What if you couldnt accept something, even if

Hobgoblin's Avatar
What if you couldn't accept something, even if you knew it was true.

Not trying to piss anyone off. But I classify trans people like this.

You can believe your a woman trapped in a mans body , but that Y chromosome and dangler says otherwise. I recognize trans people have accepted it. but how many people are running around, Knowing the facts of something, being rational human beings who can never quite put an idea that is rubbish to bed.

One guy who was like pushing 50 with kids decided he was actually a 6 year old girl.

The feelings are real, No one is debating that. but am saying they don't match up to reality.

Personally I don't have a problem with people doing what they want for the most part until it starts stepping on the rights of others. Im kinda conservative. I really don't think you should be using the bathrooms of a gender you were not born as. Just sayin.

But not here to talk trans stuff, only using it as an example of

But there are other examples of what I am talking about

What if an otherwise rational intelligent person, that can think and reason and understand the world, always has in the back of their mind, suspected they are the reincarnation of Napoleon Bonaparte ?

Now they " know" they are not. They know Bonaparte has been dead 200 years They are not going to dress up like him, because that would be foolish, and they shouldn't even entertain the silly idea.

And yet

They are troubled by dreams, telling them to go out, conquer Germany, and get Russia right this time. Some little irrational piece of their character won't let it go. Won't completely accept That its not their job to defeat , to control, to dominate, as is their divine right. Won't accept, that they are just a person, going about their little lives until they die. Like the other 6 billion Schmoes on the planet.

A. How do you react to this person, if they never did any thing crazy? And you found out when their guard was down by too many drinks of at a party. or in a moment of trust after a long friend ship confessed it.

B. What if you read this, and all of a sudden , almost like remembering something, You start getting a nagging feeling, you are Napoleon Bonaparte. What would you do ?

Long time ago there was a guy who thought he was the son of a god. Which is pretty damn irrational, but later on, People called him Alexander the Great. Something to think about.

and no I am not Napoleon Bonaparte reincarnated, that's ridiculous.

Im Julius Caesar
TheOtherMan's Avatar
Just my two cents, but you are conflating two completely different topics here. A person's gender identity is not a psychosis. Nor, in most cases, a choice. It is what it is. The fact that someone born with male gender and yet identifies as a woman (or vice versa) should have zero effect on you. They are a human being dressing in the manner that makes them comfortable. Big whoop. And the bathroom thing is just ridiculous. Trust me, brother... You've shared many a bathroom with a transgender or gay guy. And look! You were harmed in no way.
Hobgoblin's Avatar
Just my two cents, but you are conflating two completely different topics here. A person's gender identity is not a psychosis. Nor, in most cases, a choice. It is what it is. The fact that someone born with male gender and yet identifies as a woman (or vice versa) should have zero effect on you. They are a human being dressing in the manner that makes them comfortable. Big whoop. And the bathroom thing is just ridiculous. Trust me, brother... You've shared many a bathroom with a transgender or gay guy. And look! You were harmed in no way. Originally Posted by TheOtherMan

. Duely noted
  • eyefo
  • 04-16-2016, 12:05 PM
I'm all for individuality and indulging in one's behaviors as long as they are not forced upon us into public policy.

Do you really want a public policy that says school age girls must use the same bathroom facilities that biological males use?

Do you really want your school age female child forced to use a locker room where biological but "female identifying" males will also strip naked, take showers, and so forth?

Are we now a country where a very small minority shall rule and set policy for the vast majority?
cowboy8055's Avatar
And the bathroom thing is just ridiculous. Trust me, brother... You've shared many a bathroom with a transgender or gay guy. And look! You were harmed in no way. Originally Posted by TheOtherMan
The bathroom thing isn't a big deal. That can probably be worked out in a reasonable way. But how far are we willing to go to accommodate TG's. Will it get to a point we have to allow a TG with male anatomy to shower with the girls in high school? That won't fly. At some point a line will have to be drawn.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Do you really want your school age female child forced to use a locker room where biological but "female identifying" males will also strip naked, take showers, and so forth?

Are we now a country where a very small minority shall rule and set policy for the vast majority? Originally Posted by eyefo
The PC progressives could care less if high school girls feel uncomfortable sharing a locker room with someone who is anatomically male. It's all about catering to TG's.

A high school girl has a helluva lot more to fear from a straight male pedophile than from a trans-gendered individual who is just trying to get thru life the best way that they can. Most trans-gendered people's goal is to complete bottom surgery so that their outsides match what's inside their head. And by far the vast majority of M-to-F TG's are STRAIGHT - meaning that when they transition to female they are sexually attracted to men, so they wouldn't be giving a shit about the CG women or girls sharing their restroom or locker room.

The ignorance about this subject is really telling here. People need to do some reading and educate themselves about the reality of the topics that they automatically slam out of ignorance.
cowboy8055's Avatar

A high school girl has a helluva lot more to fear from a straight male pedophile than from a trans-gendered individual who is just trying to get thru life the best way that they can. Most trans-gendered people's goal is to complete bottom surgery so that their outsides match what's inside their head. And by far the vast majority of M-to-F TG's are STRAIGHT - meaning that when they transition to female they are sexually attracted to men, so they wouldn't be giving a shit about the CG women or girls sharing their restroom or locker room.

The ignorance about this subject is really telling here. People need to do some reading and educate themselves about the reality of the topics that they automatically slam out of ignorance. Originally Posted by DakineOne777
Maybe you need to get a clue. Talking about pedophilia is against the rules of this site. If it weren't I'd tear you're idiotic assertion to pieces. Apparently you don't know who the primary target of those sickos is.

This doesn't effect only TG's. The world doesn't revolve around them. Females having to share a locker room with someone having male genitalia will be problematic. They have a right to have an issue with that. But probably not according to PC freaks.
Maybe you need to get a clue. Talking about pedophilia is against the rules of this site. If it weren't I'd tear you're idiotic assertion to pieces. Apparently you don't know who the primary target of those sickos is.

This doesn't effect only TG's. The world doesn't revolve around them. Females having to share a locker room with someone having male genitalia will be problematic. They have a right to have an issue with that. But probably not according to PC freaks. Originally Posted by cowboy8055

Give me a fucking break. YOU need to get a clue. And the only one making idiotic assertions here are paranoid bigots like you.

And here's another clue - the world doesn't revolve around you either, pal. Given a world of "PC freaks" or ignorant bigots, I'll take the former.

Progress is happening, and will continue to happen despite those trying to stop things that they know virtually nothing about.
Hobgoblin's Avatar

A high school girl has a helluva lot more to fear from a straight male pedophile than from a trans-gendered individual who is just trying to get thru life the best way that they can. Most trans-gendered people's goal is to complete bottom surgery so that their outsides match what's inside their head. And by far the vast majority of M-to-F TG's are STRAIGHT - meaning that when they transition to female they are sexually attracted to men, so they wouldn't be giving a shit about the CG women or girls sharing their restroom or locker room.

The ignorance about this subject is really telling here. People need to do some reading and educate themselves about the reality of the topics that they automatically slam out of ignorance. Originally Posted by DakineOne777
1. You can leave off with that leftist faux outrage shit.

2 "A high school girl has a helluva lot more to fear from a straight male pedophile than from a trans-gendered individual " That which is asserted without evidence will be dismissed without evidence. as it isn't common yet, the effect of what happens is not known. Sometimes a certain leeway can be granted if things suggest something may be plausible. but that is a wild and unfounded assertion especially given the fact they have already denied reality for feelz.

since we are talking about schools here, that implies kids. Why as a society would we allow children to make monumental decisions about what gender they want to be. What if 9 year olds start deciding its time to start having sex ? are we going to allow that ? Why not, that's a smaller decision than living entire -life as your chromosomal opposite.

3."that they automatically slam out of >> ignorance<<" ah more leftist moral and supposed intellectual superiority. Just because people don't belong to your little social justice warrior cult, doesn't mean they are inferior in any way. and the fact that you are willing to coddle people that have given in to delusion, and want to promote their desires over others rights of privacy tells me who is really ignorant you smarmy disrespectful jackass.

4. I am going to encourage you to post a response to educate us on what your cult thinks, even though there won't be anything new. But your welcome to try. Just remember when your emotions based argument fails, to start using insults and buzz words like Transphobe, because you might still win over people who don't use logic and reason.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Give me a fucking break. YOU need to get a clue. And the only one making idiotic assertions here are paranoid bigots like you.

And here's another clue - the world doesn't revolve around you either, pal. Given a world of "PC freaks" or ignorant bigots, I'll take the former.

Progress is happening, and will continue to happen despite those trying to stop things that they know virtually nothing about. Originally Posted by DakineOne777
You seem quite rational. LOL
You seem quite rational. LOL Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Like you should talk. LOL
cowboy8055's Avatar
Love the fall back retort of PC freaks who disagree with you. You're racists, sexists, paranoid bigots. Very intellectual of them LOL. I think they sit around in their little groups and try to create new ways to be offended. Sorry I triggered you.
Spoken like a true racist, sexist, paranoid bigot. LOL
You didn't trigger anything, but you sure did confirm plenty of things.
SweetDulce's Avatar

Progress is happening, and will continue to happen despite those trying to stop things that they know virtually nothing about. Originally Posted by DakineOne777
Read a book on sexual history and u will see there have been societies that "normal" ment a lot more than heterosexual love.
Ex. The Spartan warriors. Gay soldiers were the norm. And accepted widely. The wives would cut their hair and dress as boys when the soldiers were home. The woman knew they would appear more sexually attractive if they looked like young men and would have a better chance of mating.
Ex. Some societies had 3 or 4 gender classifications.

So what is "progress" in our current society according to you?