
DallasRain's Avatar
very nice!
i like that
The Big Kahuna's Avatar
THAT looks like fun!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
There was actually a pretty good topic about this several months ago. I'll try to find it and link it here a little later.

It's still a VERY interesting concept.

The Big Kahuna's Avatar
Please do...Thanks EW
I provide a kinky massage (not bondassage) and let me tell you there is nothing like introducing someone to kink for the first time. Eventhough it is usually softer the response from your client is so exciting. Riding the waves of their emotions is just as exhilarating to me as playing hard. Everyone has just loved it! I've added a few more things like rabbit furs and silk sheets for my massage table. It has become one of my favorite sessions to provide.
DallasRain's Avatar
Thanks EW--I think sometimes adding a "little kink" to youre sessions "keeps them guessing"!! lol
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Please do...Thanks EW Originally Posted by The Big Kahuna
Just for you, Kahuna:
myusernam's Avatar
The Big Kahuna's Avatar
Just for you, Kahuna: Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers is well done, and erectifying
This is kind of how I tailor my sensual domination sessions. I don’t do the full sensory deprivation thing though. Many of the people that see me are fairly newbies. Since they are new to kink and generally nervous, I want to be able to read their full reaction so I can determine what turns them on the most. For me, I’d rather drive them wild than test their limits. Sensual massage and domination is a fabulous medium for both them and me. I love it!
Yeah - I've been playing with the NURU/sensiDomme. (I like it!)

EW, is this the thing we looked at? Chicago class? Like 1k for a weekend? Cancelled? (I didn't look at the link, shoot me)
DallasRain's Avatar
I am slowly delving into the wonderfully kinky & intriguing world of fetish play! would be a great teacher for
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Yeah - I've been playing with the NURU/sensiDomme. (I like it!)

EW, is this the thing we looked at? Chicago class? Like 1k for a weekend? Cancelled? (I didn't look at the link, shoot me) Originally Posted by babee
Yes. That was the class that we thought of attending. I just recently checked out the site (and I believe you did too a month or so ago) and the classes have really escalated, price wise.

But they do not have any scheduled classes on their website right now, which I find somewhat interesting. Although they still have the private lessons.

Oh well.