Seen it all

Elgato69's Avatar
Well I have seen it all. I was with LAP today at our usual place having lunch and he passed up a blowjob to go buy a belt!!!!!!!!!!

Go figure.
jdubya's Avatar
Has Hell frozen over?
berkleigh's Avatar
Lmao...I have him trained! *he he* gotta get that belt to match outfit on Wednesday...hope its purple to match my nails * wink *
rjdiner's Avatar
If he got a purple belt AND passed up a BJ he has to have crossed over.
That.guy001's Avatar
That my friends is a guy that gets too much play! Ohhhh...I remember being that guy!!! Those were the days!
Hunter 510's Avatar
I see him in a purple belt on wednesday and I'm gettin the hell out of dodge....
Damn ya'll...lmao

No Mrs. lickalotapus I didn't get a purple belt...but I did get some purple boxers

I told ya'll I was going to spend at least as much time in the gym as the club...lost a few lbs and needed a new chillax.

Gato, hopefully you picked up my slack in the club buddy.

Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
LOL It's really not good form to show up w/ your pants falling down. I've gone to buy belts a cpl times myself in recent times. Hard to shop when you're pulling your pants up all the time, isn't it?

But... then again... w/ your pants at your ankles, you're already prepped for the BJ! Doh!

Hunter 510's Avatar
Well I hope u got some kind of belt, I don't want to see those purple boxers either.....
Ha! I've been to your office twice, Gato, and you never once tried to bend me over your desk. Pot and kettle, handsome.