Will money become scarce in H-Town?

4karlos's Avatar
With the oil prices threatening to go under $40, companies already laying off, and a forecast pointing at oil prices staying low for at least a year, do you think the hobby market will get hurt?

I personally think it will be hurt, some segments/price range more than others, but it is my personal view. What do you think?

Have a great weekend!
Yep....it's not looking good.

Edit: what we need is a big war to break out. Start accumulating cheap futures now.
69UILTAZ's Avatar
Was let go right after turkey day and still looking, was playing every week! Now not till I get a new gig. I know my buddies played hard and a few are in same place.
May get nasty!!
Upstream reported several oil co's laying off hundreds each globally.

This is expected with any correction as many have accumulated some useless fat....i know some personally LOL.

I hope the trend does not continue.
Sucks to be in the oil biz....

wait? whut?/ you fuckers have been banking for a while.... this 1 year thing is gonna fuck up your plans?

My plans were fucked up for a few years after 08 ( me build shit)
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Medical industry is on its way.....
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Guys relax. Some thing will happen. This will not bring Houston to it's knees
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Oil have fallen to the 40's ... while newbie hobby rates are going up, kind of ironic isn't it?

Also more civilian ladies are turning to the hobby for money (oversupply of providers) ...

but newbie review rates are increasing exponentially (price increasing dramatically regardless of service or non-Gfe quality) ...

... demand from hobbyists will fall eventually (less dirty oil hobby money available) ...

... once the new providers outnumber the number of hobbyists ...

... will prices increase or decrease?

... only the future will tell.

But it seems to me that the hobby is one of the few places on this Earth that has the ability to either deny or possibly beat the laws of physics, entropy, gravity, supply vs demand, peak oil/peak provider supply economic forecasts, more providers joining Eccie (because of higher unemployment) = higher and higher prices $$$$$ YYYAAAYYY !!!, and so on, and so on.

By the way, hooker economics can be very difficult to understand ... it is beyond the laws of physics. Lol : )

It be like me saying ...

"Because there is a massive oversupply of crude oil ... we are going to go back to $4.50 per gallon of gasoline"
Slitlikr's Avatar
I asked this question a while ago in a different way:


Hooker economics since then have proven that there is no logical correlation.
Medical industry is on its way..... Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
I'm not in that business but I've figured it out....and what the government is doing.

Short story.....soon we'll be paying cash for crap Healthcare in the strip mall.

We won't be able to afford real tests like imaging and such. Treatment of severe but not-fatal-in-this-24 hours conditions will be available only to the poor paid by the socialist government.....subsidized by the 15K a year i mail off to the exchange.

Credible cash flow in the business will be cut in half and we'll look like a third world country wrt healthcare.

Well....maybe there is hope if they raise my 15k to 30k.......

.........because they can.

Fuckin.......stupid.....govern ment.

When it collapses, government takes it over and the shit service will be direct billed to the government funded by the now 45k extra tax I'll be paying.

cocksuckers think because some of us make a lot of money, they can tax us to death to pay for all the milkers' lives.

".....To each according to his need."

4karlos's Avatar
Yep....it's not looking good.

Edit: what we need is a big war to break out. Start accumulating cheap futures now. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
You mean screwing up supply by further destabilizing the middle east?
Wakeup's Avatar
Economics of the world have no impact on hookers...
silverstate53's Avatar
This is gonna be interesting - between the US and Saudi Arabia playing a game of chicken with production to the hilt and who knows what the fuck Russia is gonna do - pretty sure we will blink first on the chicken game.
4karlos's Avatar
The theory said that they would blink first because they had much more to lose like,

-The promised ROI to their foreign investors since they diversified their economy trying to attract capital from traditional venues like swiss banks.
-The checks they cut to each of their citizens
-The need for paying for the expensive taste they have developed...like those fancy cities
-The support to wild neighbors so they keep them at large

The reality is...they are holding pretty well and although the barrel price is down, the dollar is up so somehow they are getting less hurt, where as our exports will get hurt because our stuff is becoming expensive due to a high-flyer currency.

Go figure!

I do believe hobby market will see some changes. More new comers and civilians entering the ring and less Johns or just the same Johns but with less money.

Prices won't change much. But a lot of guys will cut back and/or focus more on the many high-quality sub $250 and sub $200 ladies. They will also opt for more 30 minute sessions.

But there will also be plenty of guys who don't change their habits.

Established HDHs will keep doing well.