What happens to the guys if caught during a bust in a spa

Just wondering what happens to the guys that are in a spa during a LE bust?
thank you
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
they 'disappear' and are never heard from again.
  • M69
  • 03-21-2011, 03:01 PM
It depends. I was at one and LE let us sit in our room until they were done and then we were asked to leave. They didn't have to ask twice. I have a friend that had LE run a warrant check on him during a bust. Since he came back clean, he was allowed to go.

In theory they could give you a ticket for pandering. Not sure it would hold up in court but it would suck to deal with.
Happened to me in Phily once. (BTW: there are some GREAT AMPS there!) Best advice from that experience: 1) when LE asks why you were there, DO NOT give them a stupid answer; the best answer is "relaxation" 2) ALWAYS use cash so when they ask you how you paid you don't have to worry about being called as a witness because your CC is on file
3) DO NOT GO BACK until after you are sure management has changed. If LE is against them you do not want to get in the middle.

Play safe.
smiley's Avatar
It happened to me a couple years ago at a spa right across Central from SMU, which is no longer there. LE came in and announced themselves at about 2:00am. Holy Crap! I was dressed and headed for the door at 2:00:30. They were quizzing one member of the staff, who was feverishly trying to get ownership on the phone. As I was leaving, I was asked for my identification, which was checked, and then handed back to me. At that point, I just went out to my car, and left. I expected to see red and blue in my rearview at any moment, but never did.

During our session, I became suspicious that there was some other activity going on besides what I was there for. LE was probably more interested in that than the spa activities. As I was pulling away, it occurred to me that a bright neon "OPEN" sign isn't something that is going to help you stay under the radar at that time of night.
StJames's Avatar
They take you to a far away place with lots of snow and make you dig up seal turds till you freeze to death.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Your dick shrivels up - but doesn't die.
For sure, Randy!! Though when you get as old as I am it might be a while before you're sure of the second part.