Need free website

countryfried's Avatar
I am a part time licensed and certified massage therapist at a small day spa, venturing out to make extra money and need to get me a prsonal website. Any ideas on some free advertising, my budget is limited?
Wix or you could just get a blog and put all your info there
countryfried's Avatar
Thanks Sky , and may I say that you are beautiful.
Sky is steering you correctly. A large, large number of websites today are WordPress based. 1,000's of free themes out there. Websites can literally appear overnight that look terrific and professional. No longer any excuse on the web for a dismal presence.
Sky is steering you correctly. A large, large number of websites today are WordPress based. 1,000's of free themes out there. Websites can literally appear overnight that look terrific and professional. No longer any excuse on the web for a dismal presence. Originally Posted by JDNorthface

Just remember that you have to host your own Wordpress blog or they will take it down if an adult theme is recognised. It happened to me.

You can host easily through Hostgator. Get it set up easily, for a discount and with a few add-ons at
countryfried's Avatar
I got the webstie and need you to take a look, simple and sweet. Thanks for the help everyone.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Make the pictures open in a new page so they dont click out of the page by mistake.

Not sure if they have a code editor on that thing.

countryfried's Avatar
ahhhhh, good thinking batman
I got the webstie and need you to take a look, simple and sweet. Thanks for the help everyone. Originally Posted by countryfried
Yes definitely easy to read but I didn't see any images?