Trump rally fizzles again

VitaMan's Avatar
Trump rally today in Georgia has fewer than 5,000 attending. Lowest in years.

But Trump spokesman to the rescue:
"We estimate up to 30,000."

And Trump himself:
"People as far as the eye can see."
Maybe even Georgia is getting smarter even though trumpys manly man walker can't even spell crt. Typically gop idiots

Trumpy and his cartel still living on a dream and a bunch of lies
Maybe even Georgia is getting smarter even though trumpys manly man walker can't even spell crt. Typically gop idiots

Trumpy and his cartel still living on a dream and a bunch of lies
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
You're not even a Politician and you probably lie more than Trump.
Trump rally today in Georgia has fewer than 5,000 attending. Lowest in years.

But Trump spokesman to the rescue:
"We estimate up to 30,000."

And Trump himself:
"People as far as the eye can see." Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Actually, drongo - the Rally was LAST NIGHT
and surely had more people than that.

... Now maybe today if Trump stopped at Kentucky Chicken
or was out on the golf links - there were less than
4,000 or so to see him.

... Name me ONE liberal politician who can outdraw Trump
at a Rally.

... Just one.

... And Trump is the betting favourite to WIN yet-again
in 2024. ... STILL the most popular!

... And YOU know it.

#### Salty
ManSlut's Avatar

... Name me ONE liberal politician who can outdraw Trump
at a Rally.

... Just one.

... And Trump is the betting favourite to WIN yet-again
in 2024. ... STILL the most popular!

... And YOU know it.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I don’t think there is any liberal politician who gives a fuck about Trump or Trumper popularity rallies, they probably love them because everytime he opens his con man mouth no one new is buying what he’s selling anymore...Real Republicans don’t want to be associated with BSC’s like Rudy Guliani, Mike Lindell, or Marjorie Taylor Greene, but you go ahead and keep thinking we do, you have that freedom.

The Con Man lost the popularity vote in the only two elections he’s run in, the last one in a mother fucking landslide...Yeh, he’s still the most popular (lmao...not) and the Biggest Loser of All Time!...He doesn’t have the balls to put himself on another ballot, too afraid to be known as a two time Loser!...Besides, no one but the Nut Jobs would want to be his running mate. Notice how there is no mention who that would be if he did run in 2024? No one wants to be associated with that narcissistic, pathological lying, sociopath when the hammer meets the metal, only the unqualified Bat Shit Crazies do!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
No one wants to be associated with that narcissistic, pathological lying, sociopath when the hammer meets the metal, only the unqualified Bat Shit Crazies do! Originally Posted by ManSlut
Yeah, Pence couldn't walk away from the stink of Trump fast enough when it was all said and done. Unless Trump gets a nut job like Palin or dummy Marj, who the fuck would want to join his circus as VP?

Trump was so incompetent that Biden was elected. How bad do you have to be to have that happen? Hopefully this country wakes up and starts electing people who are actually qualified for the job. Who is that person? Fuck if I know but it's not like they have to be a transcendent star to be better than Biden or Trump. They basically just need to know how to tie their shoe laces and it's an upgrade.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I don’t think there is any liberal politician who gives a fuck about Trump or Trumper popularity rallies, ... Originally Posted by ManSlut
Seems as though you do. Same for VM. Just do the honorable thing and send Trump a 1099 for letting him live rent free in your mind. BTW: Your old Cabbage Head is about to light the whole world on fire. On the upside, it will contribute greatly to the depopulation agenda. Maybe he is just not all that in to you.
Yeah, Pence couldn't walk away from the stink of Trump fast enough when it was all said and done. Unless Trump gets a nut job like Palin or dummy Marj, who the fuck would want to join his circus as VP?

Trump was so incompetent that Biden was elected. How bad do you have to be to have that happen? Hopefully this country wakes up and starts electing people who are actually qualified for the job. Who is that person? Fuck if I know but it's not like they have to be a transcendent star to be better than Biden or Trump. They basically just need to know how to tie their shoe laces and it's an upgrade. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
That is BS. Go sell your revisionist history somewhere else.

The vast majority of Trump’s problems were due to an out and out lie propagated by the Democrats and their lackeys in the Main Stream Media.

Take away “RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA” and Trump’s Presidency was pretty darned good.

“BUT TRUMPS TWEETS”………..That is why Biden is President.
Trump was Trumps biggest problem.
I don’t think there is any liberal politician who gives a fuck about Trump or Trumper popularity rallies, they probably love them because everytime he opens his con man mouth no one new is buying what he’s selling anymore...Real Republicans don’t want to be associated with BSC’s like Rudy Guliani, Mike Lindell, or Marjorie Taylor Greene, but you go ahead and keep thinking we do, you have that freedom.

The Con Man lost the popularity vote in the only two elections he’s run in, the last one in a mother fucking landslide...Yeh, he’s still the most popular (lmao...not) and the Biggest Loser of All Time!...He doesn’t have the balls to put himself on another ballot, too afraid to be known as a two time Loser!...Besides, no one but the Nut Jobs would want to be his running mate. Notice how there is no mention who that would be if he did run in 2024? No one wants to be associated with that narcissistic, pathological lying, sociopath when the hammer meets the metal, only the unqualified Bat Shit Crazies do! Originally Posted by ManSlut
... YOU voted for Biden!

... Lookie here - We FOUND another Biden voter!
Not many people will admit it these days.

No sense tryin' to deny it, mate. ... We know the type.

How's Sleepy Joe's shitty presidency going for ya?
Ratings got him at 38% approval ... NBC at Historic Low 40%.

Like they say: "Elections have Consequences" ...

#### Salty
texassapper's Avatar
Trump rally today in Georgia has fewer than 5,000 attending. Lowest in years. Originally Posted by VitaMan
When was the last time Biden managed to get more than 30 people in any venue?
Yeah, Pence couldn't walk away from the stink of Trump fast enough when it was all said and done. Unless Trump gets a nut job like Palin or dummy Marj, who the fuck would want to join his circus as VP?

Trump was so incompetent that Biden was elected. How bad do you have to be to have that happen? Hopefully this country wakes up and starts electing people who are actually qualified for the job. Who is that person? Fuck if I know but it's not like they have to be a transcendent star to be better than Biden or Trump. They basically just need to know how to tie their shoe laces and it's an upgrade. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
That seems to be the biggest complaint Liberals have about Trump, that he lies and is incompetent. Now we have a guy that has fifty years of experience doing just what caused Trump not to be reelected. That's insane.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
When was the last time Biden managed to get more than 30 people in any venue? Originally Posted by texassapper
Typical Biden rally has 4-6 people and I think the only reason he topped out at 12 was because some joker placed a sign outside the said: Free Beer. An Irishman with a Free Beer sign that can't draw more than a dozen people is mighty lame.

If you recall, there were more anti-Biden attendees than Biden attendees. I mean, at the ones that actually had any attendees.
VitaMan's Avatar
Endless "aboutism" by the Trumpites. A rampant condition.

As far as you can see......either Trump needs glasses, or he is delusional. A good guess is that he is delusional. And everybody knows it.

Trumpy is so delusional he doesn't even have a concept of the truth. He knows his cartel will just keep on eating his shit...and loving it ugh