CEO of Backpage busted for sex trafficking

Just read in the news that the CEO of Backpage was arrested in Houston today at the airport when he arrived back from Amsterdam. Charges were that Backpage was used for sex trafficking and pimping (who'd of guessed that).
So I'm wondering if they'll try to shut the site down, or if Univision will on it's own.

( Edit by Namssa Post already in coed about this )
koseylee's Avatar
Wow all this happening in an election year. Imagine that...
Roothead's Avatar
Interesting that he was arrested in Houston upon his arrival on a flight from Amsterdam, on a warrant from the state is California, with BP being a legal entity base in Amsterdam, yet having "offices" in Dallas, and with similar warrants out for the two Principal shareholders. Sounds like they had this investigation in the works for years... I also assume that these guys aren't some amateurs, given they acquired the biz from ny village voice media group and then set up the foreign holding company when acquiring it.... the question is that if/when they go the way of Craig's List, where will the current "posters" go to place their ads? What new service will gain all that traffic?