Biden tells minority voters in Iowa that ‘poor kids’ are just as bright as ‘white kids’

  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2019, 10:17 AM
Biden does it Again!!!!
Another "Racist" gaffe from the Front runner of the DPST party of tolerance and equality - Not!!!
Coming soon - Biden tells poor kids to hunt white kids!!!
DPST candidates All Sign On!

Former vice president Joe Biden, who has a history of gaffes, Thursday night told a group of mostly minority voters in Iowa that “poor kids” are just as bright as “white kids.”

Biden, who has been leading in national and early state polling for the Democratic presidential nomination, was speaking on the subject of education at a town hall in Des Moines hosted by the Asian and Latino Coalition.
“We should challenge students in these schools that have advanced placement programs in these schools,” Biden said. “We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

After a brief pause, he added: “Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids, no, I really mean it, but think how we think about it.”
His remarks prompted a stir on social media Thursday night, with many focusing on the equivalence he drew, whether intentionally, between poor children and minority children.
President Trump’s campaign highlighted a video clip from the event on its “War Room” account on Twitter. In a separate tweet, the campaign’s rapid response director, Andrew Clark, wrote: “Yikes … have fun mitigating that one.”
© Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Democratic presidential candidate and former vice president Joe Biden delivers a 20-minute campaign speech at the Des Moines Register Political Soapbox at the Iowa State Fair on Thursday. In a statement Friday, Biden deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield said Biden “misspoke and immediately corrected himself during a refrain he often uses to make the point that all children deserve a fair shot, and children born into lower-income circumstances are just as smart as those born to wealthy parents.”
She also fired back at the Trump campaign for having promoted the video.
“As we approach the two year anniversary of Trump calling neo-Nazis and Klansmen ‘very fine people,’ Donald Trump is desperate to change the subject from his atrocious record of using racism to divide this country,” Bedingfield said, referencing Trump’s comments following the deadly confrontation in Charlottesville in 2017 between self-proclaimed white nationalists and protesters.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, another Democratic White House hopeful, also sought to draw attention to Biden’s comments — as well as his campaign’s response.
“To quickly dismiss @JoeBiden’s words as a mere ‘slip of the tongue’ is as concerning as what he said,” de Blasio said on Twitter. “We need to have a real conversation about the racism and sexism behind ‘electability.’ ”
Thursday was not the first time Biden’s comments on race have prompted scrutiny.
In February 2007, on the day he launched his bid for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, Biden found himself defending comments made a week earlier in an interview with the New York Observer about then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).
In the interview, he called Obama “the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
Biden issued a statement that day, saying: “I deeply regret any offense my remark in the New York Observer might have caused anyone. That was not my intent and I expressed that to Sen. Obama.”
A Monmouth University poll released Thursday showed Biden leading the Democratic field in Iowa, with 28 percent of possible 2020 Democratic caucus voters. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) placed second, with 19 percent support, up from 7 percent in April.
bambino's Avatar
Poor kids are brighter than Biden.
Chung Tran's Avatar
to be fair, he did "correct" himself swiftly, but you could see the light went off, Biden knew he had fucked up.

and he will continue to do so. that is who he is. he is creepy, gaffe-prone, and Trump will destroy him in a debate. I personally dislike Biden, too, the combination is not conducive to getting my support in 2020.
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2019, 10:45 AM
let's hear it for a Warren/Harris ticket

The DPST Dream Team!
Right out of the blocks he should have just said less fortunate kids are just as smart as kids from affluent backgrounds. That was what the main message was suppose to be. There's no need to interject any insinuation of race. Liberals do that because they feel it's important to pander to the race in which they are addressing. These Democrat candidates are a joke. The only one that is worth a solitary dam is Tulsi Gabbard, all the others are just curb side trash, and she probably won't even get the Democratic nomination.
Chung Tran's Avatar
let's hear it for a Warren/Harris ticket

The DPST Dream Team! Originally Posted by oeb11

I think that is the team that has a chance.. I can't conceive of another combination that does, at this time.

I think that is the team that has a chance.. I can't conceive of another combination that does, at this time. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Not Booker. He doesn't have what it takes. Besides he's a single gay man. He's really not sharp enough to overcome his lack of aesthetic attributes.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

I think that is the team that has a chance.. I can't conceive of another combination that does, at this time. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Warren is way too radical. She'll lose the core of the Democratic party with all her "Free shit!" crap, if she hasn't already. tacking on a token "Spartacus" as VP won't gain much, i'd rather say it's an insult to many black democrats. And they will not support that.

i think Plugs "gaffe reel" Biden actually is the best option they have. who would be his VP pick? No idea at this point, but if it's some firebrand "free shit!" type that's a huge negative. And with Biden's known "touchy freely" crap any woman VP candidate would look like an appeasement for his past bullshit. that could cause a backlash in itself, even if the pick is someone like Gabbard who doesn't appear to be a radical firebrand like Warren.

you have to wonder why Biden didn't run in 2016? as the VP of the outgoing President he was ideally situated to succeed Obama. i don't buy that stuff about his son dying. i think it was a cover for Biden being told not to run by Obama himself. Obama wanted Clinton to succeed him rather than Biden i think because Biden wasn't as far left as Clinton and Obama wanted her to continue his march to socialism.

In large degree i do believe Obama hasn't endorsed Biden or anyone else because it doesn't make sense now. if he endorses a candidate that fails to get the nomination then he looks bad for that pick. And he looks bad when he inevitably endorses the actual nominee as he must do to support the Democratic party. right now endorsing any candidate has major lose-lose written all over it. Obama is an asshole but he's not that stupid to take such a gamble.
Warren is way too radical. She'll lose the core of the Democratic party with all her "Free shit!" crap, if she hasn't already. tacking on a token "Spartacus" as VP won't gain much, i'd rather say it's an insult to many black democrats. And they will not support that.

i think Plugs "gaffe reel" Biden actually is the best option they have. who would be his VP pick? No idea at this point, but if it's some firebrand "free shit!" type that's a huge negative. And with Biden's known "touchy freely" crap any woman VP candidate would look like an appeasement for his past bullshit. that could cause a backlash in itself, even if the pick is someone like Gabbard who doesn't appear to be a radical firebrand like Warren.

you have to wonder why Biden didn't run in 2016? as the VP of the outgoing President he was ideally situated to succeed Obama. i don't buy that stuff about his son dying. i think it was a cover for Biden being told not to run by Obama himself. Obama wanted Clinton to succeed him rather than Biden i think because Biden wasn't as far left as Clinton and Obama wanted her to continue his march to socialism.

In large degree i do believe Obama hasn't endorsed Biden or anyone else because it doesn't make sense now. if he endorses a candidate that fails to get the nomination then he looks bad for that pick. And he looks bad when he inevitably endorses the actual nominee as he must do to support the Democratic party. right now endorsing any candidate has major lose-lose written all over it. Obama is an asshole but he's not that stupid to take such a gamble. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah, I can agree with this.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Not Booker. He doesn't have what it takes. Besides he's a single gay man. He's really not sharp enough to overcome his lack of aesthetic attributes. Originally Posted by Levianon17
you know what? I actually forgot Booker is Gay.

okay, who then? Beto doesn't mesh well with Warren. he does with Harris, but I gave up on her.
bambino's Avatar

I think that is the team that has a chance.. I can't conceive of another combination that does, at this time. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You’re all over the yard. You first thought Harris/O’Rourke, or something goofy like that. Trump/Pence is the winning ticket.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Pick an excuse:

His teleprompter broke.
English is his 2nd language (after old dinosaur speak)
What state am I in today?
I didn't say that, the news video misquoted me.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You’re all over the yard. You first thought Harris/O’Rourke, Originally Posted by bambino
yup, you got it. and I was right.. then.. but that was last Spring. the metric no longer holds. as they say, the only poll that matters is November 3, 2020.

if I knew for sure last Spring, why keep having debates, and discussing? if I'm not fluid, why drink from the cup?
you know what? I actually forgot Booker is Gay.

okay, who then? Beto doesn't mesh well with Warren. he does with Harris, but I gave up on her. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Gabbard that's about all the Democrats have. I say that because her campaign stance appears more obtainable and realistic than the rest.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Gabbard that's about all the Democrats have. I say that because her campaign stance appears more obtainable and realistic than the rest. Originally Posted by Levianon17
are you saying that from your heart, or spewing it from your loins?