The Art of Tantra?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Actually, the title of this thread was inspired by this topic on eccie and it spurred me to ask a few questions about tantra.

I did copy the title.

I would like to know more about tantra. I will fully admit when I heard of a lingham massage several years back, I just thought of it as an elongated hand job and they used to get on my nerves.

Then, I had chance to meet with a man who has studied tantra sex and I almost fell in love with him. Saw him twice when he was in town and I've never experienced anything like it. Well, not really. It was very deliberate and very erotic.

So this might be a good topic. Not everything has to be about ropes and chains in this realm!!!

Tantra is the biggest thing on my to-do list. Yoga centers/teachers, EW. Just find a local partner and do it girl.
Happy Diver's Avatar
I've trained with three dakinis. Definitely made me a better lover. I highly recommend it. The exercises are fun if nothing else. Took me from being a 10 minute pumper to a three hour lover.
YES YES YES U posted this!!!! I have done tantra, and it Has let me Have the Most intence Orgasim I have ever had.....I will explain Later..
Thank you EW this is something that is Truly the most Intence experience while applyed to the right Experience and it works a hell of alot better when you actually like someone you are with....
I am a true Believer Of Energy Breathing, and Meditation...
I had a teacher, a Guru of The teachings...
will talk more on the subject later I will find my book and Notes and pass them along to u if you like....
I have pages of notes written down...step by step instructions
training manuals, it will blow your mind Litterally, phyically, and emotionally...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I've trained with three dakinis. Definitely made me a better lover. I highly recommend it. The exercises are fun if nothing else. Took me from being a 10 minute pumper to a three hour lover. Originally Posted by Happy Diver
I giggled when I read "dakini". I'm very irreverent when it comes to this but with your avatar ... it made me laugh. I don't know why, though.

So tell me, what is a dakini and how do I find one in Dallas?

Well, I am going to Austin later this month as well!


P.S. I hope that I didn't offend you!!! hugs.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
YES YES YES U posted this!!!! I have done tantra, and it Has let me Have the Most intence Orgasim I have ever had.....I will explain Later..
Thank you EW this is something that is Truly the most Intence experience while applyed to the right Experience and it works a hell of alot better when you actually like someone you are with....
I am a true Believer Of Energy Breathing, and Meditation...
I had a teacher, a Guru of The teachings...
will talk more on the subject later I will find my book and Notes and pass them along to u if you like....
I have pages of notes written down...step by step instructions
training manuals, it will blow your mind Litterally, phyically, and emotionally... Originally Posted by Princess_laeya
I would very much like to see that!!! My experience (twice with the same man) was exceptionally intense. But he was from out of town and I highly doubt that he's coming back to Dallas.
SlowHand49's Avatar
Definitely an area I want to learn more about . . . but I've found good information elusive . . . so will stay tuned to this thread . . .
Happy Diver's Avatar
I giggled when I read "dakini". I'm very irreverent when it comes to this but with your avatar ... it made me laugh. I don't know why, though.

So tell me, what is a dakini and how do I find one in Dallas?

Well, I am going to Austin later this month as well!


P.S. I hope that I didn't offend you!!! hugs. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Not at all. Tantra Scuba Yoda know, he does. Dakinis are another term for tantric goddesses or the "celestial women" who have received specialized training to initiate others into the techniques of tantra. (it also have a broader meaning in Asian mythologies that I won't get into here.). I'm sure you are richly endowed with tantric instructors in DFW. Here's a few links. (I don't know these people personally so YOYO)

Eros has a section for them as well

Gayle Michaels is one of the people I trained with. She's still here in Austin. I've heard good things about Goddess Charla too.
MLisa's Avatar
  • MLisa
  • 09-01-2010, 09:43 PM
This is great and Thank you Happy Diver for the links, I've already found a new site for fun things to add to my toybag in addition to my sexual enlightenment "bag".
  • thx
  • 09-01-2010, 10:37 PM
Note to self... must find out more about Tantra
I keep hearing people talk about tantra. Happy diver, do you know if the ladies you mentioned teach classes or is it more of a one on one setting? I would really like to check this out.
if you ever want to take classes in Tantra sex heres a site, but watch out they also believe in tons of other things...
This is a place where it is pure Tantra, I learned from a Guru who was american who traveled India in search of Religion, He came along the teaching of Tantra Meditation, Though Tantra is used for so many other purposes..
I know of these schools that teach it..
The Guru I learned from traveled with one of the teachers from this school.
anyways when I learned the form of Tantra sex, they called it Forbidden Knowledge,

Tantra teaches us that for a man to achieve the highest ecstasy possible for himself and his lover, he first needs to learn ejaculation control and to direct his sexual energy up his spine to the higher centers of his brain. In Tantra this sexual energy is known as kundalini" energy. When a man masters the ability to move his kundalini energy up along his spine, he increases the pleasure for himself and his lover to levels that he might never have dreamed of. As a man learns to master the movement his sexual energy within his body, he will be able to control his ejaculation and be able to make love without feeling the pressure to ejaculate.
Notes from my teacher, his words..

There are many benefits to full-body orgasm. Full-body orgasm frees a man/woman from stress and tensions, heals the mans prostate gland, opens his heart, and connects him more deeply to his lover and himself. It also helps the man/woman to experience multiple orgasms. Male multiple orgasm does not mean multiple ejaculations It means that a man can have orgasms without ejaculation. These are known as non-ejaculatory orgasms. (To learn the skills necessary to achieve ejaculatory control and multiple orgasm)
Learn tantra from a real Guru and learn in a class, or one on one..
you make alot of noices while learning to breath by letting go
more notes from the guru,

To acheive this you have too free your mind of usual sexual thoughts,(example for men} like she gives me head then I cum...u have to want to learn this, egos are always crushed when a guy thinks he can make his own rules.
Its easier for woman to achieve this state of mind then men..
My ex studied the Eighteen Arms of Wushu, and meditation was a huge part of his training so it easy for him to let go...
tantra was so intence that he embrased it, and came multible was the best sex i have ever had...I cried because of the exstacy of organism, i must have cum 22 times and him 8 but long lasting, not just with cum but with body, mind spirit, the connection was intence, Though after that night I was obessed with him and he with if u learn or try it. make sure its with someone who can handle changes your perseption on sex...I believe doing it in the hobby is not wise, unless it is a mutal understanding...Learning it is the difficult part for men, woman can let go easier..
I have tons more notes...about how to get started, but u might end up on a real sex clip....
Thats what reminds me of tantra classes....
There is a Guru comin here soom to talk about it...
if u want to go let me know the classes fill up fast...
I use it for masterbation....
UGH thats what taught me to squirt, and release all sexual tention

BTW I cant seill well LOL
not on my phome either....
just cant spell...LOL

st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 09-02-2010, 03:35 AM
A experience with a true Tantra goddess is what brought me into this world. I met a lady in Vancouver who has spent her life studying Tantra and the 90 minute experience with her where there was absolutely no touching of her by me was the most powerful sexual experience I have ever had, bar none. Thus I continue to be on my endless search for a comprehensive massage to match hers.

Here in the DFW area i have personally seen Akasha on several times in the past and I can vouch that she knows the art.

I truly wish the lady I met in Vancouver would relocate to our area, but alas it is not to be.
Tantra can be a belief system in and of itself. It's energy, it's a healing way, it is not necessarily meant as just another way to "get off". It teaches focus, breathing techniques, and meditation in order to build up energy and release it - after which your spiritual self can rest and be renewed. It's not so different than the pagan practices of sex magik, sex energy, and sex healing.

A lot of pressure (energy, positive and negative) is released during orgasm, calming the spirit.

A great example is to ask yourself. After an intense (or even not so intense) sexual (orgasmic) experience, would you really want to go shoot someone or beat somebody up or commit any act of rage? Hell no. Your tension and energy has been released in a safe way, better than popping Xanax.

I'm telling you, world peace only takes one blow job a day...
Happy Diver's Avatar
I keep hearing people talk about tantra. Happy diver, do you know if the ladies you mentioned teach classes or is it more of a one on one setting? I would really like to check this out. Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
All the ladies I trained with were one on one, but I do know that many do classes. I think a class would be a good way to learn many of the breathing and meditation techniques. I'd like to do a refresher course sometime once I get through the physical training course I'm doing now.

TxBrandy's comments are very insightful to the entire discipline. It's really not just about sex. It's about sensual,soul, and energy awareness.