Trip to Los Angeles

Motorider327's Avatar
Hey all. I am headed to Los Angeles the first week in October and am looking for some provider suggestions. Hit me up if anyone has any good leads. Thanks
Namcot1's Avatar
Good luck. L.A. girls are all about $$$$$ and no service. That's why they are L.A. girls. They think because their reputation proceeds them for so many years going back to the old old days of the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s, they don't have to do anything for their money. I hate L.A. That city and NY Manhattan needs to go the way of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Wow.....Old Testament Wrath of God stuff reining down on the City of Angels & the Big Apple, huh? With today's special effects it sounds as if you have the makings for a helluva movie...
pyramider's Avatar
Well it is New York ... take out Boston, too.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
LA chicks are hot and we are not all $$$$$

I lived there 3 years ago and still visit often. You can find plenty of good talent at comparable rates.
LA chicks are hot and we are not all $$$$$ Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
If I had to choose between LA or Dallas women, I'll take Dallas every time. Beautiful women grow on trees here.
RicardusRex68's Avatar
I've traveled throughout the country for my job over the last fourteen years and nothing compares to hobbying in Texas, especially DFW followed by Houston. I prefer to have a session with one of our fine ladies on my way to the airport to relax me for my flight and get me over until I get back home. As the lyrics say, "God blessed Texas with His own hand; brought down angels from the Promised Land..."
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Dallas men are sexy and fun and like sweet tea ..
Charlie Brown's Avatar
The sentiment in this thread leans in the accurate direction.

DFW girls are the standard for the best in the hobby.

Only a suggestion - you appear to be a traveler. If your trip would allow it and you've got some frequent flyer miles to spend, well, there you go !