Phone sex?

Do men like phone sex anymore?
Sure ! I love it... I have been a customer of Night Line off and on for years... I usually dont sit there pulling my pud but I love to speak to women about sex. My intro is usually something along the lines of: " I know there is a great percentage of ladies on here who simply want to get off, to get a nut, over the phone.. I am here to help you, and I am very, very good at it. Give me your deepest fantasy, the one you have never told anyone about, but always pleasure yourself to, and I will take it from there ".

I am fascinated by womens sexual fantasies and escapades. In fact, all the perverted, kinky activities I learned / know were introduced to me by women. I amm 55 btw, pre-internet. And I still love it.
The Big Kahuna's Avatar
The first time I heard about phone sex was probably 30 yrs ago. I had my own place and was in college at the time. I bought a copy of Club magazine for the obvious reasons, the articles you know, and at the back was a small business card sized ad for phone sex. Hard to believe, but it was the only ad in the entire mag. It nagged at me for about a week and one night after a few beers, I got up the nerve to call. 99 cents a minute, boy how times have changed. It changed me. I was hooked. Danielle and I explored every fantasy I ever dreamed of or heard about. We explored every fantasy she ever had or dreamed about. I made my first trips to the adult toy store under her guidance. Nipple clamps, butt plugs, dildos, anal beads etc. I had a toy box that had no rival.

I went to a fairly small university and one night I finally got a hottie I had been chasing around campus in the sack. She was ready to go home and dropped her panties. When she went to pick them up, she found the toy box under the edge of my bed. She gave me this wierd look and I shrugged. She said, "I'm pissed! Why didn't we break out the toys earlier?!" I think we spent the rest of the night and the entire weekend doing each other every which way but loose. She and I saw each other for a while and I guess she told a friend about my toy box. Pretty soon I had the girls lined up to play with the toys.

My point to the story is that I don't think that I would have ever gotten up the nerve to do or try any of this without the phone sex relationship I had. I continue to use phone sex to try out new fantasies and test my limits as it seems like a safe way to give it a test drive.

All kidding aside, I am a strong advocate of it and am thankful for the gals that are in the trade. Thanks for a great Sex Life...

Thanks Sweatheart for starting this thread...I will be in touch!
The Big Kahuna's Avatar
Great website...I will DEFINTELY give you a fantasies abound now!
shorty's Avatar
Don't really care for phone sex. If I'm going to pay for a nonsex session, then I prefer the webcam girls or just watching online porn. I'd rather see a lady in action, if I'm going to jerk it.
The Big Kahuna's Avatar
Don't really care for phone sex. If I'm going to pay for a nonsex session, then I prefer the webcam girls or just watching online porn. I'd rather see a lady in action, if I'm going to jerk it. Originally Posted by shorty
As technology has advanced, so has the way in which we get our jolly's. There is something to be said though for taking direction from someone who you only have a fantasy vision of though.