The Red Band Cause! (Human Trafficking)

I travel A LOT!
Those who frequent my location page know this. From Alaska to Florida and everything in between and I stay in NICE HOTELS ! This check in experience in Frisco was a new one to me. A BIG EYE OPENER ON HOW I AM A TARGET!
A big clear bowl with red velvet arm bands for $5 bucks was presented to me. When I asked what it was for she said to fight human trafficking.
Which I AM ALL FOR! Always!
So How does $ help do that I asked. To buy technology to trace & track sites and numbers for ads on bad sites signed in to our server and help pay for training classes to the employees on how to spot someone who may be prostituting out of the hotel. The many signs to look for. QUOTE UN QUOTE ( It is NOT hard to find them if you know what to look for)

The new band wagon is often disguised as a fight against (THE BUSINESS) and NOT TO ALWAYS HELP THOSE DOING IT AGAINST THEIR WILL.

I am ALL for giving $5 bucks hell $50 bucks to help an under age girl who has been kidnapped and forced to do things she does not want to do.
But to give my money to help aid in trying to put me, away or any legit lady trying to make a buck or 2 her way I have a huge problem with.
jajake56's Avatar
I am ALL for giving $5 bucks hell $50 bucks to help an under age girl who has been kidnapped and forced to do things she does not want to do.
But to give my money to help aid in trying to put me, away or any legit lady trying to make a buck or 2 her way I have a huge problem with.

I completely agree!
DownForWhatever's Avatar
...meanwhile, the hotel is employing undocumented staff...who were trafficked into the country

Regardless...I tried looking this up and can't find anything.
mtabsw's Avatar
...The new band wagon is often disguised as a fight against (THE BUSINESS) and NOT TO ALWAYS HELP THOSE DOING IT AGAINST THEIR WILL.
... Originally Posted by Majichands
And you are EXACTLY correct.

Part of my world revolves around individuals in the TX Foster system, and one of my required training sessions was a 2 hour pitch on Human Trafficking. It was presented by an officer from FW PD - and her first statement was -

"This NOT about PROSTITUTION" and went on to specify - who is trafficked.

Basically the only prostitutes that they target are those under legal age or not legal citizens - and they are only interested in the traffickers - they don't even turn the prostitutes over to ICE. If they're of legal age, even if they're deeply under the influence of a pimp / purveyor of unmentionables, they're NOT trafficked.

Kitchen work, warehouse, "Fireman" Movers/painters, Fly-by-night roofers and lots of independent yard work firms are among the biggest local targets. It's a scam to get illegals to obligate themselves in return for papers, border crossing etc and they get into "jobs" that are essentially slavery.

She even mentioned a couple of AMPs they know about, but they've vetted and all the workers were legal, so they moved on.

That said, lots of LE is using it as an EXCUSE to pursue prostitutes. Unfortunately most of us don't have Kraft's deep pockets and lawyers to fight our way out of those bogus situations.
winn dixie's Avatar
Anyone selling their bodies is involved in trafficking in the eyes of LE.
rexdutchman's Avatar
YUP I AGREE ...meanwhile, the hotel is employing undocumented staff...who were trafficked into the country
Ralph Fults's Avatar
Hotel donates your money and takes a tax deduction.
mtabsw's Avatar
Anyone selling their bodies is involved in trafficking in the eyes of LE. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I think that depends on the local PD / DA - but under it all, at least in Texas, according to a PD officer, adults in our country legally, in the prostitution business are NOT trafficked, and not targets of the trafficking unit.

Vice on the other hand, is of course chasing us.
winn dixie's Avatar
I think that depends on the local PD / DA - but under it all, at least in Texas, according to a PD officer, adults in our country legally, in the prostitution business are NOT trafficked, and not targets of the trafficking unit.

Vice on the other hand, is of course chasing us. Originally Posted by mtabsw
Not disagreeing with the point made.

But its all "word play".
winn dixie's Avatar
In times like this I find scripture to help!
shooter6.5's Avatar
Anyone selling their bodies is involved in trafficking in the eyes of LE. Originally Posted by winn dixie
the vast majority of LE do not bother with discrete adventures unless their are underlying issues.

Trafficking is a big problem in Texas because of the border. And it does need to be addressed.
rexdutchman's Avatar
That's true but the guberments hypocrisy is unbelievable
Ivanka Trump has been working on this for 4 years (For Free) with the private sector. Now that Joe's in charge he'll spend billions on putting hundreds of government workers on it
Sex trafficking is a smaller portion of the human trafficking world. However, it's the topic that gets the most (media) attention. As other members have said, staffs in hotels, restaurants, warehouse, factory are trafficked, making very little money, but the "monitors" are turning a blind eye on it - bc business are paying "taxes", generating revenue for the city, state, etc.

However, governments are not getting paid from the pimps, tax or otherwise, so they like to come down on them, esp. on slow news day. I am against all form of trafficking, because it's part of slavery, making people do things against their will.

I don't know why we keep talking about building / not building a wall. Yes, walls are not full proof but most country has border (heck, China has a long wall) and many houses have fences. It won't stop people from breaking thru the fence but it hinders. Traffickers will still find a way, but let's make it harder for them to do so, instead of just walking leisurely over.
Well it seems that it is not done in the entire chain maybe only the corporate owned ones.
Or maybe it just has not gotten to all of them yet because I am at the exact same type of hotel just in Grapevine instead of Frisco and no sign of it here.