What's wrong with South of Dallas

jmcqd's Avatar
  • jmcqd
  • 02-13-2011, 03:37 AM
Hmmm, I've been wondering this for a while now...What's wrong with the south side of dallas...
I live quite near the southern Dallas County line; and find most "Dallas" providers are from the Galleria area, north to Plano...that's a 40 minute to an hour drive (depending on traffic..lol). Even visiting providers stay somewhere within that area.
I've only lived in this area for the last year or so, so I'm not completely familiar with all the "Dallas/Ft. Worth" locations...but I was wondering if y'all had some insight.

I'm pretty close to you jmcqd and unfortunately, we live on the wrong side of the river! (tracks). But, I'll take it over the crowded streets/tollways of N. Dallas. Still, I would think there would be more Providers down here...nice hotels, restaurants (try Veracruz off Hwy67 if you haven't). Galleria/Addison has the rep so that's the way it is, I guess.
chipper's Avatar
That is whats wrong with South Dallas. It is some of the prettiest part of the County but it is too far from the providers.

TinMan's Avatar
The money is north of the Trinity. That is where you will find the women. It's a law of nature.
mtabsw's Avatar
Try an ISO? Some girls live in south Dallas
Guest071315's Avatar
All the biz is in Addison or I think most would rather be uptown, downtown, or even in the burbs!
poonhound's Avatar
I too live South, Duncanville to be exact. But I don't mind that the ladies stay North. I consider the long drives Foreplay hehe...
jmcqd's Avatar
  • jmcqd
  • 02-14-2011, 09:17 AM
Hello neighbors...well, at least I know I'm not alone in this...lol
The money is north of the Trinity. That is where you will find the women. It's a law of nature. Originally Posted by TinMan
TM, I respectfully disagree with this observation. There's plenty of $ in Duncanville, DeSoto and Cedar Hill. Unfortunately, you have to drive thru Oak Cliff to get there. The areas South of Oak Cliff have some of the prettiest topography in N. Texas. Unfortunately you might as well be driving thru East L.A. wearing gang colors if you have to cross the Trinity and drive past Zang, Marsalis, Hampton and (shudder!) that gang-infested, drive-by center known as the Red Bird Mall area. Oak Cliff might have some attractive locales but I won't take any of the Hwy. 67 exits (definitely after sunset!) without protection.

The areas south of the Trinity and Oak Cliff are also more "small town" in their outlook towards the oldest profession. Too many grey-haired, Bible-thumpin' holier-than-thou sorts down there. I think there a lots of Hobbyists down there but they go where product is located; namely North of the Trinity when the need arises (so to speak). I also believe in the saying "don't shit where you eat" when it comes Hobbying and keeping my hands off of my female co-workers.
  • JROD
  • 02-14-2011, 03:14 PM
Howdy neighbors! I was told a long time ago "dont $hit too close to the house, you mite track some in".
That being said, I would also like to find a few providers down here, even if they were just passing thru on their way to and from north Dallas.
Jasinda's Avatar
TM, I respectfully disagree with this observation. There's plenty of $ in Duncanville, DeSoto and Cedar Hill. Unfortunately, you have to drive thru Oak Cliff to get there. The areas South of Oak Cliff have some of the prettiest topography in N. Texas. Unfortunately you might as well be driving thru East L.A. wearing gang colors if you have to cross the Trinity and drive past Zang, Marsalis, Hampton and (shudder!) that gang-infested, drive-by center known as the Red Bird Mall area. Oak Cliff might have some attractive locales but I won't take any of the Hwy. 67 exits (definitely after sunset!) without protection.
Originally Posted by txcwby6
Interesting 'observation'. I'd almost be interested in knowing if it's based on personal experience, media influence or something else. I said almost.

Where are all these gangbangers when I or one of my friends (many of whom are not 'ebony', female, or youthful) are in that area?

Anywho, I live in one of the south Dallas county suburbs and when I was actively advertising, I had no problem getting a room near here if it was convenient for my date, but now I prefer to work from Garland or North Dallas when I do see someone.

Oh, and you can get to my area without going through Oak Cliff.

Interesting 'observation'. I'd almost be interested in knowing if it's based on personal experience, media influence or something else. I said almost.

Where are all these gangbangers when I or one of my friends (many of whom are not 'ebony', female, or youthful) are in that area?

Anywho, I live in one of the south Dallas county suburbs and when I was actively advertising, I had no problem getting a room near here if it was convenient for my date, but now I prefer to work from Garland or North Dallas when I do see someone.

Oh, and you can get to my area without going through Oak Cliff.
Originally Posted by EbonyBabeUTR
Hmmmmm...where to start....
1. Had a rather scruffy Oak Cliffian kick in my back door (must've thought nobody would be home at 2PM on a Wednesday) about 15 years ago when I was home ill and living near Ledbetter. Guess the distinctive sound of a pump shotgun round being made ready to blow his punk ass to Hell got his attention long enough to command his exit stage left. That guy could run like the wind!

2. Knew the owner of the McDonalds franchise that used to be on Camp Wisdom near Hwy. 67. He closed it up after he lost two employees to robbers that thought it easier to earn a living by robbing annd killing than getting a job where they'd have to keep regular hours.

3. One of my former business partners lived in Oak Cliff for 25 years and finally sold out and left 2 years ago when she was held up in the Red Bird Mall parking lot after sunset. Lesson: Don't be anywhere near Red Bird Mall once the sun goes down unless your carrying some pretty lethal protection.

4. Take a look at Red Bird Mall. Does it look vibrant? Are merchants clamoring to move there? What happened ot the movie theater? The IHOP? The McDonalds (see above)? The Chili's? It's a growing waste land.

5. How's that car dealership doing on the northbound side of Hwy. 67 at Camp Wisdom? What about the one up near where 67N and 35N merge? Ummmmm...they both closed because of (a) lack of business; (b) vandalism (mainly grafitti..guess what...gang tags!); and (c) theft. You can only beat up on a merchant for so long before their spirit and bank account is broken and they head to greener pastures.

The great thing about the slow migration of business out of Oak Cliff is that the better businesses are relocating further South to an oasis called "Cedar Hill" where there's a heavy police presence that keeps things running smoothly and the punk ass trouble makers under control. I'm not saying that there's zero crime in Cedar Hill but at least it's kept to a minimum. Oak Cliff has been a raging inferno of felonies for decades. That wildfire isn't going ot be put out any time soon. I''ve heard that the Macy's f/k/a Foley's is preparing to move there and Sears (which owns the land upon which the store sits so it's felt tied to the location) has finally decided to consider leaving too.

It's really a damn shame since Oak Cliff is the largest (basically undeveloped) land mass in North Texas adjacent to a major economic center (i.e. downtown and N. Dallas). The best thing that could happen to Oak Cliff is what happened to Chicago after that cow kicked over the lantern. Not being anything other than observant and telling it like it is.
I would rather take an 11 foot 3" diameter PVC pipe up my ass than live and/or drive through oak cliff without anything less than a 12 gauge and/or a .45 ACP.
South Dallas has what one could politely call a spotty history. Your side of the tracks has a bad reputation. Whether it is currently accurate or not doesn't make a lot of difference in the impression many people have of the region.
Wow!! Ish happens everywhere, so don't sleep..Former residents, like myself have moved further south and businesses fled..its a natural regression when mid class folks migrate...