Found Interesting Book About Massage

I debated with if mentioning this book was premature since it is only out now on for the Kindle and out on The print version won't be out until this Fall.

The title is "Massage, No Boom Boom", by Richard Crasta. There are two versions out. A toned down version and an uncensored version.

For this group I'd recommend the uncensored version. Covers more of the aspects we as hobbyists are interested in.

It's the author's story of being a certified "massageaholic" who has had 3,500+ massages over the last 25 years in 20 different countries. (And I thought I'd had a lot of massages.) It is done in a very readable way and runs the entire spectrum from serious to the very funny. It was enjoyable reading arguments and opinions on massage I'd thought to myself but had never articulated to anyone else.

It's refreshing to finally find a book on massage which is not a how-to book and addresses all aspects. It's a no holds barred discussion and narrative. No dancing around the issue of sex.

Part of the book is a narrative of his experiences over the years with very colorful and humorous descriptions of the people he has run into when getting massages.

All the more enjoyable since I could relate to having run into the same types of characters over the years.

But more importantly he gives some very well articulated arguments about what is wrong with the industry and in his opinion what needs to be done to make it better.

I don't agree with him 100% but I find I agree more than I disagree with his arguments.

I bought this book and read it cover to cover in one day.

I suspect the people who will enjoy it most are the veteran massage clients on sites such as Eccie.

Also, after reading some sections, I think I need a trip to Southeast Asia,