Offering more formal Greek training to guys who are Greek Virgins

I am trained as a sex therapy surrogate and have always enjoyed training guys in all sorts of erotic techniqes. One is on how to give Greek to a gal. I know there are plenty of providers out there for practice but Is there an interest in guys wanting more formal greek training among guys who are either greek virgins or not totally comfortable with their present greek penetration techniques? Lessons would of course be HOT for both the guy and me!!!!
Sounds very interesting. I'm not a big greek fan but I could be and not know it. ;-)

I just might need the right teacher.
Muscle up, the right teacher will bring out the best in you! Greek can feel so good to both of us!
Muscle up, the right teacher will bring out the best in you! Greek can feel so good to both of us! Originally Posted by Sophia Banks
Okay, you just gave me a B#%$R. ;-)
whitechocolate's Avatar
Sophia, I cant wait to penetrate that delicioussss ass of yours again and again- it was so tight and so hotttttt and soooooo wet!!! You will be the perfect teacher to "bring out the best"
CaptainMalReynolds's Avatar
where do we sign up for classes?
scsholar's Avatar
I could always partake in an advance course. Should be in Dallas within the month of February.
Invisible1's Avatar
I took Greek 101 a few years back, but lost interest after the mid term so I only got a B. I think it was because of a *pop* quiz that I failed. The sweet blond professor was upset about my giving her a dirty sanchez. So, I may need a refresher course to improve my etiquette. Do you offer group lessons? If so, how many to a class?
I took Greek 101 a few years back, but lost interest after the mid term so I only got a B. I think it was because of a *pop* quiz that I failed. The sweet blond professor was upset about my giving her a dirty sanchez. So, I may need a refresher course to improve my etiquette. Do you offer group lessons? If so, how many to a class? Originally Posted by Invisible1
What is a "dirty Sanchez"? It doesn't sound pretty.
yohimbebrother's Avatar
wow, this interesting.. I'm not a big fan of greek but willing to learn a bit more about it. I've actually passed on greek more times than I've had it. greek 101 here I come,
daty/o's Avatar
Good idea. Too many providers stop offering Greek after their first couple of clients. What a waste.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
What is a "dirty Sanchez"? It doesn't sound pretty. Originally Posted by Muscleup
Check the urban dictionary.

There are so many tricks and tips to make the experience mind blowing for both partners. There are helpful creams and toys that can aid in both of you even orgasming during GREEK playtime!

Sometimes I almost pass out or go to that 4th Dimension during GREEK thrusting.....and WOW o WOW how cool it is to feel a COCK THROBBING in that booty at climax....much more sensation than a pussy.

Yes one or two bad experiences will SHUT THAT BACK DOOR action permanently for most women.
I really love a gyro, and some baklava, do I qualify?? mixing tsaziki as we speak
  • Gbfsl
  • 01-30-2015, 05:11 AM
Henry Ford once said, "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young."

I do want to stay young. Where do I sign up?!