Any Phone Companies That Offer a Whitelist?

roaringfork's Avatar
I've got an elderly friend who is trying to survive on a very limited command of both modern technology and the English language. Both she and I are being driven nuts by the fact that she continually takes all the random trash which comes through on her home phone (wrong numbers, automated telemarketing, etc.) as a deliberate attempt at harassment. I've bought her an answering machine for screening calls and placed her number on the Do Not Call list, but she insists on picking up, and of course a lot of stuff inevitably gets through. AT&T offers call blocking (where you can create a blacklist of like 15 unwanted callers), but what we really need is a whitelist (i.e., a specification of a very few callers --Roaringfork, her niece, her doctor--who could cause the phone to ring). Any solutions or suggestions here would make our lives a lot more peaceful. Thanks.
Fortunate Son's Avatar
You might check the Tel-Sentry V2.2 on It has a whitelist function. I'm not aware of any telcos that offer active call blocking.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm probably missing something, but why could she not peek at caller I.D., and pick up only roaringfork, her Niece, and Doctor?

roaringfork's Avatar
Naw, I just forgot to lean on the old caps key. I should have said, "a VERY limited command of both modern technology and the English language." If you've ever had to care for an aging SO, then you have at least a vague idea, but my situation is strictly speaking unimaginable for anyone who hasn't been exactly in my shoes.

I think I might check out version 3 of that Sentry gizmo. (Looks like I might be one of the first.)
pyramider's Avatar
I understand the problem, I do not thinck there is a White List phone program out there.
Could she answer a VERY simple cell phone with BIG buttons? If she is on ANY government services she can get one for FREE.

Then you could only give the number to important people.

There are several companies that offer this federal program. I know one of them has a phone with BIG buttons...can't remember which one.