May I Have a Break?


I have a very generous gentleman taking me to Las Vegas on vacation with him next month. We live in different cities so we are meeting at the airport and going to the hotel together. Our departing flights are also around the same time, so we'll be leaving the hotel and going to the airport together.

All in all we will be together for about 72 hours. I was wondering if it is offensive to ask him for a few hours of alone time each day? Whenever I ponder a situation like this, I always put myself in the gentleman's shoes...and with this situation...I can't help but to feel that its rude. He's paying me to go on vacation with him, he's so sweet, very lonely, super into me and a little sensitive...I have a feeling that he's going to hurt by my suggestion.

It's hard to be "ON" 24 hours straight, for three days at a time. I'd love to have sometime to go the gym, get a massage, go shopping by myself for a few hours each day. Is this too much to ask?

Guys how would you feel if your escort asked to be away from you on the trip you paid her to go on? Ladies, do you set up the vacation dates with both you and your client knowing that you will have a few hours to yourself? Or do you just power through it, staying true to "GFE"...a real GF is always excited to be with her man, right?

If you'd rather reply by PM, I would appreciate that too. Thank you!

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  • 12-04-2011, 10:35 PM
My thoughts are that if you need a break from him , then either you shouldn't go or suck it up!

Seriously you will probably get a break so why hurt his feelings? Just let him be the one to suggest it!

Think of how lucky you are for going and not how big a favor you are doing for him. When I bitch and moan about something or other, I usually look around at how bad some folks have it and feel like a total jerk for bitching about stupid shit.

Others may feel different but you asked! I seriously doubt that he would get his feelings hurt if you wanted to go work out for an hour but damn, going shopping by yourself? I sure wouldn't want to go shopping and wouldn't want my date to do something she could do on her home turf, afterall the trip is really about the client.
The key is to wake up early in the morning and take a long bath, it is very relaxing way to reflect and gather some me time without possibly coming off as annoyed of the person. It is hard to think that he will want to coop a beautiful woman in his room for the whole trip, he will surely want to show you off.

The trip is about you and him, all of your attention should be on him, if you think that is mentally or physically exerting I would advise you to ask him if you two will be going to particular places or events ( I would say I need to know this so I know what to pack) and if his plans are something you are not into- like banging for 72 hours straight and nothing but roomservice and a pretty view- then ask if you can bow out. The last thing you want to do is make your client feel as if you are disinterested. I know it can be hard and alot different than dealing with men for a few hours at a time. But that is why you get paid more.

Yake the money you earned and make a return trip or you can stay in vegas a day longer after your date so you can fully enjoy yourself.

keep your head up chica and make lots of money!
It's a perfectly acceptable request and certainly not unexpected by most gentlemen familiar with these types of arrangements. He'll most likely want some time alone himself. Your personal diplomacy is key in these situations. I would suggest you not request "time alone" or "time away." Rather, request some time to go to the gym, or to get a massage, etc. then take as much time as you need. For example, "I'd like to go the the gym and work off that wonderful late night dessert from last night then grab a quick massage. Shall we meet downstairs for dinner at 5:30?"

I'm sure you'll handle this in fine fashion.

All the best,


All in all we will be together for about 72 hours. I was wondering if it is offensive to ask him for a few hours of alone time each day? Whenever I ponder a situation like this, I always put myself in the gentleman's shoes...and with this situation...I can't help but to feel that its rude. Originally Posted by jamais vu
You aren't being rude. I appreciate the sentiment about his feelings, but you are trying to rip him off, and I don't think you even realize that you are doing it.

It's hard to be "ON" 24 hours straight, for three days at a time. I'd love to have sometime to go the gym, get a massage, go shopping by myself for a few hours each day. Is this too much to ask? Originally Posted by jamais vu
You aren't on 24 hours; sleeping doesn't count. Let's put sleeping at nine hours per day, and you want three hours per day off. What you are suggesting is that he pay for 15 hours but is getting twelve. Basically, you want to do 20% less "work" but get the same amount of money.

So offer him a 20% discount and say that you didn't want to take his money while not fulfilling your duty. Tell him that you want to be at your best for him and that requires a few hours of alone time per day. I personally don't want to go with a woman to the gym or to watch her try on shoes or clothes. Boring!! But I do know that when she has her gym time or the chance to buy nice looking clothes, the rest of our time together will be better.

Also, during this time, send him texts to let him know that you are thinking about him and exactly where you are. "I can't wait for you to see the outfit I have bought for dinner" or "I am working out to look extra good for you, baby".

If he balks at the idea of the 20% discount, then you are going to have to suck it up and take it. The client is paying for 72 hours and you are going to have to work 72 hours.
Naomi4u's Avatar

I have a very generous gentleman taking me to Las Vegas on vacation with him next month. We live in different cities so we are meeting at the airport and going to the hotel together. Our departing flights are also around the same time, so we'll be leaving the hotel and going to the airport together.

All in all we will be together for about 72 hours. I was wondering if it is offensive to ask him for a few hours of alone time each day? Whenever I ponder a situation like this, I always put myself in the gentleman's shoes...and with this situation...I can't help but to feel that its rude. He's paying me to go on vacation with him, he's so sweet, very lonely, super into me and a little sensitive...I have a feeling that he's going to hurt by my suggestion.

It's hard to be "ON" 24 hours straight, for three days at a time. I'd love to have sometime to go the gym, get a massage, go shopping by myself for a few hours each day. Is this too much to ask?

Guys how would you feel if your escort asked to be away from you on the trip you paid her to go on? Ladies, do you set up the vacation dates with both you and your client knowing that you will have a few hours to yourself? Or do you just power through it, staying true to "GFE"...a real GF is always excited to be with her man, right?

If you'd rather reply by PM, I would appreciate that too. Thank you!

JV Originally Posted by jamais vu
Short answer: It depends on the client and what he's like. I take it you aren't REALLY into him.

I totally understand what you mean.
I recently turned down a 5 day date to hawaii with a client because of this very issue. I knew he was the type that would take offense to my request to have alone time for at least 2 hours to myself each day. I, too, like to have my space too. I won't disclose what this guy looks like/what he's like because I don't know who's reading but I will say this, every client is different and you know that (OR maybe you don't). With me, there are guys that I can be full gfe with 24/7 and there are others that I can't. Maybe they are a bit too needy, too sensitive..etc. I can't stand guys that smother me emotionally.

I prefer men a man that wants to have sex every minute than one that wants me to play babysitter and feed his ego every minute .. make sense? Well that's why I couldn't do the extended date. I say ask him. Tell him that you need a few hours to yourself everyday so you can be refreshed for him and see what he says. Chances are,,, if he says no then he's not a good match.

I also agree with the others -- if you REALLY need those hours off -- you could always offer a discount.
shorty's Avatar
Your not into the guy and only doing this for a big payday. I don't see a problem with you saying that you like to go shopping, go to the gym, or go get a massage. There's a way to ask but not sound demanding. If you start to make up excuses about going here in there, then the trip will end badly for the both of you. A trip like this should be with someone you feel comfortable with and you would go with him even if there was no money involved.
I think you should try to include a reward for him for private time. Like training a dog. If you go shopping alone just tell him you want to get a surprise for him also. For example sexy underwear, latex, or a nice fun toy for you both to play with. If he knows he will be rewarded for his actions you will get what you want. I thought providers knew how to handle men. Why do you think they call us dogs?
London Rayne's Avatar
I would have already discussed this BEFORE I agreed to go and on a fee. No way in hell I would be with someone that long and not have alone time. I mean I need at least 4 hours a day totally alone to do my make-up, work out, bathe, etc. I would not for any amount of money allow someone to be in the room while I umm...used the bathroom lol.

In 3 or 4 days imagine how awkward that would be for BOTH of you. I don't want to see some stranger taking a dump and I sure as hell don't want to smell it. Sorry to be so crude, but it's true. We are humans not machines as the hobby suggests, so trying to keep such a fantasy going is going to be torn down pretty quick when mother nature steps in.

I beg to differ with the "sleeping does not count" statement..BS! When you are with a stranger you don't sleep as you would alone. Odds are it's not quality sleep listening to someone fart or possibly kick you all damn night...that alone is worth the damn fee! Men are freaking gross in their sleep most of the time...just sayin. Sleeping next to some person you don't know is more trying than being awake!

Again, it's a little late to start thinking about this now after things are paid for and booked. I would kindly tell him, "Look, I know it was not really discussed in detail, but as a woman I will need private time to be ready for you each day." I can't get ready with someone else around...period! Even on my wedding day I went get a hotel suite because I did not want anyone around me.

And no, she is not trying to "rip him off." MOST guys booking such dates have the common freaking sense to understand these things, and they are not all about a dollar bill and how much bang they can get out of it. If that were the case, he could have picked up some tart in Texas for 150 and never left the hotel room.

I do overnights and I always get up 2 hours earlier than they do so I can do my make-up and cook breakfast. Is that "not working?" Gimme a fkin break! As for "sucking it up" ha forget it. If I am not into someone or he is too retarded to understand women are not robots, he can keep his damn money! That's the benefit of not being dependent on a dime!

Sure, it's a lot of money and she would have to probably see 10 guys in the next month to make up for it, but so what. I would rather be with 10 guys I have fun with vs. pulling my hair out for some needy nut job who won't let me take a crap alone!
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  • 12-05-2011, 10:15 AM
Sure, it's a lot of money and she would have to probably see 10 guys in the next month to make up for it, but so what. I would rather be with 10 guys I have fun with vs. pulling my hair out for some needy nut job who won't let me take a crap alone! Originally Posted by London Rayne
That is why we are all different. I doubt he is going to want to be in the toliet. But if so, charge extra!

What we all do is project our personal situtation on others. I do not know her personal situtation but sister jamais vu , if you need the bucks, "Suck it up!'', if not, I guess you and London can go cook me some breakfest!

Of course a rich person would not dig in a dumpster for food but you take away their money and they will dumpster dive with the best of us! That is all I am saying. Only she can make that decision. There is no right or wrong. Each situtation is unique to each person.
London Rayne's Avatar
Whether he "wants" to or not,'s GOING TO HAPPEN and more than once in 72 hours lol. Stay away from Mexican bwahahaha! I agree, it's her decision. I think it's more than obvious what Londumb would do here. I would bring a friend and we would take turns and split the damn fee.
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  • 12-05-2011, 10:25 AM
My caca don't no worries there!
London Rayne's Avatar
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  • 12-05-2011, 10:29 AM
Pull my finger
shorty's Avatar
I would have already discussed this BEFORE I agreed to go and on a fee. No way in hell I would be with someone that long and not have alone time. I mean I need at least 4 hours a day totally alone to do my make-up, work out, bathe, etc. I would not for any amount of money allow someone to be in the room while I umm...used the bathroom lol.

In 3 or 4 days imagine how awkward that would be for BOTH of you. I don't want to see some stranger taking a dump and I sure as hell don't want to smell it. Sorry to be so crude, but it's true. We are humans not machines as the hobby suggests, so trying to keep such a fantasy going is going to be torn down pretty quick when mother nature steps in.

I beg to differ with the "sleeping does not count" statement..BS! When you are with a stranger you don't sleep as you would alone. Odds are it's not quality sleep listening to someone fart or possibly kick you all damn night...that alone is worth the damn fee! Men are freaking gross in their sleep most of the time...just sayin. Sleeping next to some person you don't know is more trying than being awake!

Again, it's a little late to start thinking about this now after things are paid for and booked. I would kindly tell him, "Look, I know it was not really discussed in detail, but as a woman I will need private time to be ready for you each day." I can't get ready with someone else around...period! Even on my wedding day I went get a hotel suite because I did not want anyone around me.

And no, she is not trying to "rip him off." MOST guys booking such dates have the common freaking sense to understand these things, and they are not all about a dollar bill and how much bang they can get out of it. If that were the case, he could have picked up some tart in Texas for 150 and never left the hotel room.

I do overnights and I always get up 2 hours earlier than they do so I can do my make-up and cook breakfast. Is that "not working?" Gimme a fkin break! As for "sucking it up" ha forget it. If I am not into someone or he is too retarded to understand women are not robots, he can keep his damn money! That's the benefit of not being dependent on a dime!

Sure, it's a lot of money and she would have to probably see 10 guys in the next month to make up for it, but so what. I would rather be with 10 guys I have fun with vs. pulling my hair out for some needy nut job who won't let me take a crap alone! Originally Posted by London Rayne
I promise to bring you a gas mask, some ear plugs, and a slicker suit next time!