01:08 AM
preferably both, but if i gotta pick, definitely booty. The N-girl Spin comes to mind. A-cup boobs, but absolutely epic booty..
ass, big tits hurt my back

LOL...You already know what my answer is.

I desire a lot of ass and titties together, a lot of ass and some titties, and a lot of titties and some ass. But I like a lot of ass with thighs too match. Hell I even like no ass and no titties with thick legs. I can't make up my mind.
ass, big tits hurt my back Originally Posted by CaseyKK
Nice rack you got there.