This dipshit Mark Underdog compares BRANDON'S speweach today to be amongst the greatest in presidential speeches in US history...WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT!!

I can't believe this idiot didn't start to slobber all over himself as he praised this sorry POS excuse for a President. What the left won't do to french kiss his asshole!!

Continuing Thursday’s theme of news organizations allowing all nutty comparisons to fly on the anniversary of the January 6 riot, ABC News presidential historian Mark Updegrove proclaimed after President Biden’s “powerful” speech that it belonged alongside those from “FDR after Pearl Harbor,” “Lyndon Johnson after Selma,” “George W. Bush after 9/11,” and, most egregiously, Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address.

Appearing on the network’s streaming platform and asked by host Kyra Phillips whether “history” can “be rewritten,” Updegrove replied that “the future of the country is at stake” without heeding Biden’s words (and thus his agenda), which served as “a powerful statement about democracy.”

“This was FDR after Pearl Harbor. This is Lyndon Johnson after Selma. This is George W. Bush after 9/11. Joe Biden wasn't able to make a statement after – after January 6th,” Updegrove said, adding that Biden had “wanted to unite the nation” at his inauguration, but it was time for a change.

Updegrove explained that Biden “had to take President Trump on because this is the one who is propagating this lie that's holding us back as a nation and I think Joe Biden did that very forcefully, very powerfully today.”

Calling his thesis “nothing less than Americanism versus authoritarianism,” he fawned over the President’s remarks as having “delivered” on the “powerful, unambiguous statement that…sometimes, presidents are called on” to do.

Unfazed by the insanity that, as per his logic, Trump supporters are akin to al-Qaeda hijackers and Japanese bombers, Phillips invited him to explain “why is it so important for us to continue to remember this moment in history as we move forward.”

Arguing there was a need “to contextualize moments like this in order to cement history,” Updegrove reached for a supposed comparison in the form of perhaps the most famous speech in American history: the Gettysburg address.

“Think about Lincoln at Gettysburg, Lincoln went back to that hallowed battleground and he talked about what it all meant. Not only on that day but for the future of this nation and he did so masterfully. That's the kind of speech that Biden had to make today. We're at a crossroads in our country,” he added.

Updegrove concluded by again praising Biden for having urged the country to action because, in the past, we were unsure if “we would defeat tyranny” after Pearl Harbor or thwart future attacks after 9/11.
... And yet, when Monday morning comes - the Republicans
will STILL be favoured to WIN control of the House of Congress
and maybe the Senate later this year.

And Biden's poll numbers will STILL be in the shithouse.

#### Salty
... And yet, when Monday morning comes - the Republicans
will STILL be favoured to WIN control of the House of Congress
and maybe the Senate later this year.

And Biden's poll numbers will STILL be in the shithouse.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yeah is what it is!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... And yet, when Monday morning comes - the Republicans
will STILL be favoured to WIN control of the House of Congress
and maybe the Senate later this year.

And Biden's poll numbers will STILL be in the shithouse.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Nope. Bidens numbers at their lowest are within a point or two of Trump's highest for his entire "presidency."

It's Monday and you're still wrong, mate!

How delusional can one get..."free America"??
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Nope. Bidens numbers at their lowest are within a point or two of Trump's highest for his entire "presidency."

It's Monday and you're still wrong, mate!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

admit it. you and your left ilk are stunned at Bumbling Brandon's inept performance and his in the shitter polls. oh don't even try to blame it on us nasty RRW's .. his numbers mean the majority of Democrats along with independents think he's a putz.

you never even imaged Biden could be this inept, did ya?

come on, man! you know .. the thing!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I thank the god of my choice every morning when I wake up and the Trump cartel is no longer in power. Or in the headlines.

Only here.
... Won't be long....

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hang in there, Salty.

You'll be free soon!

Just like the Joker down Unda.
....Actually, there IS a chance the Immigrant Minister
might just tell Joker to hit the trail and fly away.

I'd rather see him play, though. ... He did his quarantine bit.

#### Salty