So providers how do you handle a client that smells like urine & starts to be rough? I handled it as best I could by stopping the session & showing him the door......I kept the I wrong for doing that?

I have over 1000 yes she’s great reviews out of nowhere I get this bad one....I offered an apology & iI am even giving a free session to the complainers.....what more should I do?

Guys I have said this before we are providers & it’s hard work....I support my family doing this kind of work....if you have beef with one of us be an adult & discuss it privately.....

I’m glad I’m moving I will pray that the St. Louis guys are a lot nicer than what I been seeing here in SA with a lot of us good are making us all go away you big dummys then whatcha gonna play with???
Wow that’s disgusting an rude/out of line. I don’t blame ya
tpepsi's Avatar
So providers how do you handle a client that smells like urine & starts to be rough? I handled it as best I could by stopping the session & showing him the door......I kept the I wrong for doing that?

I have over 1000 yes she’s great reviews out of nowhere I get this bad one....I offered an apology & iI am even giving a free session to the complainers.....what more should I do?

Guys I have said this before we are providers & it’s hard work....I support my family doing this kind of work....if you have beef with one of us be an adult & discuss it privately.....

I’m glad I’m moving I will pray that the St. Louis guys are a lot nicer than what I been seeing here in SA with a lot of us good are making us all go away you big dummys then whatcha gonna play with???
Originally Posted by LATINA MILF

Oh please. If I had a dime for every provider who claims "smelly penis" when they get a bad review..... I'd have a lot of dimes.

Vaya con dios.

1000 YES reviews????? Where?
I have a p411 account & Erotic Monkey I existed back in A.S.P.D. .....Basically these haters are calling all the amazing hobbiest I have seen.....and they took the time out to make a review about our session LIERS....crazy novelas and I have no time for it!!

tpepsi uhhhh yeah a smelly penis is a huge turn off makes you want to barf..not only unsanitary but makes you want to run....not romantic......It’s the being rough part that had me give him the boot....& now he’s pissed so he goes & publicly try to ruin my stellar reputation....not cool he could have been mature enough to privately let me know his rant .....and the other one that ranted is one of the many who thinks that they are actually paying for time....omg seriously most gals out here just spread there legs....yup thats all you get buddy!!....I have resolved that one by offering him a free session...just trying to find the time to do that

Anywho close this thread please I said my peace.....gotta get ready to go to a luxury apartment surrounded by 6 major casinos....LMFBO
Ashamanr's Avatar
There seems to be some detail missing from all this. I apologize if I’m responding without full detail. But people are always going to question your honesty in keeping money for a service not given. And you seem to be really concenrend about your stellar reputation. So why not give the guy his donation back and spare us the drama. Clearly no big deal to you and your successful business.
Precious_b's Avatar
Ash, there is always a he said/she said.
She has been around awhile. So, I don't think this will hurt her.
I do know that she can spin things.
Remember the head spinning she did with the Mod when she broke the barriers on, at the time, ad posting. Saying she was indie while and posting for a bunch of ladies. But she wasn't an agency. She was getting N amount more ads than other Providers.
I also remember her client that supposedly lived on a ranch that started speaking first person as her. Laughed so hard trying to see he/she back out of that one.

Happy trails at the new apartment, casino, ranch?
Ash, there is always a he said/she said.
She has been around awhile. So, I don't think this will hurt her.
I do know that she can spin things.
Remember the head spinning she did with the Mod when she broke the barriers on, at the time, ad posting. Saying she was indie while and posting for a bunch of ladies. But she wasn't an agency. She was getting N amount more ads than other Providers.
I also remember her client that supposedly lived on a ranch that started speaking first person as her. Laughed so hard trying to see he/she back out of that one.

Happy trails at the new apartment, casino, ranch? Originally Posted by Precious_b
Even 5 star restaurants gets a bad review every once in awhile ....IT IS WHAT IT

Precious_b your absolutely right I’m actually getting more business because of

Most definitely enjoying my new adventure!!!!

Can one of the mods please take some time out to close this...ty
guy fawkes's Avatar
Well my friend always says

Champagne Brown's Avatar
Handle it like you did..

Ive only been thrown on a bed rough once, and not in a good way..

Also slapped in the face once, ouch.
tpepsi's Avatar
Why would you want it closed, since its bringing you so much more business?
Why would you want it closed, since its bringing you so much more business? Originally Posted by tpepsi
Tpepsi what’s your problem go make an appointment with one of our amazing providers in here....that’s what this site is all’s not for you to wonder wtf or why I do what I do....MY SWEET why I will always get

Champagne Brown thank you mamacita so sorry that happened there karma will get them one day....Thank you all for your sweet support & May God bless all you haters from getting blue balls for all the bad press....LMFBO
Well I guess she’s referencing the review I posted , however I did not ask for a refund and she did not ask me to leave . However she did offer me a free session and I declined . My review was a very polite and just as a general service to the community. If you read the ros , a hospital bed in the living room , lack of nuru experience and or technique made for a bad experience. Her main calling is a NURU GODDESSES, far from it . Annabelle in austin is a true goddess although the photos don’t show her age she works hard to keep the appearance that she does and is older than Tina . However Annabelle gives a fantastic session ! So in fact she does like to spin things from the truth !
tpepsi's Avatar
Tpepsi what’s your problem...
go make an appointment with one of our amazing providers in here....that’s what this site is all’s not for you to wonder wtf or why I do what I do Originally Posted by LATINA MILF
Actually this site and this forum IS to discuss issues. You created this post in Co-Ed Discussions so that it can be discussed. I'm discussing.

Beside, all its doing is driving more business your way, according to you. How on earth do you find the time to respond?
Precious_b's Avatar
Why would you want it closed, since its bringing you so much more business? Originally Posted by tpepsi
There is no "wondering" about it.

Forum Guide Line Rule #12 -
In our review forums, be mindful of the 'maturity' of threads you are posting to, ie. the date of the last item posted. We ask that you refrain from posting to a review in which the last post was made 30 or more days ago. Some exceptions may apply if you are providing relevant, valuable or updated information about the provider, but as a general rule of thumb, this can best be accomplished by writing a new review altogether and avoiding the bumping of old ones. This applies to our review forums, in particular, as discussion threads are often allowed to flow for an unspecified length of time.
Well I guess she’s referencing the review I posted , however I did not ask for a refund and she did not ask me to leave . However she did offer me a free session and I declined . My review was a very polite and just as a general service to the community. If you read the ros , a hospital bed in the living room , lack of nuru experience and or technique made for a bad experience. Her main calling is a NURU GODDESSES, far from it . Annabelle in austin is a true goddess although the photos don’t show her age she works hard to keep the appearance that she does and is older than Tina . However Annabelle gives a fantastic session ! So in fact she does like to spin things from the truth ! Originally Posted by
ONLY YOU & I REALLY KNOW WHAT WENT DOWN BUDDY!!! This all could have simply been resolved privately....but your to immature to deal in this manner .....offered you a free session which I refrain from doing would never want you in my room does a hospital bed have anything to do with sucking your little limp pee pee that’s where I took care of my sick mother you asshole.....

Keep it going sweetheart all this does is has providers run the other way to your blue has hobbiest completely curious into why you would try to throw such a good provider as myself under the bus!!!

As I told you before I pray every day for the people that just don’t get it!!! Now back to reality where I gotta make a choice in going all in baby!!!