Have We Gotten Too Fuckin' Friendly?

jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-24-2010, 06:18 PM

The thread above makes me want to gag. Where did all this silly sweetness come from? It's sappy.

Okay, I don't have a problem with ladies coming in and saying "Way to go" on a deal like that. They need to stick together. But, gentlemen, how many of you really need to chime in with the same refrain?

In the first place, this post was a thinly veiled ad to begin with. She knew she'd handled things correctly. She knew to contact Gina. She was kinda tootin' her own horn, getting her name out and showing gents that she knows how to handle herself (not to mention how pretty she is).

And then all these guys keep her ad going telling her how wonderful she is and giving her advice she doesn't need. Come on, fellas, sniffing her ass like that is undignified.

On another (now defunct) board I used to laugh that Lana Storm could post that she'd lost her watch and guys would keep the thread alive forever updating her on the time.

Thanks, SPH, for putting an end to the nonsense.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
although i agree with you that too many dudes chime in on these kinda posts sometimes, i saw nothing wrong with her post. didn't see it as an ad at all. and if the thread was becoming too sappy for you, why did you ride it to the end? nothing else to do? no yardwork to tend to?

maybe quit whining and post your first review on this board. it has been a YEAR since you joined.

jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-24-2010, 07:10 PM
Oh, JPdM, you strike me at my most vulnerable point: Lack of reviews. I assume that implicit in your surgical slash is also the fact that I've not purchased so-called Premium Access, and am, in effect, a freeloader here. Well if it makes you feel any better, I don't spend time with anyone reviewed here. My only benefit is pleasant interactions with fine folks such as yourself.

Thank you for responding.

I am, however, impervious to your attacks on my horticultural productivity - early flowers in, garden tilled (awaiting only some assurance of last frost), pre-emergent fertilizer applied, sir.

P.S. in earlier days I took pride in a 10:1 post:review ratio. You are not far off that and are to be commended for your usefulness.

P.P.S. I had less to say then.

P.P.P.S No reviews to follow. Sorry.
bigmarv's Avatar
Sounds like to me Delanie did the right thing and if she bends over I will kiss her lovely ass in a heartbeat. One cheek at a time.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Dang, what's wrong with being friendly? Delanie hardly needs to place thinly veiled ad...and the others were just offering support.

The alert section is the last place any lady would go to 'toot their own horn' as it's open to questions, ridicule and trolls.

Why is there a problem with people actually liking someone around here?

The thread above makes me want to gag.
And then all these guys keep her ad going telling her how wonderful she is and giving her advice she doesn't need. Come on, fellas, sniffing her ass like that is undignified. Originally Posted by jfred
So, is this a continuation of that thread?
(Looking to grab a number and get in line to kiss her Ass)

Hi Jfred & JPdM, good to see you old timers still around.

Ok a lady screens and complains about how a guy wrote to her. There are greater tragedies in life. I have had providers call me names, no show, rip me off and the list goes on and on. I dont post how a lady has treated me. I just move on and find another lady that I would rather spend my hard earned money on. If a provider does not like a guy's references or attitiude, just tell him so and move on, lots of guys will still want to see you. This is a business and we all make choices on who we want to see and spend time with. I have read post about ladies having an appointment and they could care less about the guy, its about the money. I know several laides on the board and some I also consider friends. But when it comes to the hobby, friendship and being friendly is gone, its a business and its driven by economics. I do business every day with people, I could care less about most of them. They are business associates and nothing more and I will do business with them, I dont care if they are nice or not. Because again I make a choice of how to conduct myself.

If a lady post about a guy that no shows her, that post has all kinds of reactions from hobbyist saying how sorry they are for the lady. But let a lady no show, loose her cell phone, her dog died or whatever excuse, and not one provider will tell the guy how sorry they are. JFred has a point keep your self respect in tact, head held high, balls hung low and have some fun. this is just a fantasy right?
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-24-2010, 08:32 PM
...Why is there a problem with people actually liking someone around here? Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
You have always seemed like such a nice person, Nicole, and I see that in your post here, as well.

I saw the thread where you retired. Didn't have a chance to read it but I do hope things are going well, seriously.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking people and being nice, in my opinion. I, myself, am nice and like people.

Although nothing I said was insincere, I may have taken a more right-wing stance on the matter of Excessive Friendliness than a personal conversation (between yourself and I? Coffee downtown?) would show. If so it was only in the interest of stimulating discussion.

Nevertheless, there is something about threads of that sort (may the lovely Delanie Smith forgive me for choosing hers) that really does strike me as...what?...creepy? Definitely unmanly. It's not the friendly sentiments expressed, exactly...it's hard to say.

But they do bother me. And I had empty minutes to fill.
gregory_m2003's Avatar
The girl brought up a genuine concern and the guys wanted to give her a word of support. What's the big deal? I personally wouldn't reply to a post like that but if some guy chooses to do so it's his wish.
And I thought what she brought up was genuine issue. If someone with P411 acted like that it would undermine the credibility of all genuine P411 members like myself. And it is important that such individuals are weeded out quickly to maintain the credibility of the service.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
You boys definitely need something more important to obsess about, LOL
Mister Tudball's Avatar
Yeah, what Nicole said. Hope that isn't too sappy for you jfred. Try to control those gag reflexes of yours.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-24-2010, 09:02 PM
...What's the big deal?...And it is important that such individuals are weeded out quickly to maintain the credibility of the service. Originally Posted by gregory_m2003
Greg, I see that you have both Premium Access and those (essential) reviews, to your credit. So I speak to you with an appropriate sense of unworthiness.

You make it sound so innocent -- just some guys sayin' "Good job." If we keep it on those terms I cannot argue with you, which, it just so happens, is what I'd like to do. So let me suggest that something less innocent is afoot.

True, I don't know what it is, but I do sense it. Now you may take that or leave it, as you choose. (But, as the estimable Mr CopierGuy pointed out, I am an old timer.)

At the very least, it is unseemly for mature gentlemen to publicly crowd around a young (how old is she, 23?) hooker and fawn over her not-so-brilliant accomplishment in properly handling a social miscreant.

Just for the record, if the lady and I were visiting and she related her tale I'd give her a hearty, "Bravo." But to be so obsequious in this public forum lacks a dignity that I simply believe accompanies manhood. Or should.

As for your concern that bad-actors be speedily and summarily ejected from P411, I'm pretty sure the lady in charge is up to handling that sort of tempest in a teapot. Probably does so regularly.

P.S. Mr Tudball, how did you choose your handle, if you don't mind my asking? Or, if that's too personal, what exactly is a t-u-dball? (You are aware that a simple letter renders you a t-u-r-dball, yes?)

And while I'm speaking to you (may it be the last time) if you have something to say, just say it. Gratuitously echoing a woman who posts before you makes you appear insecure and servile.

P.P.S Nicole this is my thread and I'll obsess as I choose, if you don't object too strenuously. Besides, you're retired anyway.
  • fubar
  • 03-24-2010, 09:06 PM
Most of these guys have probably read or seen The Notebook.
May they forever be in "the friend zone".
jfred, I'll be the first to say that I understand what you're talking about. I think the fact that you spent so many years on ASPD is what brought this feeling about (i've felt it too). There is nothing wrong with being friendly but things here sometimes seem TOO friendly. I know that doesn't make sense to some people but I know where you're coming from.

Also, with this being a brand new site and having so many new members, I think we'll see alot of what I call "ass kissing" going on. Other than that, I think this is a great place with great people.

PS. As i'm sure you know, JPMD is like that to everyone. Even I recall being on the receiving end of his sarcasm and dry, and sometimes not funny, humor.
boo-boo bear's Avatar
I do not think that what she did was wrong, as I sometimes feel the lady will post concerning events and actions taken as a means of feedback. She doesn't post these types of threads a lot, so I do not believe that it was a advertisement. There are quite a number of trolls and lowlifes who attempt to intimidate or coerce the ladies, threatening them with all manner of "make or break" reviews, freebies in return for things, etc. The ladies, a few being new, or young and naive, or both, do not know what to do, who to ask. I find some, not all, of these threads to be useful in that they let the lady know that she does have some control, that she can say no. And if she continues in a good business model of great screening, scheduling and sessions then she has nothing to fear. They also let the few questionable guys know that there is some sort of system in place for feedback to the ladies concerning rude or boorish behavior. Good manners and social grace is not a sign of weakness, neither is positive support. However, there is always a fine line between support and brown nosing, we just have to make sure that we stay on the clean side.