Rule question for the Mods?

I was familiarizing myself with the forum rules and wondered about posting vids under the guise of comedy or in the comedy section that some would consider offensive. For example some of the greatest comedians of our time such as Red Foxx, George Carlin, Eddie Murphy, or Richard Pryor were very controversial but American culture says it's OK because it's comedy. Are you guys ok with "offensive" comedy vids being posted?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-15-2014, 08:30 AM
What other kind of comedy is there? It all offends someone.
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 05-15-2014, 08:50 AM
Agreed, no matter what joke you share someone will find it offensive. I don't have a problem. You gotta be able to laugh at yourself at times too. Example joke:

What is the difference between an elevator and a (insert race here)? One can raise a child
What other kind of comedy is there? It all offends someone. Originally Posted by Trey
I used to think that too until I sat through a comedy defensive driving course and listened to some of their comedy skits. Just like clean rap there's also clean comedy.
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 05-15-2014, 10:01 AM
Comedy Defensive driving? Reminds me of that King of the Hill episode where Hank and Kahn have to take that traffic course.
Pistolero's Avatar
Comedy is fine as long as it does not violate guidelines. If it does, you will hear from us.
Comedy is fine as long as it does not violate guidelines. If it does, you will hear from us. Originally Posted by Pistolero

I ask because it appears the first few guidelines under which the answer to my question would seemingly fall could be considered nebulous as it pertains to rudeness, insults, disrespect, or derogatory comments, specifically in the form of comedy or news and the delivery medium. For example, one could post an audio or video link to comedy/movies that can be construed as offensive or a link to a news article with those same words expressed as opinion but still nonetheless offensive.

I understand you're wielding the "Thor Hammer" as it were for rule violators but I'd appreciate a tad bit of clarity, including private forum allowance of unacceptable public "insults". I'm aware you guys take pride in having a good framework in place but a "cold eyes" review is never out of order. If you feel the guidelines are solid and don't need tweaking it still may not be a bad idea to update your rules to include the delivery medium / mechanism regardless of intent.
There is a comedy thread with such videos in it. It may be in This section or on the main board. If you read the rules..........Then you should be able to answer your own question on whether or not you should post it.........I'm just saying!
There is a comedy thread with such videos in it. It may be in This section or on the main board. If you read the rules..........Then you should be able to answer your own question on whether or not you should post it.........I'm just saying! Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
I read the rules but in this case they're not clear. I also remember a case when DG (who by the way is doing a fine job of mod auditioning) used a word and was pointed and if I recall there was a slight disagreement amongst the Mods as to whether he violated a rule regardless of intent. So no I'm not trying to make you guys earn your keep as mods but I am looking for your guidance as a mod.

So if I post a comedy video with the N word or some other word that someone could find offensive are you implying I'm not in violation of any rule?

Clarification please. Thanks
Guest082318's Avatar
Porn and taint are not prohibited on the premise of being offensive it's because allowing it would impact ad revenue and compete with the taint for pay plastered all over this site.
pyramider's Avatar
Taint is what it is ... the key to the universe.
Pistolero's Avatar
I read the rules but in this case they're not clear. I also remember a case when DG (who by the way is doing a fine job of mod auditioning) used a word and was pointed and if I recall there was a slight disagreement amongst the Mods as to whether he violated a rule regardless of intent. So no I'm not trying to make you guys earn your keep as mods but I am looking for your guidance as a mod. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Well, you need to know what you are talking about before making claims. Sometimes people know the reasons and penalties on supposed disciplinary action. Other times they start guessing and decide what they think happened.

So if I post a comedy video with the N word or some other word that someone could find offensive are you implying I'm not in violation of any rule?
Read the guidelines. They are quite clear. Posts that are rude, derogatory and such are allowed. They just can not be directed at a person . Why do you think Wu is still on the board? It is because he has mastered that. Everyone raises hell on his :attacks:, but he never attacked directly. Small difference, but a difference none the less.

I will spell it out for you like this, since you seem to need a little help understanding the guidelines. And this does not go against anything Ike said. He never said you could post every comedy thread. If you post a video which uses the infamous N word in Houston, the post will be edited and you will be pointed for it. Is that clear enough? Racial insults are not allowed and do not have to be directed at anyone in particular.
Well, you need to know what you are talking about before making claims. Sometimes people know the reasons and penalties on supposed disciplinary action. Other times they start guessing and decide what they think happened.

Read the guidelines. They are quite clear.
Posts that are rude, derogatory and such are allowed. They just can not be directed at a person . Why do you think Wu is still on the board? It is because he has mastered that. Everyone raises hell on his :attacks:, but he never attacked directly. Small difference, but a difference none the less.

I will spell it out for you like this, since you seem to need a little help understanding the guidelines. And this does not go against anything Ike said. He never said you could post every comedy thread. If you post a video which uses the infamous N word in Houston, the post will be edited and you will be pointed for it. Is that clear enough? Racial insults are not allowed and do not have to be directed at anyone in particular. Originally Posted by Pistolero

^ Clear? Meh! in the context of my question pertaining to AV delivery and in the context of your initial and very ambiguous explanation (in comparison to your fellow Mod), I do commend you on a better second effort. Good job Pistelero. ;-)

However, I would suggest you consider a simple line modification that explicitly addresses medium delivery or that leaves no room for grey areas or interpretation. While your more candid explanation in this thread is certainly fine, that type of clarity (in context) should be amended to the guidelines. May not be a bad idea to bring up in the Mod forum or at the next Council of Mods. ;-)

As for WU's shtick it's nothing I haven't seen before so no explanation needed I sometimes find his vainglorious style to be quite amusing; not masterful as you put it but amusing nonetheless. ;-)

Thanks brah
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boardman's Avatar
If you post a video which uses the infamous N word in Houston, the post will be edited and you will be pointed for it. Is that clear enough? Racial insults are not allowed and do not have to be directed at anyone in particular. Originally Posted by Pistolero
Does it matter whether the comedian is Caucasian, Negro or Wakeup?