where did the show cases go

can find the show cases seen the format was changed
noleftturn's Avatar
From left to right:
First line begins"ECCIE....."
Second line begins"MEET & FUCK ..."
Third line"BROWSE SHOWCASES...". It's right here.
1sicpuppy's Avatar
That whole line is "double exposed "" on my page. However, if I click on it the showcases do appear.
zeejoe's Avatar
It's right here.

How it display varies depending on which screen i'm using, but I have the same problem on smaller screens- the yellow doesn't even show until you hover over that spot, but it's buried under the ad:

I know y'all aren't the tech department, and everybody who's part of a community on the net loses it when thing change on those sites they frequent, but this whole deal is just stupid and broken.