How Vocal Are You?!?!

Kelly TNT's Avatar
This question is for Everyone!


I'm not really a "Talker" during sex.
But, I do make noises! Sweet moans of pleasure!
Not like the fake porn actress stuff. You get what I'm saying!!
Hey, if it feels good....You'll know it! And hear it! Er...Me.

Listen.. I avoided my neighbors for at least a month after an afternoon of some SERIOUS SEX! I embarrassed Myself! LOL....So, yeah I admit it. I'm a screamer some times. And......?

I may be sharing too much here....but, I think when I've been drinking..hahaaa...I tend to be a little louder than usual.

What's up with that?

~Kelly TNT
gman44's Avatar
I am abnormally quiet during sex. I hope that's not a turnoff LOL
1thatgotaway's Avatar
I wish i were more vocal. I'm on the quiet side. Being vocal offers endless benifits to your enjoyment. Since I'm a quiet guy she has very little indication of what and when she is doing something that is really amazing, and that isn't good for either of us. Being vocal is a great way to help your partner satisfy you, and I think it sucks that I'm such a 'tard at it.


I wouldn't worry about the neighbors. If anything they would just be jealous of the good lovin.
I always try to be quiet when having sex. Because if I get to noisey, she wakes up and will tell me to stop jacking off and go to sleep.
Bestman200600's Avatar
I love it when the provider is vocal. Otherwise it can be boring. The more screams the better.
TrulySummer's Avatar
I have never been a quiet person during sex. I wish I could. Thank god for pillows. I have even had complaints at a hotel a few years back for being to loud.

If you are doing a really good job, the pillow goes over my face and I turn red when I come...
Papacorn's Avatar
I enjoy a vocal provider, probably because the SO is silent (grew up trying to keep parents from knowing). If I am really enjoying myself, I just may have to cry out loud....apologies to your neighbors in advance!
Guest100610-3's Avatar
I agree with you Kelly, the fake porn actress material is a huge turn off. If i wanted to here a woman repeat the same line (fuck me harder, fuck me like that, OH ye baby that's it right there) for an hour, I would stay home and watch porn on the computer.

I like to talk to whom ever I'm with, tell her how it fells, how good she looks in that position and just generally have a fun conversation the whole time. Especially if the conversation turns dirty.
CassidyBlue's Avatar
I tend to make soft noise and moans (also been known to growl a bit) during, not because it's an "act" but dunno, it's just me enjoying myself and my partner. I'd hate it if someone thought just because I am making noise I'm acting! Weird, that thought never crossed my mind. I'm just me but lower key then in my private life, don't wanna alert the in-call neighbors.

In my private life I'm really loud when, ummmmm you know, definately a screamer.....
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I don't like the loud screamer.....but, I love to hear the moans and other things letting me know you're enjoying things as much as I am.
Love to talk while doing it. Hey, we're here to have fun, not to see if we can hear crickets chirp while we're in the throes of passion.

The secret is tailoring your mid-session chat to the particular individual and their tastes. For instance Kelly, if I were going down on you and I knew you were a Duran Duran fan, I'd probably just have to quietly sing "Hungry Like the Wolf" while I was snacking away. But that's just me.
I don't like the loud screamer.....but, I love to hear the moans and other things letting me know you're enjoying things as much as I am. Originally Posted by PoppyToyota
I have been know to be quite loud. Sometimes, the neighbors even knock on the wall.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I have been know to be quite loud. Sometimes, the neighbors even knock on the wall. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
You are just right! Not too loud, not too quiet. I really enjoyed that part about you. ;-)
Passionwand's Avatar
I think I vary from episode to episode, even with the same partner. When it is really good, everyone hears from me; sometimes even the neighbors. I love it when my partner lets me know she is enjoying herself as well. I don't mind a screamer now and then, either!
WOMBAT's Avatar
I am usually low key. I like to hear what my efforts are having on my partner.
I think it also has to do with how at ease I am with my current partner.