why one guy "knows" why other guys pay providers for sex

pmdelites's Avatar
rather than take Analeese's thread any further off track that it already has been, here's a new thread.

it doesnt really matter why a man pays a provider for time and compansionship.
or why a provider got into this "business" or how much she likes or dislikes what she does.

i think that one of the few things that matters is - when they met, did the man get what he wanted and did the woman get what she wanted?
regardless of how the two hooked up, maybe he did and maybe she did.

but for sure HE IS GONNA PAY FOR IT - possibly with cash, clothes, rent/utility bills, having to listen to her stories, having her text/call/msgs him for whatever reason, (rental) cars, having her out him to family/friends/business/etc, having her do physical damage to something he owns, mental/psychological anguish/stress, or in any of a gazillion other ways.
i just dont believe that getting sex has ever been free or that it will ever be.
i wont claim these ideas as facts -they're just my opinion after experiencing life on earth from some time.

---J.G. Wentworth posted...
To the OP to be quite honest I would say 80 percent of the men on ECCIE hobby because they have no choice. I am basically saying most of these guys whether it's their age or weight they wouldn't be able to score a beautiful lady unless they paid for it -THOSE ARE JUST THE FACTS.
----------following on to what i posted in the other thread, where is your evidence to support your claim of fact??

Yes, I do happen to be part of the 20 percent and I guess from your sarcastic remark you must be part of the 80 percent? I happen to be in great shape for my age and compete every year in a 5k marathon. Sorry if my comment hit a nerve but I AM SPEAKING THE TRUTH. Ask any provider to describe the average hobbyist. Trust me it isn't some young stud with a 6 pack and a huge cock it's guys who resemble you.
----------it might your idea/belief of truth, but that doesnt make it THE truth.

----------well, you started to shift to an opinion, but then went back and called it "facts".

But let's be honest with ourselves A LOT OF US HOBBYIST GUYS have screwed ladies that we know wouldn't screw us for free.
----------finally, a general statement not put forward as THE truth or as a fact.

where did I say everyone ? Apparently you must be one of the 80 percent of the guys who has to pay to get laid. Let me just ask you a simple question. Can you walk into a room full of hot women and one of them will screw you for free based on your looks and personality???? I rest my case!!!
I noticed how it's all the old farts who are taking offense to my comment.
Pmdelites you have been around the hobby world for many, many years you are clearly no spring chicken and obviously part of the 80 percent.

----------since i dont think i've ever met you and that you dont know me, how can you say what kind of guy i am??
1. i didnt enter this crazy sub-culture to get laid. period. if i do, it's icing on the cake for me. and i dont always eat the icing.
2. i dont want "hot women", i want to meet women who enjoy providing intimate sexual delites for me and to me.
3. pls define "old farts", "many, many years", and "spring chicken". (btw, i'm a rooster, not a chicken).
4. i'm not taking offense at your statement, just to your stating that it's a fact and to your name calling.

HAHAHAHA they are taking this too personal. One day if I am fortunate to live to 60 or 70, I too will be an old fart and have to resort to paying for pussy every time it's just the cold hard facts.
----------i rest my case!!
darkmoonmaster's Avatar
Pussy is never free, you always end paying in some way. An older friend says "Pussy is like a cash register, when it opens you've got to get your money out" lol
suiram77's Avatar
rather than take Analeese's thread any further off track that it already has been, here's a new thread.

it doesnt really matter why a man pays a provider for time and compansionship.
or why a provider got into this "business" or how much she likes or dislikes what she does.

i think that one of the few things that matters is - when they met, did the man get what he wanted and did the woman get what she wanted?
regardless of how the two hooked up, maybe he did and maybe she did.

but for sure HE IS GONNA PAY FOR IT - possibly with cash, clothes, rent/utility bills, having to listen to her stories, having her text/call/msgs him for whatever reason, (rental) cars, having her out him to family/friends/business/etc, having her do physical damage to something he owns, mental/psychological anguish/stress, or in any of a gazillion other ways.
i just dont believe that getting sex has ever been free or that it will ever be.
i wont claim these ideas as facts -they're just my opinion after experiencing life on earth from some time.

---J.G. Wentworth posted...
To the OP to be quite honest I would say 80 percent of the men on ECCIE hobby because they have no choice. I am basically saying most of these guys whether it's their age or weight they wouldn't be able to score a beautiful lady unless they paid for it -THOSE ARE JUST THE FACTS.
----------following on to what i posted in the other thread, where is your evidence to support your claim of fact??

Yes, I do happen to be part of the 20 percent and I guess from your sarcastic remark you must be part of the 80 percent? I happen to be in great shape for my age and compete every year in a 5k marathon. Sorry if my comment hit a nerve but I AM SPEAKING THE TRUTH. Ask any provider to describe the average hobbyist. Trust me it isn't some young stud with a 6 pack and a huge cock it's guys who resemble you.
----------it might your idea/belief of truth, but that doesnt make it THE truth.

----------well, you started to shift to an opinion, but then went back and called it "facts".

But let's be honest with ourselves A LOT OF US HOBBYIST GUYS have screwed ladies that we know wouldn't screw us for free.
----------finally, a general statement not put forward as THE truth or as a fact.

where did I say everyone ? Apparently you must be one of the 80 percent of the guys who has to pay to get laid. Let me just ask you a simple question. Can you walk into a room full of hot women and one of them will screw you for free based on your looks and personality???? I rest my case!!!
I noticed how it's all the old farts who are taking offense to my comment.
Pmdelites you have been around the hobby world for many, many years you are clearly no spring chicken and obviously part of the 80 percent.

----------since i dont think i've ever met you and that you dont know me, how can you say what kind of guy i am??
1. i didnt enter this crazy sub-culture to get laid. period. if i do, it's icing on the cake for me. and i dont always eat the icing.
2. i dont want "hot women", i want to meet women who enjoy providing intimate sexual delites for me and to me.
3. pls define "old farts", "many, many years", and "spring chicken". (btw, i'm a rooster, not a chicken).
4. i'm not taking offense at your statement, just to your stating that it's a fact and to your name calling.

HAHAHAHA they are taking this too personal. One day if I am fortunate to live to 60 or 70, I too will be an old fart and have to resort to paying for pussy every time it's just the cold hard facts.
----------i rest my case!! Originally Posted by pmdelites
Dude if you had to go out your way to start your own thread based on another hobbyist comments in another thread, Well JG Wentworth most definitely hit a nerve with you PM. He stated his opinion that did have some facts in it, that you yourself had admitted to a few of them in your own thread post,. I'm not sure what your angle is, but right now you look very butt hurt. If a person say something that sounds like he is speaking for all, then ok just say you don't agree and move on, but to start a thread that clearly is pointless about his comments is ridiculous buddy. Good luck
suiram77's Avatar
Pussy is never free, you always end paying in some way. An older friend says "Pussy is like a cash register, when it opens you've got to get your money out" lol Originally Posted by darkmoonmaster
Lmao never heard that one haha
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'm not sure what was wrong with what J.G Wentworth posted. The guy's probably right. He shared his opinions, and it sounded correct to me by the responses in the thread where he shared his opinions. He didn't appear to be mean, he just appeared to be honest. I thought that was the point of having a discussion in here. He has an opinion OP, you have an opinion. That's kind of how discussions are supposed to work - you can agree or disagree, but that doesn't mean that either person is wrong or right.
suiram77's Avatar
I'm not sure what was wrong with what J.G Wentworth posted. The guy's probably right. He shared his opinions, and it sounded correct to me by the responses in the thread where he shared his opinions. He didn't appear to be mean, he just appeared to be honest. I thought that was the point of having a discussion in here. He has an opinion OP, you have an opinion. That's kind of how discussions are supposed to work - you can agree or disagree, but that doesn't mean that either person is wrong or right. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Exactly Lucas, SMDH!!!
Yep feelings have definitely been caught

2short@desky's Avatar
Well, for starters, the hypothetical scenario that JG offered of walking into a roomful of ladies and thinking that anybody other than Brad Pitt or someone similar is not going to score is absurd. There is no such scenario of a roomful of ladies with guys walking the plank while the ladies make their choices of who they want to fuck. Rubbish...doesn't exist in the real world....it's as much fantasy as me and Suiram gangbanging Holley Halston.

Secondly, cash for pussy is suggested as the only method of payment. It is not. Any transaction, and yes, marriage is a transaction because it is a contract, means that payment is made in various ways...most know about that. This holds true in simple dating...continuous discussions about should the guy pay, the girl pay, or should they both pay for dinner? Again, the subject of money and payment come up. So, the real question is not ARE YOU GOING TO PAY? But rather HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PAY AND WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO PAY WITH, ...MONEY, TIME, EMOTION? Seems to me, suggesting that cash for pussy is the only method of payment is absurd and naive.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Well, for starters, the hypothetical scenario that JG offered of walking into a roomful of ladies and thinking that anybody other than Brad Pitt or someone similar is not going to score is absurd. There is no such scenario of a roomful of ladies with guys walking the plank while the ladies make their choices of who they want to fuck. Rubbish...doesn't exist in the real world....it's as much fantasy as me and Suiram gangbanging Holley Halston.

Secondly, cash for pussy is suggested as the only method of payment. It is not. Any transaction, and yes, marriage is a transaction because it is a contract, means that payment is made in various ways...most know about that. This holds true in simple dating...continuous discussions about should the guy pay, the girl pay, or should they both pay for dinner? Again, the subject of money and payment come up. So, the real question is not ARE YOU GOING TO PAY? But rather HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PAY AND WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO PAY WITH, ...MONEY, TIME, EMOTION? Seems to me, suggesting that cash for pussy is the only method of payment is absurd and naive. Originally Posted by 2short@desky
All I know is that I really like this guy. The man is very objective. He gets it. Or maybe I just appreciate how he writes. Fuck, I don't know. He's very straight forward so I guess that's probably it. The guy is like the Lucas whisperer. I never read long posts, yet I read every word of his. It's the weirdest shit. I pretty much always insult people and this dude is awesome. I can't say a fucking bad thing about him. I kind of agree with everything he posts.

I'm really confused right now. It's hard for me not to be an asshole but this guy is pretty much right on point about everything. This is very strange for me. I actually like someone on here. Actually, I like many on here so I don't want to be an asshole and diminish that simple fact.
Why L.G.'s comment is so stupid is that he is 1000% certain what ALL women want is six pack abs and a big cock. I guess he has never heard of the term sapiosexual, women who find intelligence the most attractive feature in a man. Then of course there are the women attracted to money or power. Sure, there are women attracted to nothing more than looks, and they may be the majority but it's not all of them.

Could I go into a room of women and get laid? Maybe. It's not my preferred scene but once the comfort barrier is broken and people find me interesting, I am the life of the party. When it comes to more intimate settings though like work where women get to know me, I get hit on all the time often by attractive women. I just don't like mixing work and fun: too much drama.

I have had to listen to people here drone on about how sugar baby relationships are at their core sex for money. Well, I insist they not be and if a SB texts or PMs me about how much, then I blow them off. Yes, there is money and there is sex, but if the woman starts to show a lack of appreciation, excessive greed, or a lot of no shows, the giving of money is not for sex but for a clean break from the relationship. The money also insulates me from the never ending expectations from a wife or GF.

I had a beautiful wife once. 2/3 of the time she was the sweet woman I was attracted to and fell for, but 1/3 of the time, she was a megabitch. I posted on here that she would get offended about when I would laugh during a comedy show and one time about how I breathed. I posted that here thinking this only happened with me, and several other men chimed in the same thing happened to them. So I have gotten the beautiful woman without "paying for it", but long term she was more expensive than any provider.

Belle in Beauty and the Beast went for the Beast. I get why the beast had to turn into a handsome man in the fairy tale, but Belle fell for him when he was a beast. J.G. Wentworth reminds me of the alpha male Gaston and I call men like him Gastons propping their feet up on a table explaining to the hottest women why they belong together. And while all the bimbos were lined up for him and the beta males longed to be him, Belle wasn't interested. She like a lot of women have had their Gastons and found their need to boost the man's ego and make them look good horribly boring.

I didn't find the alpha/beta male thing worked for me, and then I read this post and saw I was a gamma male. http://socialpathology.blogspot.com/...gamma-man.html
In my case, I was the beta male who grew a pair.

For now, the SB SD relationship is the right amount of intimacy, and it's the best sex I have had. If JG came onto my SBs, some might be tempted by him/the alphas, but more often than not, my SBs, who are stunning, shoot such men down.
pyramider's Avatar
JG's argument went South as soon as he started talking about running in 5K "marathons." Maybe 50 5Ks make a marathon, but anyone that fuck can walk a 5K.
micktoz's Avatar
JG's argument went South as soon as he started talking about running in 5K "marathons." Maybe 50 5Ks make a marathon, but anyone that fuck can walk a 5K. Originally Posted by pyramider
Hahaha! Was wondering if anyone else picked up on that bullshit.

I love bragging of the egomaniacs with low self esteem.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Wentworth's argument did refer to banging "beautiful" or "hot" chicks. I don't hobby for that, I go for fatties, midgets, exotics, value sluts, etc.. if beautiful or hot find their way in, that's a bonus.

and by the way, I run 5k twice a month, just running from the Police.
2short@desky's Avatar
All I know is that I really like this guy. The man is very objective. He gets it. Or maybe I just appreciate how he writes. Fuck, I don't know. He's very straight forward so I guess that's probably it. The guy is like the Lucas whisperer. I never read long posts, yet I read every word of his. It's the weirdest shit. I pretty much always insult people and this dude is awesome. I can't say a fucking bad thing about him. I kind of agree with everything he posts.

I'm really confused right now. It's hard for me not to be an asshole but this guy is pretty much right on point about everything. This is very strange for me. I actually like someone on here. Actually, I like many on here so I don't want to be an asshole and diminish that simple fact. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Lucas, J G made some good points. My premise is P4P is only an alternative to the many forms of payment that are inevitable. To me, inevitable means it is reality. Consider the anguish many here have written about going through the divorce process....anguish is a form of payment also. Two males lions can fight to the death over pussy...that is also payment. Reality is also when an old worn out guy with a pot belly can fuck a sweet little thing...happens all the time, much more often than walking into a roomful of ladies and exhibiting these less desirable characteristics allied with the expectation that one of these chicks eyeballing you and is going to pull you aside, whisper in your ear "Hey Darlin, let's go fuck". The reality is that in P4P money is the defined payment form and excludes most of the others. I suspect that his conjecture that somehow P4P somehow allows for cheating by lesser biologic specimens in competition to satisfy the drive to mate. Yep, we're cheaters. We didn't deserve the right to mate because we didn't fight it out like the two lions did. He tries to equate the sex process as a biologic need on both sides, men and women, and factors in instant cash as unethical in it's disturbance to natural selection...which it is, and I agree with him on that...but it is also reality that P4P is centuries old and works because it bypasses the natural selection. P4P has been with us, and will be here to stay.

In one of my previous jobs, I supervised over 600 ladies, and many of them I wanted to bone. The reality is though, that it is just as socially unsanctioned to accept advances or make advances without being exposed to a charge of fraternization as is P4P is socially unsanctioned. His concept of a roomful of ladies like he described just doesn't exist....it's similar to the concept many men, including myself, dream about being the last male survivor on an island loaded with hotties and tasked with the burden of continuance of the species.
pyramider's Avatar
and by the way, I run 5k twice a month, just running from the Police. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

That should be considered more of a sprint.